laugh Why did the
chicken cross the road?
COLIN POWELL: Now at the left of the
screen, you clearly see the satellite image of the
chicken crossing the road.
MOHAMMED ALDOURI: (Iraq ambassador) The
chicken did not cross the road. This is a complete
fabrication. We don’t even have a chicken.
PAT BUCHANAN: To steal a job from a
decent, hard-working American.
DR. SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the
road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, The chicken
crossed the road, But why it crossed, I’ve not been
ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die. In the rain.
ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens
to cross the road.
COLONEL SANDERS: I missed one?
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Loss in a Barn Fire
Was Heavy.
W.P. Rinehart, of four miles south and
one mile west of Carthage, the burning of whose barn was
reported, is in town today and reports his loss
considerable. The barn was 42x52 feet in size with a good
roomy loft. The stock was gotten out alive and safe, but
700 bushels of corn, 200 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels of
oats and a loft full of hay were all consumed, except
part of the corn which, although parched and charred,
will still do for hogs. What farm implements were in the
barn were also consumed.
The barn was insured in the
Farmer’s Mutual for $600, which will not near cover
the loss. The barn belonged to M.K. Rinehart of this
city, he renting the farm to his son W.P.
The fire seems to have begun in the
loft, and no one is known to have been in the loft since
Sunday, so the origin of the fire is a mystery.
Today's Feature Auto Warranty
Attorney General Chris Koster
warns consumers about new tactics businesses are
using to try to trick people into purchasing
bogus auto warranty products of limited value.
Koster filed lawsuits against six such businesses
According to Koster, the
businesses marketed what appeared to be
"extended auto warranties" to
consumers, but actually were "service
contracts" or "automotive
additives." Many consumers did not realize
they were not receiving auto warranties until
they received the package in the mail. The
companies sold the products as service contracts
and auto additives and avoiding Missouri’s
service contract laws, which provide some
protection for consumers.
Customers who purchased
"service contracts" often later
realized the significant limits to coverage. Many
contracts contain a 30 to 90 day, 1,000 mile
period during which consumers cannot make claims,
because that is considered a "pre-existing
condition" of the vehicle. However, the
extended service contract is only fully
refundable within the first 30 days. Customers
asked for a cancellation or refund when they
discovered the provider would not pay a claim
after that initial period, but were refused
refunds because they were not within the 30-day
cancellation timeframe. Many of the contracts
have also been promoted as extending a warranty
for 7 years and 100,000 miles. These companies do
not tell the consumer that the coverage maybe
limited to the actual cash value of the vehicle.
For an older, high-mileage vehicle, the coverage
may soon be less than the price paid by the
consumer for the contract.
For companies using the auto
additive scam, customers were sent a bottle of
fluid for their car’s transmission, engine,
or cooling system, with instructions to
immediately add it to the vehicle. Customers were
instructed to install the additive in order for
the warranty to be valid. But they later were
denied a refund and told the purchase is
non-refundable if the product has been used. In
effect, the companies encouraged consumers to use
the fluids immediately, knowing that would
nullify their opportunity for a refund. Many
consumers did not request the additive and did
not realize they would be sent this additive
until they received the packet.
"These businesses are
using a ‘bait and switch’ scheme and
preying on consumers’ fears of not having
adequate vehicle warranty coverage," Koster
said. "They lured vulnerable consumers into
purchasing ‘auto warranties,’ and then
switched to sell them into service contracts and
auto additive warranties with inferior or
negligible repair coverage, while making it
almost impossible for the consumers to cancel the
contract or get refunds.
"I believe this auto
warranty business continues to be rife with
fraud, and Missouri continues to be at the center
of this deception," Koster said. "This
office will continue to pursue and prosecute
businesses such as these that target
unsuspecting, innocent consumers."
Happy Birthday,
by Dafna Linzer, ProPublica -
Much has occurred with regards
to Guantanamo Bay and many decisions are yet to
But there is another milestone
worthy of note: Friday marked the eighth
anniversary of the creation of the legal
foundation for the prison and the second-tier
justice system established to try terrorism
suspects there.
