Today's Feature Whooping Cough
The Jasper County Health
Department has confirmed four cases of pertussis
(whooping cough) and investigation continues into
an additional four suspect cases in Jasper County
Pertussis is highly
communicable and can cause severe disease in very
young children, according to information provided
by the Department. It begins with mild upper
respiratory tract symptoms and progresses to
cough. The condition can further progress to
severe paroxysms, often with a characteristic
inspiratory whoop followed by vomiting. Fever is
absent or minimal.
Cases of pertussis in schools
and communities can last for several months,
causing disruption in school and extracurricular
The attack rates in school
settings can range from 3-5% to 50-74%. Existing
epidemiological experience from different
outbreaks shows that pertussis may occur in fully
vaccinated persons. Pertussis vaccination is only
85% effective, and the immunity wanes over time.
The Department asks residents
to be on alert for signs and symptoms.
Obama on That Job Count
by Mosi Secret,
In President Barack
Obama’s news conference on Wednesday night,
he said the $787 billion economic stimulus bill
has already created or saved over 150,000 jobs.
We decided to find out how the president arrived
at that figure.
The simple answer: guesswork.
It turns out the feds
don’t have a way to measure exactly how many
jobs have been created or saved, so they use
projections instead, and it’s all rather
The new estimate, like the
original one predicting the stimulus bill would
save or create 3 to 4 million jobs, came from the
Council of Economic Advisers. To get the number
Obama used, economists at the council simply
prorated their earlier estimates based on
stimulus outlays as of April 21.
As we’ve reported before,
the administration’s estimates are based on
a guess at how much tax cuts and government
spending will make the economy grow.
We asked Nigel Gault, an
economist with the forecasting firm IHS Global
Insight, about what he made of the
administration’s latest assumptions.
"The only thing they have
to go on is how much money has been actually
spent," Gault said. But that doesn’t
tell the whole story. The feds count the money
that goes out the door. They don’t have
close tabs on what happens after that, he said.
"You have to ask,
‘Has the money been effectively spent? Has
it actually been spent in purchasing goods and
services or whatever it was supposed to be
purchasing?’" Gault said.
Gault noted that funding for
larger projects probably won’t be spent all
at once. If a city or county starts work on a
project, it doesn’t hire every worker
State officials have a closer
look at what’s happening on the ground; the
picture there is hardly clear.
About 50 jobs have been created
to work on two projects in the state of New
York—road work in one county and culvert
repair in another, said Erin Duggan, a
spokeswoman for the state. The billions of
dollars put into the education budget also
created or saved jobs, but that’s difficult
to measure.
Massachusetts last week issued
notice to proceed on five transportation
projects, said Cyndi Roy, spokeswoman for Gov.
Deval Patrick. There are no employment numbers
yet. Within state government there’s been
one stimulus-related hire so far—the
stimulus czar.
For the record, the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics says employment at the end of
March stood at 133,019,000 jobs. That compares
with 133,682,000 jobs at the end of February, the
month Obama signed the stimulus bill.
In other words, a loss of
663,000 jobs. Employment as of April is set for
release May 8.
The administration acknowledges
its estimate does not reflect a net gain in jobs.
"It doesn’t mean that
employment has risen by 150,000," Thomas E.
Gavin of the White House budget office said in an
e-mail. "Rather, it means that employment is
150,000 jobs better than it otherwise would have
So, 150,000. Maybe. Maybe not.
Backs Down on Repeal
of Don’t
Ask Don’t Tell
by Brian Boyer,
Update, May 2: Friday night, reinserted language saying
President Obama supports the repeal of Don’t
Ask Don’t Tell. The specific language:
"He supports repealing Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell in a sensible way that
strengthens our armed forces and national
A subtle but substantive change
in the president’s position on
"don’t ask don’t tell" was
noticed today by our watchful
eye-on-the-administration tool, ChangeTracker. An
edit to the civil rights issues page tells the
Previously, the message was
clear. As of two days ago, said,
"We need to repeal the ‘don’t ask,
don’t tell’ policy." The new
version of the page says that the president
"supports changing Don’t Ask Don’t
Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed
forces and our national security."
In January, White House press
secretary Robert Gibbs was asked, "Is the
new administration going to get rid of the
‘don’t ask don’t tell’
policy?" Gibbs proudly gave a one-word
answer, "Yes."
In March, Defense Secretary
Robert Gates seemed to back away from that
stance. When asked by Fox News about
"don’t ask don’t tell," he
said, "I feel like we’ve got a lot on
our plates right now."
The latest changes on seem to further that hedge -- and
make it the White House position.
When asked for comment, Shin
Inouye, director of specialty media at the White
House, said, "As is the case with most Web
sites, periodic changes are made to Recently we overhauled the issues
section to concisely reflect the president’s
broad agenda, and will continue to update these
pages. The president’s commitment on LGBT
issues has not changed, and any suggestions to
the contrary are false.