laugh Leaving
Minnesota for Colorado, I decide to make a stop at one of
those rest areas on the side of the road. I go in the
washroom. The first stall was taken so I went in the
second stall. I just sat down when I hear a voice from
the next stall...
- "Hi there, how is it
Okay, I am not the type to strike
conversations with strangers in washrooms on the side of
the road. I didn’t know what to say so finally I
- "Not bad..."
Then the voice says:
- "So, what are you doing?"
I am starting to find that a bit weird,
but I say:
- "Well, I’m going back to
Then I hear the person say all
- "Look I’ll call you back,
every time I ask you a question this idiot in the next
stall keeps answering me."
The fact that no one understands you
doesn’t mean you’re an artist.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Crippled Woman
Dr. Snyder, county physician, today
sent a crippled woman named Scott to the poor farm.
According to the story furnished by the neighbors, the
unfortunate woman was abandoned by relatives, who did
reside in a small house on Smelter Hill. The crippled
woman lived with a family named McCullum, said to be her
parents. Yesterday they moved to some unknown clime and
left the poor crippled woman alone with no fire and
nothing to eat. Neighbors discovered the poor
woman’s condition and provided her something to eat.
Today they reported the case to Dr. Snyder, who ordered
Mrs. Scott sent to the county farm.
T.V. Porterson, a traveling
representative of the Standard Oil Co., is in town today.
He has heard of the oil indications northwest of Carthage
and in Avilla vicinity, and is said to be here to
investigate the same.
Today's Feature A 5-5 Split Possible on Parking
The Carthage City Council
members began defining their stance on the
proposed two month temporary repeal of the
two-hour parking ordinance during the regular
meeting last Tuesday evening.
Public Safety Committee Chair
Bill Welch voted against the effort in Committee,
but said he will vote for the proposal when it
comes up for the second reading during next
Council meeting.
Council members Diane Sharits
and T.J. Teed have spoken against the idea in
past Committee meetings. They were joined by
member Mike Harris who opposed the repeal, and
Claude Newport who said he was leaning toward
voting against it, but would like to see more
support from business owners on the Square.
Member Larry Ross also indicated he was not
inclined to vote for the measure.
Public Safety Committee members
John Studebaker, Wayne Campbell and Brent
Grenninger voted for the measure in committee.
Member Dan Rife has not spoke to the matter in
Council. A 5-5 vote would kill the measure as it
takes 6 votes to pass an ordinance.
Just Jake
Just to keep the record
straight, there seems ta be some confusion
out there, the Mayor never votes on an City
ordinance. It’s not that it’s
forbidden, it simply cannot come up. City
Code says that it take six votes of the
Council to enact an ordinance. There are ten
Council members. If ya get six votes, there
ain’t no tie possible. If ya don’t
get six votes, there ain’t no ordinance.
If only seven members show up at a
meetin’, it still takes six votes.
The Mayor can break ties on
motions concernin’ procedure, such as
tablin’ a proposed ordinance. Those
votes just take a majority of those actually
at the meetin’. Last meetin’ there
were only 9 members of the Council present. A
motion to table the parkin’ issue would
have only taken 5 votes, no ties were
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns
By Samantha Mazzotta
Woodpile Tips
Q: My housemates and I are
having a bit of an argument. We purchased a cord
of firewood for use this winter in the fireplace.
They want to store the wood on the side of the
house, near the back door, so it can be accessed
quickly. I think this will bring bugs and other
pests into the house. What’s your take? --
Jim in Boulder, Colo.
A: You’re right that
piling the wood at the side of the house
isn’t a good idea, as outdoor woodpiles tend
to attract bugs and rodents. Poorly stacked wood
also retains moisture from rain and snow and can
mold and rot. And the stack could damage the
house’s siding, either from impact with the
siding or from mold.
However, you don’t have to
store the wood too far away from the house,
either, as long as it is stored correctly. Here
are a few tips on properly storing firewood:
• Store firewood about
4-10 feet from the house, not inside or against
the siding.
• Split firewood logs to
relatively the same size prior to stacking.
• Keep the stack off the
ground by placing across two parallel wood or
metal rails
• Shelter the pile from
rain and snow if possible.
• Don’t stack higher
than 4 feet.
• Cross-stack firewood
(one row facing one direction, the next row
facing another direction) to promote airflow
through the woodpile, which reduces moisture and
pest infestation.
• Shovel snow from around
the stack and brush off the logs after each
• Bring in only as much
firewood as you need for each fire.
• Store firewood brought
indoors in a fire-resistant container.
• If the
firewood outside is too damp to burn properly,
bring a small amount into a dry area of the house
separate from your living area (such as the
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