The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, June 26, 2009 Volume XVIII, Number 6
did ya
Did Ya Know?... The 1st Annual
SW MO National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Golf
Tournament will be taking place at the Neosho Golf Course
on June 26th at 8:00 a.m. For more information, call
417-483-2796 or In memory of Steven
Fierro, Tyler Casey and Timothy Hardy.
Did Ya Know?... Jam Session
Saturday, doors open @ 4:00 p.m., music starts @ 5:00
p.m. All acoustic instruments welcome! Salem Country
Church, Red Oak II, Carthage MO., 417-237-0885.
laugh Automotive
As a senior citizen was driving down
the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his
wife’s voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I
just heard on the news that there’s a car going the
wrong way on 280. Please be careful!"
"Heck," said Herman,
"It’s not just one car. It’s hundreds of
At the public pool
The lifeguard told the mother to make
her young son stop urinating in the pool.
"Everyone knows," the mother
lectured him, "that from time to time, young
children will urinate in a pool."
"Oh really?" said the
lifeguard, "from the diving board!?!?"
- If you are good, you will be assigned
all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
News About The
Prof. Robinson has received the formal
acceptance of Miss Giga B. Ritter, of Chicago, as teacher
of French and German in the college the coming year. In
response to Prof. Robinson’s inquiry in regard to
Miss Ritter, President Warren, of Boston University,
says: "Miss Ritter’s father is so eminent an
educator that the city of Zurich, Switzerland, several
years ago conferred upon him an honor rarely
given-’The freedom of the city.’ The Federal
government of Switzerland also lately honored him with a
commission to visit the United States and report upon
American technical schools. Prof. and Miss Ritter give a
weekly reception in their parlor for American students.
Miss Ritter has the best of European opportunities and
speaks English, French, and German with equal fluency.
Her teaching and influence are excellent."
Today's Feature
Southwest Missouri Wind
Industry Supply Chain Workshop.
The Missouri
Partnership will host a wind energy
workshop in Southwest Missouri at Crowder
College in the Arnold Farber Building,
Tuesday, July 7 from 8 a.m. until noon.
There is a $35 fee.
The workshop features a
half-day orientation aimed at
manufacturers considering involvement in
the wind-energy supply chain. Companies
that may benefit from attending this
event range from machine shops, to
foundries, to manufacturers of
supplemental equipment, including,
ladders, elevators, and hoists.
Experts in the field of
renewable energy will highlight market
opportunities in the wind sector for
attending manufacturers and connect them
with potential customers. The goal of the
workshop is to help build a new industry
of wind turbine components that will
create new jobs and investments
throughout Southwest Missouri.
The workshop will also
feature information on growing trends in
wind power. Economic development
resources will also be available to help
prospective suppliers expand locally.
Just Jake
Mornin',I can remember the conversation with my
older brother, prob’ly twelve or thirteen at
the time. I don’t know what it was about,
but he was agreein’ with my folks about
somethin’ that I didn’t agree with.
I made some statement about
‘em gangin’ up on me. Why couldn’t
anyone see things the way I did?
He said somethin’ about
takin’ a minute to at least consider the
possibility that if ever’one was
agreein’ but me, maybe, just maybe I was
Like I said, I don’t
‘member what the topic of conversation was,
but mostly likely he was right and I was wrong.
It happened on occasion. I doubt that I ever
admitted that to him though. I would have never
heard the end of it.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’
Weekly Columns Journey Along the
Wellness Path
by Leesa
I. Robinson, N.H.P.
Whole foods are beautiful
artistic works of our Creator! Whole foods in
their natural state always exist as living
complexes with specific synergists. No parts and
pieces as we see in most high potent vitamin
tablets or in packaged well-preserved food
stuffs. With grateful eyes look closely at fresh
potatoes, or a bunch of broccoli, or perhaps a
bundle of beets. Look at them as you would look
at a piece of art. Wow! That did not happen by
accident. The designs of whole foods are well
thought out, creative, unique, and fascinating to
this whole food enthusiast!
Since we are all experiencing
the scorching temperatures of summer, this is a
fine time to take a look at some high mineral
foods to bring into our summer-time meals. Often,
because of the heat, we naturally pick up some of
these foods and find them to be refreshing
Whole foods such as watermelon,
bananas, apricots, carrots, salmon, avocado and
spinach for example, not only can be refreshing
in the summer but are filled with synergistic
nutrients to help us deal with the summer heat. I
can name one nutrient for certain that these
foods all have in common and that is potassium.
Some foods that might be
overlooked but helpful in the summer heat are
lima, pinto, white beans, and lentils. Each
supplying us with a generous amount of potassium
along with a complete host of synergistic
minerals and enzymes.
Enjoy the artistic garden of
foods. Grab a bundle of vitality! Stir fry a
portrait of color! Completely relish in and be
astonished by wholeness this summer.
NOTES from Hyde House
Congratulations to
all who attended or participated in our very
successful opening night of the current
Membership Show here at Hyde Galleries of
artCentral! We had over 100 people attend Friday
night in what turned out to be a breezy and
beautiful evening, and did we ever get the great
desserts!! Everyone attending really outdid
themselves this year. I want to thank all those
who came and brought their goodies, all who
contributed to the donation box, and particularly
those on my board who gave of their time to make
the evening a great success. Don Knost gave his
day to us, pitching the tents along with his crew
from his business, and my husband Dan and board
member Dean Vandergriff, assisted in setting up
the venue outside. My intern Megan Hudson came
over early from Joplin to clean and help me set
out the 80+ folding chairs, and my board members
Miriam Putnam, Kristin Huke and Helen Kunze were
early arrivals to assist with clothing the tables
and setting out the food. My announcement of our
winners includes first award to Rachel Wilson of
Avilla for her wood horse sculpture
"Shadow", second award to Gregory
Krepps of Pittsburg for his ceramic piece
"Relic", third award to Martha Goldman
of Joplin for her acrylic painting
"Don’t Lose Your Head!", and the
Underwriter’s Award, chosen by McCune-Brooks
Regional Hospital went to Brenda Sageng of
Carthage for her oil painting "Tower of
London: May Afternoon." My personal
congratulations to all of our winners this year,
and thanks to our jurors Lil Olive of Springfield
and Beth Simmons of Carthage for taking their
time to assist in the process this year. Now, if
you have not already seen our show, please come
this weekend on Friday, Saturday or Sunday and do
so! Our hours are noon to 5:00, and 1:00-5:00 on
Sunday. It is a wonderful representation of 57
member- artists from our area, and some beautiful
and unusual work done right here in our four
state region!
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