On Nov. 13, 2001, President
George W. Bush signed what has become known as
Military Order No. 1 in what he termed a Global
War on Terrorism. Without informing his national
security adviser, his secretary of state, his
chief of staff or his communications director,
Bush approved what would appear three days later
in the Federal Register as: "Military Order
of November 13, 2001: Detention, Treatment, and
Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against
The few people inside the
former administration who knew about the order
were instrumental in its creation, including
former Vice President Dick Cheney, his lawyer
David Addington, former Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld, former Attorney General John
Ashcroft and a young, and then unknown, lawyer
inside the Justice Department named John Yoo.
The order created a separate
track of justice for any foreign citizen picked
up on a global battlefield with the Pentagon
serving as jailer, prosecutor and judge.
The findings, drafted in
secret, also laid the way for many of the
asserted war powers that the Bush administration
later relied on.
"It was a foundational
building block of the war on terror’s legal
architecture," said Matthew Waxman, a
professor at Columbia Law School who worked on
detainee issues during the Bush administration.
But those blocks began to
crumble -- under legal challenge, political
opposition and global outrage over a prison that
President Obama would come to describe as a stain
on America’s "moral authority."
Detainees began arriving in
Guantanamo two months after Bush signed the order
and almost immediately world leaders lined up to
condemn the facility. In a landmark 2006 ruling,
the Supreme Court ruled that the military
commission system that had been in place for
Guantanamo Bay violated U.S. and international
law, and that the Geneva Conventions applied to
the detainees.
Detainees now have rights to
challenge their detention and the military
commissions have been revamped.
All told, since Military Order
No. 1 came into effect, the prison at Guantanamo
has ballooned in size and notoriety. Nearly 800
detainees have been housed there. Six have died
there; more than 500 have gone home. More than
200 are still there, in limbo.
Just Jake
I made a startlin’
discovery the other day. I needed a piece of
string. As I dug through this drawer and
that, the realization that there was not
decent lengths of string in the house struck
me. How could I have overlooked stockin’
up on such an essential household item?
We’ve all seen those
big balls of string collected and
sittin’ on display. All I needed was a
couple a foot of decent sized string.
I suppose it happened
durin’ one of those clear- out-the-junk
frenzies that happen ever few years. That
last bit of string was thrown out with that
bolt I was lookin’ for the other day and
couldn’t find. Apparently my junk
drawers have been neglected and need
I’m makin’ a
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.’
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Weekly Columns
To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
New Treatments
for Rheumatoid Arthritis
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I developed
rheumatoid arthritis four years ago. I am still
working, lifting 70 pounds and pushing up to 150
pounds in a handcart, and I work 10 hours a day.
I had been on methotrexate, but it made me sick.
Then I went on hydroxychloroquine. Next was
Enbrel, and now rituximab. I am a 47-year-old
woman and have worked 22 years at my job. My
insurance company is denying me coverage for
rituximab because I don’t take methotrexate.
So I have hit a wall. People tell me to write to
you for a cure. Is there one? -- G.G.
ANSWER: There isn’t a cure
for rheumatoid arthritis, but so many newer
treatments exist that control of it is possible
for most patients. Rheumatoid arthritis is the
less common kind of arthritis. It usually strikes
between the ages of 35 and 50, and more women
have it than men.
Rheumatoid arthritis, unlike
osteoarthritis -- the common kind of arthritis --
is more than a joint disease. It’s a
systemic disease. That means the entire body is
affected by it, and many organs can be involved
-- the lungs, the lung coverings, the heart,
blood vessels, eyes, spleen and bones. Systemic
symptoms include fatigue and weakness. The hands,
wrists, knees, feet, elbows and neck are the
joints most affected. They become swollen, red,
hot, painful and often deformed. The goals of
treatment are relief of pain, reduction of
inflammation, stopping joint destruction and
maintaining joint function.
There are some things you can
do on your own. Exercise is important, but your
job calls for exhausting physical labor,
something that’s not good for rheumatoid
arthritis. Will your employer switch you to
another position? Rest stops the stress on
joints. You can try taking omega-3 fatty acids,
found in fish and obtainable in pills. It has
helped some.
Nowadays, the trend is to start
rheumatoid arthritis patients on the most
powerful drugs so joints don’t become
permanently damaged. You have taken some --
methotrexate and Enbrel. Rituximab (Rituxan),
usually combined with methotrexate, has been
quite effective for rheumatoid arthritis
that’s unresponsive to other medicines.
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