laugh My five year
old son squealed with delight when he opened his birthday
present from his grandmother. It was a water pistol. He
promptly ran to the sink to fill it.
"Mom", I said. "Im
surprised at you. Dont you remember how we used to
drive you crazy with water pistols?"
My mom smiled and said, "Yes, I
Hey, do you want to hear my
construction joke? Ill tell you later. Im
still working on it.
I started out with nothing ... I still
have most of it.
It was all so different before
everything changed.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Gang and Gambling
Officer Reno captured Jim Hurt who was
fishing near the upper bridge Saturday. He was one of the
gang who beat W. H. Smith over a month ago.
He pleaded guilty to assault and
battery, but after hearing both his story and Mr.
Smiths, Justice Woodward remanded him to jail under
suspended sentence until his companion, Will Perry will
be tried, and the degree of his guilt ascertained. His
sentence will then date from today. The third of this
gang is still hiding out, and the police are keeping a
lookout for him.
D. E. Seighman of Joplin today settled
the fines and costs for himself and two
assistantsBen Clark and a Japanese man by the name
of Bautzman. The entire sum came to over $122. These men
were arrested for gambling at the market fair.
Today's Feature City Moves
Liability to Asset.
The Carthage City Council met
for their regular bi-monthly meeting last Tuesday
evening in City Hall.
The Council voted to accept a
Memorandum of Understanding with Carthage Water
and Electric Plant that would transfer the former
McCune Brooks Hospital building and land to the
utility. The CW&EP Board is expected to sign
off on the deal in the near future. CW&EP is
planning on using a portion of the building to
relocate some of its administrative operations.
CW&EP will pay a dollar for the property that
the memorandum estimates to be worth $15,679,676.
It has been calculated that the
City was spending approximately $4,000 a month
just to keep the building operational since it
was shuttered in early 2007.
A handshake deal with MSSU to
use the facility as a Carthage campus fell
through last year. Mayor Jim Woestman expressed
his disapointment at the time and apparently
still has ill feelings about the way the
arrangement was handled. He stated Tuesday that
he was insulted having to follow the MSSU band in
the Maple Leaf Parade.
By Monte Dutton
by Curry Automotive
Hall of Fame
Vote Sparks Controversy
The rules provide for five
inductees each year into the new NASCAR Hall of
Fame, but only five inductees will ever be able
to lay claim to membership in the inaugural
A broad-based committee elected
two members of NASCARs ruling family,
William H.G. (Big Bill) and William C. (Bill Jr.)
France, along with Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt
and Junior Johnson.
"It was interesting,"
said H.A. (Humpy) Wheeler, a member of the voting
committee. "The controversial deal was both
Frances getting in. Theres a lot of
sentiment both for and against that. ... I think
it was a fair vote.
"Probably the most
disappointed person is David Pearson. I think the
rest of it was good, but thats what makes
halls of fame interesting is all the emotion. You
dont see it so much among those of us who
were voting. The families, the friends and the
people themselves are the ones who get stirred up
about this."
"Big Bill" France was
instrumental in the organization of NASCAR in
1947, and led the ruling body until 1972, when he
handed over the reins to his son, Bill Jr. The
founders grandson, Brian France, now serves
as NASCARs chairman and CEO.
Petty and Earnhardt are the
only NASCAR drivers ever to win seven
championships. Petty won more races, 200, than
any other driver. Pearson, who wasnt
selected, ranks second with 105. Johnson won 50
races as a driver, though never winning a
championship. (Basically, because he never tried.
In the 1940s, 50s and 60s, many
drivers competed only in the more lucrative
races.) Johnson then went on to win six
championships as a team owner.
All three drivers chosen were
born and raised in North Carolina. Three of the
five inductees -- Bill France, Bill France Jr.
and Earnhardt -- are deceased.
The specific vote totals
werent publicly revealed. A NASCAR release
said that Pearson, Cale Yarborough and Bobby
Allison also received votes.
The NASCAR Hall of Fame is
scheduled to open in Charlotte, N.C., on May 11,
2010. The induction ceremonies are scheduled for
May 23, 2010.
Monte Dutton has covered
motorsports for The Gaston (N.C.) Gazette since
1993. He was named writer of the year by the
National Motorsports Press Association in 2008.
His blog NASCAR This Week
( features all of his
reporting on racing, roots music and life on the
Just Jake
Ive been keepin
my ear to the ground tryin to see if
there are any rumors of who might be
takin a run bein mayor next
spring. Mayor Woestman has said he has
definitely taken himself out of the race.
One rumor was that current
Council member Mike Harris might be
givin it some thought, so last Tuesday
I ask him.
He said he would make the
rumor an "official rumor." He has
not officially declared, but he endorsed the
rumor as official.
As of this time I have
heard a couple names mentioned as
considerations, but no other
"official" rumors to report.
Candidates for mayor and
City Council wont actually sign up for
the election until December, so theres
plenty of time for rumors to be circulated.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Metcalf Auto Supply |
Weekly Columns CLICK and CLACK
by Tom & Ray
Sponsored by Metcalf Auto
Dear Tom and Ray:
About a year and a half ago, my
dad bought a white 92 Volvo station wagon
off Craigslist for $500. Im turning 16 next
spring, and he expects it to be my car. He thinks
its fantastic because it was so cheap, but
the car is older than I am, and its a piece
of junk. We went over a speed bump once, and the
fan for the air conditioner fell out of the
bottom. And I hate to be picky, but its
pretty embarrassing to ride in. I was hoping that
you might have a good excuse as to why I
shouldnt have to drive it, because my dad
loves your show. Thank so much. - Emily
Tom: Gee, Emily, I feel
terrible about this. Just awful!
Ray: Yeah. Unfortunately, this
is exactly the type of car we recommend that
parents buy for their teenagers. Your father
probably got the idea from hearing us talk about
it. Its safe, its slow and its
ugly - the perfect car for a teen!
Tom: Right. Its ugly and
embarrassing, so you wont drive it unless
you have to. Parts are falling off of it, so you
wont be tempted to stray far from home. And
its a tank, so if you do make a mistake
(which many teenagers do), youll have a
better chance of surviving it.
Ray: So Im afraid
were not going to be much help, Emily.
Tom: Wait. Ive got it.
Emily, next time youre in the car with your
dad, look toward the back and say, "Those
back seats fold down, right, Dad?" And when
your dad says; "Sure they do. Why?" You
say, "Well, with the seats folded down, I
bet theres plenty of room for two people to
lie down back there. Hell have you in a
92 Volvo sedan by Monday, Emily.
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