The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Volume XVII, Number 243
did ya
Did Ya Know?... The Carthage
Public Library will be providing a Summer Reading Program
beginning on June 1. Children through age 12 can sign up
for "Get Creative @ Your Library" program and
teens can sign up for the "Express Yourself @ Your
Library" program. Both programs provide prizes
throughout the summer.
Did Ya Know?... Family Game
Nights @ your library will begin on Tuesday evenings from
6:00 until 8:00 in the Carthage Public Library community
room. Board games, dominoes, card games and puzzles will
be available with video games in the teen activity room
for ages 13 and up.
Did Ya Know?...The summer
session of Wednesday morning story times will begin at
10:00 AM on June 3rd. Call the library at 417-237-7040 or
e-mail at for more
laugh Angry
drivers meet
In a very small alley two trucks
driving in opposite directions meet.
As the drivers are equally stubborn,
neither of them wants to reverse.
They angrily look one at the other.
Finally, one of them picks up a
newspaper and starts reading.
The other one politely asks, "When
you’ve finished the paper, will you please bring it
over, and let me read it?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
An Example of How
They Spread on Slight Foundation.
Rumor had it widely circulated about
the streets late yesterday afternoon that two Carthage
boys in camp at Chickamauga, one in Co. A and one in Co.
G, had died during the day. The name of the Co. G man was
reported to be Chas. Hathcock.
Young Hathcock and his father joined
Capt. Whitsett’s company and his brother went with
the Light Guard boys.
A reporter called at the Hathcock home
on Bois d’Arc street this morning and Mrs. Hathcock
said she had received no telegram announcing either death
or accident to her boys. "But," she concluded,
"that report probably started form the fact that I
received a letter on Tuesday from Mr. Hathcock saying
that Charley was looking real bad and was not at all
Today's Feature Gov. Nixon -
legalizing tractor parades.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Standing
next to an antique 1951 John Deere Model A
tractor on the South Lawn of the State Capitol,
Gov. Jay Nixon signed HB 93 & 216 Friday, a
bill to make tractor parades in Missouri legal.
Gov. Nixon was joined at the signing by bill
sponsor state Rep. Mike Thomson of Maryville; by
state Sen. Frank Barnitz of Lake Spring, who
handled the bill in the Senate.
"Agriculture has been the
backbone of Missouri’s economy ever since
statehood, and is a rich part of our
heritage," Gov. Nixon said. "Tractor
parades give Missourians the chance to see the
wonderful pieces of machinery that helped make
Missouri an agricultural powerhouse."
The bill allows tractors to be
driven on Missouri roadways in parades by
licensed drivers during daylight hours for
fund-raising events, with the approval of the
Missouri State Highway Patrol.
The majority of bills passed by
the 2009 General Assembly were presented to the
Governor Friday. Gov. Nixon has until mid-July to
sign or veto those bills.
Just Jake
I’ve never understood
why they put an eraser on a red pencil. In
the first place, those wieldin’ such an
instrument is supposed ta be lookin’ for
mistakes, not makin’ ‘em. But even
more to the point, as a youngster I saw more
than one attempt to erase a red check mark on
a less than perfect paper. I never saw anyone
ever successfully erase a red mark.
Typically, after a futile
attempt, there would be some effort to hide
the mark with a doodle or two, or a random
line meant to cover the obvious.
‘Course these
observations were at the relatively young age
of under 10. Those attemptin’ to fool
their parents or other classmates hadn’t
yet grasp the real art form of hidin’
mistakes. One lesson was ta never use a red
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Weekly Columns To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am taking
my two teenage boys backpacking in the Southwest
this August. It will be hot and dry, and I am
preparing for those conditions. I need some
guidance on what fluids to drink. I was taught
that drinking plain water is the best way to stay
hydrated. My older son says his class was told
not to drink plain water, because it could cause
brain damage. What is this all about? -- F.W.
ANSWER: It’s all about
becoming sodium-depleted and having the brain
swell as a result. The condition is hyponatremia.
It used to be taught that, when
exercising in hot weather, people should guzzle
water at every opportunity, even when they
don’t feel thirsty. That can be dangerous if
the exercise lasts for hours and hours and if the
only liquid drunk is water. Too much water
dilutes body sodium. That, in turn, can cause
brain swelling and, in the extreme, death.
Up-to-date advice is to let
thirst be a rough guide for how much liquid you
drink. If people are engaged in prolonged
exercise, it is good to include some salt in the
program. Half a teaspoon of salt and half a
teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a
quart of water can keep body sodium levels from
dropping. For you and your sons, it would be
advisable to salt your food and to eat some salty
snacks -- another way to ensure body sodium
doesn’t bottom out.
Hyponatremia is uncommon.
Dehydration is common. For most, drinking water
as a replacement fluid in hot weather is fine.
It’s not going to lead to a dangerous drop
in body sodium. Only those who lose lots of sweat
for long periods of time run the risk of
hyponatremia by drinking pure water.
This is advice that
doesn’t apply only to athletes or
backpackers. It applies to all those who are out
working in hot weather and sweating up a storm.
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