The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, May 11, 2009 Volume XVII, Number 228
did ya
Did Ya Know?... Carthage
Recycling Center is accepting tree limbs from City
residents without charge through Saturday, May 16th.
Regular hours of operation:Tuesday - Saturday 8:30 am to
4:30 pm.
Open Additional Hours on Monday 11th
8:30 to 4:30 pm.
Did Ya Know?... Carthage Relay
for Life will host a hour of ZUMBA Monday, May 11th, from
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at The Lighthouse, First Christian
Church, Carthage. For more details call Teresa Roberts @
417-358-8131 ext.4562, or Theresa Block @ 417-358-8131
Did Ya Know?... The Carthage
Humane Society will close @ 4 p.m. May 11th for employee
training. For more information call the shelter @
laugh An aged farmer
and his wife were leaning against the edge of their
pig-pen when the old woman wistfully recalled that the
next week would mark their golden wedding anniversary.
"Lets have a party,
Homer," she suggested. "Lets kill a
The farmer scratched his grizzled head.
"Gee, Ethel," he finally answered, "I
dont see why the pig should take the blame for
something that happened fifty years ago."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Bartering Prince.
Little Prince Alexander, the eldest son
of the dead Prince Henry, husband of Princess Beatrice of
England, has always been noted, from his earliest
childhood, for bartering proelivities. He lends marbles
and tops at interest to his cousins, the little
Connoughts, and, on one occasion, got up quite a little
corner in dolls, which he succeeded in purchasing at a
great reduction from his small Albany cousins.
The other day he received a present of
$5 from his mother and having quickly spent it, applied
for the second. He was gently chided for his
extravagances, but, unabashed wrote to his grandmamma.
The queen had been warned of the financial embarrassment
and she replied in the same strain of remonstrance, where
upon the prince responded: "Dearest Grandmamma: I
received your letter and hope you will not think I was
disappointed because you could not send me any
Today's Feature School Reports
No Injuries.
Last Friday mornings high
winds took the Junion High Schools
gymnasiam roof and rolled it back like a sardine
can. The straight winds appear to have either
caused a vacuum or pushed up on the ceiling
coming in through open doors.
Students had begun gathering
for assembly just before the winds came, and the
custodian heard the weather warning and moved the
students to hallways. There were no injuries.
The severe weather wreaked
havoc on several area homes and businesses. The
storm caused damage to trees and powerlines
throughout Carthage.The storm itself began with
heavy rain and serious hail with at least one
siting of golfball size hail.
Included in the damage were
many of the old trees at municipal park, as well
as throughout the city, which were uprooted. Many
homes and cars were hit by falling trees causing
serious property damage.City of Carthage work
crews were immediately out clearing fallen trees
from roadways.
The awning at Ron.s Barber Shop
on 4th street was carried by winds down the
street where it broke windows of KDMO.
Just Jake
I often wonder if the folks
that invented those everday things we
use ever got a just financial reward.
The ones who came up with
the paper clip, fingernail clippers, safety
pins - did they live long enough to see the
impact of these simple, but impressively
important contributions to our ease of
We hear about the non
productive pet rock kind of money makers, but
take the ball point pin, matches, and
disposable diapers for granted. Someone or
group of ones came up with the idea and
figured a way to make it work. They are the
unheralded heroes of modern society. A
continuing string of seemingly small
contributions that become woven into the
cloak of convenience.
Id take off my hat to
em, but I conveniently dont wear
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing
Weekly Columns This Is A Hammer.
Supports Rooms Floor Covering
Q: Im planning to redo
our second bedroom, which is where our son kept
his two cats. The cats did a lot of damage to the
carpet, including urinating on it -- so much that
it soaked through the carpet and padding. I plan
to replace everything, including the plywood
underlayment, and Im wondering: Is there a
better material than plywood for this job?
Thanks. -- Carl in Wichita, Kan.
A: Underlayment is, as its name
implies, a layer of support underneath a
rooms floor covering (whether it be carpet,
tile, vinyl or what have you). It sits between
the subfloor and the floor covering and padding,
if any.
There are four general choices
for underlayment materials: plywood -- the layer
in your sons old bedroom -- fiber board,
cement board and isolation membrane. Which
material to use depends on the type of
floor-covering you plan to put in.
Fiber board -- a
thin-but-sturdy underlayment for areas where a
thicker material might affect floor height.
Its usually placed underneath ceramic tile
or vinyl flooring.
Cement board -- a stable
material that deals well with moisture and is
therefore best used in areas that are likely to
get wet, such as bathrooms or kitchens. It is
usually only used for ceramic tile or stone
Isolation membrane --
For tile installations over a concrete floor
(particularly one that is cracked), isolation
membrane protects the tile from movement
occurring in such floors. Isolation membrane can
be installed over an entire floor, but is
commonly used in strips to cover individual
Plywood -- What Id
recommend for your redo -- if you plan to just
lay down new carpet and padding -- is a sturdy
plywood. Exterior-grade, 1/4-inch AC (one side
entirely smooth) is ideal, but if you are just
installing new carpet it doesnt need to be
perfectly smooth -- just level and free of
HOME TIP: When replacing
underlayment, inspect the subfloor closely after
removing the old underlayment material, looking
for loose seams or moisture damage.
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