The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, March 23, 2009, Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Center will be making
chocolate Easter Eggs for $3.00 each. You can
purchase the eggs March 16th thru April 12th
at several stores and businesses in Carthage.
Did Ya Know?.. . The
official ribbon cutting of the New Carthage
High School will be held at 2:00 p.m. on
Sunday, March 29th & tours for all public
will follow until 4:00 p.m.
True Stories
Sunday, December 13, 1992 - In
October, the Swallows Hotel in Gateshead,
England, offered 11 chronic snorers a free
night’s stay so they it could test how well
soundproofed the rooms are. The hotel staff
tape-recorded the sounds coming from the rooms
and promised the loudest snorer a prize.
December 18, 1992 - Three
maintenance workers in Alexandria, Ind., fixed a
massive street-flooding problem in October when
they pulled a 200-pound hairball from a manhole.
Said one of the men, "We thought we had a
Wednesday, October 21, 1992 - A
Japanese rancher told reporters in Tokyo in July
that he herds cattle by outfitting them with
pocket pagers (beepers), which he calls from his
portable phone. After a week of training, the
cows associate the beeping with eating and hustle
up for grub.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Falls From a Cherry Tree
and is Painfully Injured.
Little Carl Gray, the son of C. R.
Gray, division superintendent of the Frisco, was
painfully hurt yesterday by falling from a cherry tree at
the home of his uncle, Dr. W. W. Flora on Howard Ave.
Mrs. C. R. Gray was visiting there with her son, and was
going over to Monett with Mr. Gray this morning to see
about getting a house to live in after the first of next
month. Mr. Gray was telegraphed at Neodesha. He arrived
this morning.
Little Carl was up in the tree hunting
cherries, and when he fell he struck plump on his
stomach. The agony occasioned was frightful and Drs.
Thomas and Post were summoned. The injury done was to the
stomach and chest, and the posterior lobe of the brain
seemed to be inflamed this morning. Dr. Thomas said this
morning that the boy was not seriously hurt.
Mack" is Back in Town.

Fire Department Battalion Chief
Ron Hitchcock informed the Public Safety
Committee last week that plans were underway to
secure funds to refurbish a 1939 Mack pumper
Hitchcock said the fire truck
was originally purchased by the City new and was
retired and given to the local Shriners. They
used "Old Mack" in parades and other
events for several years but approached the Fire
Department recently and asked if they would like
it back.
The truck was used as an icon
for Fire Prevention and Safety back in the
1970’s and the Department is discussing the
possibility of reviving that use.
Several ideas have been put
forward to get the pumper back in shape, although
no solid plans have been put in place.
Anyone wishing to assist in
this effort is encouraged to contact the Carthage
Fire Department .

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
Out doin’ a little
travelin’ over the weekend and stopped by at
a convenience store on the way. Browsin’ a
little I noticed they had bottled water with a
date on it.- "Best used by Feb. 2010."
Now I suppose there are those who can give good
reason for water to go outa date. I had just
never considered the fact. My first thought was
that the company wasn’t gettin’ the
stuff very pure in the first place. If it was, it
wouldn’t rot over time.
I’d have ta guess that the
date is more of a marketin’ ploy than any
particular health concern. I’ve heard of
water gettin’ stale, but airin’ it out
a little oughta clear that up.
It looks like if a snack cake
can last over a year, a gallon a drinkin’
water should make it at least that long.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin’.
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This Is A Hammer. Cheap Ways to
Boost Your Home’s Value
Q: I know home prices are
dropping like a rock, but I’m still
considering putting my cottage in Maine on the
market. Is there anything I can do to keep its
value up? Sign me -- Ogonquit Snowbird, Fla.
A: The housing market has
gotten pretty interesting in the past year, but
while prices have sunk in many areas of the
country, other areas have seen only a modest
decrease. And, despite all the doom and gloom we
hear about, homes are still being bought and
sold. The biggest difference is that buyers can
demand more for their money.
As a seller, you will need to
offer a home that satisfies at least some of
those buyer demands, while avoiding getting
soaked on the final selling price. So, what does
that mean? Renovations? Probably -- but now more
than ever, you’ll want to be careful which
renovations you make, because you want to get the
biggest return for the amount you invest.
Steve Berges wrote a great
guide in 2004 that tackles this concern.
"101 Cost-Effective Ways to Increase the
Value of Your Home" (Dearborn Trade
Publishing) doesn’t just throw out ideas
like redoing your kitchen; it breaks down, by the
numbers, which project is most desirable to
consumers and is therefore most likely to help
improve that sale price.
Visual appeal ranks very high
in his guide (and in general). That means
improving your home’s exterior and its
surroundings (the yard, trees and garden, for
example). If your cottage doesn’t get much
attention while you’re away for the winter,
or the yard looks a little ratty, call a
professional landscaper to spruce up the lot --
or completely redo it.
The interior of your cottage
should get thorough consideration as well. A
fresh coat of paint and clearing away clutter
costs little, yet vastly improves the look and
feel. Hire a decorator if you want to create a
complete "look" in the house that will
tempt buyers.
What if major repairs need
doing, such as plumbing or foundation work? You
can make them before putting the house on the
market, or you can disclose the problems to
potential buyers and work out an agreement on who
will tackle the work before finalizing the sale.
In this case, talk to your Realtor to get more
details ahead of time.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.