laugh A young boy
had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father,
who was a minister, if they could discuss his use of the
family car.
His father said to him, "Ill
make a deal with you. You bring your grades up, study
your bible a little, and get your hair cut, then we will
talk about it."
A month later the boy came back and
again asked his father if they could discuss his use of
the car.
His father said, "Son, Im
real proud of you. You have brought your grades up,
youve studied your bible diligently, but you
didnt get a hair cut!"
The young man waited a momentand
replied, "You know dad, Ive been thinking
about that. You know Samson had long hair, Moses had long
hair, Noah had long hair, and even Jesus had long
His father replied, "Yes son, and
they walked everywhere they went!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
More Accidents at
The Cass mine at Oronogo was the scene
of two accidents Thursday afternoon, and that evening the
blacksmith shop of the plant was burned. Two men who were
engaged in cutting ice in the mine, which is the property
of the American Zinc, Lead and Smelting company, slipped
and fell and were severely, although not seriously
injured. Their names could not be learned. Later in the
evening the blacksmith shop caught fire and burned down,
the loss being a total one. Fortunately some sticks of
dynamite, sixteen in number, which were in the shop were
got out before any explosion occurred, or the loss would
have been much greater.
John Moran a substantial farmer of the
Asbury neighborhood, has removed to Carthage to educate
his children. He has rented property on South Garrison
and expects to become a permanent resident.
Today's Feature Seasonal Flu
Shots Available.
The Jasper Couonty Health
Department has scheduled a seasonal flu (not
H1N1) and pneumonia immunization clinic for
Thursday September 17, 2009 from 12:30 to 3:30
P.M. The clinic is for residents of Jasper County
(outside the city limits of Joplin) 19 years of
age and older.
Childrens vaccine will be
available at a later date. Vaccine is not
available for pregnant women.
Those that have Medicaid
(Missouri Health Net) or Medicare part B should
bring their cards to their appointment. Medicare
part D will not be billed by the Department.
The cost of the flu vaccine is
$15.00 and the pneumonia vaccine is $45.00.
Call the Jasper County Health
Department at 358-3111 or toll-free at
877-879-9131 to schedule an appointment.
Works to Meet.
The City Council Public Works
Committee will meet this evening at 5 p.m. at the
Carthage Recycling Center at 1309 Oak Hill Road
to discuss changes to the City Code concerning
solid waste.
Spending Slowed During Summer
by Christopher Flavelle, ProPublica
The pace of stimulus spending
on new grants and projects has slowed in recent
months, despite a pledge by the Obama
administration to get money out the door more
quickly, USA Today reports. According to the
paper, the government allocated an average of
$1.3 billion a day for new grants and projects
during the stimuluss first hundred days.
However, since then, the pace of that spending
has fallen to about $1 billion a day. The
administration says that when tax cuts are
included, the overall pace of stimulus spending
actually increased slightly, and White House
spokeswoman Liz Oxhorn called USA Todays
approach "selective accounting."
The stimulus is good news for
gun manufacturers. The Christian Science Monitor
reports that gun sales to law enforcement
agencies have increased 32 percent, and gunmaker
Smith & Wesson said sales were up 30 percent
in the first quarter. Stimulus money for police
departments helped drive that increase, according
to the Monitor: Police in Jeffersonville, Ind.,
are spending $63,000 to buy 74 new assault
rifles, while police in Barre, Vt., are buying
six handguns, 21 Taser guns and five shotguns.
The article quotes a gun culture expert as saying
that President Obama has become "gun
salesman of the century."
Finally today, the stimulus has
helped revive small-business lending [3], The New
York Times reports. According to the Times
Robb Mandelbaum, small-business loan approvals
increased from about $165 million a week at the
beginning of the year to almost $400 million by
August. Karen Mills, the administrator of the
Small Business Administration, told Mandelbaum
that much of the credit goes to the stimulus,
which increased the percentage of small-business
loans guaranteed by the federal government.
However, Mandelbaum asks what happens in
December, when the $375 million appropriated to
the SBA by the Recovery Act is projected to run
![](jake.gif) |
Just Jake
I hate shoppin for
bacon. For some time I thought I was the only
one who tried to get a little meat on the
slice. Since they started puttin the
little flap on the package so you could get
some idea of what you were gettin a few
years ago, Ive dont think
Ive picked up a package of bacon where
the flap wasnt pulled up.
Seems that by the time I
get to pickin out a package,
theyve all been picked through. All
thats left are the packs that nobody
else wanted. Im always left
wonderin if someone else got that one
decent package they throw in ever now and
Probly, like me, they
figure out there aint no difference
anyway, close their eyes and grab a pack and
live with it.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by Carthage Printing |
Weekly Columns To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Murmurs Not
Always Serious Heart Trouble
recent physical exam, my doctor said I had a
heart murmur but not to worry about it. I decided
to go to my heart doctor anyway. He did an EKG --
normal. I had a stress test last June -- normal.
He states that many people my age, 87, have heart
murmurs. He said he would watch it.
Do I have a dangerous heart
problem? I play tennis three nights a week and
exercise with weights a few times a week. My
weight is perfect for my height. I sleep well. My
wife cooks without salt, and we watch our sugar
intake. I take one pill for high blood pressure
and one pill for an enlarged prostate gland. --
ANSWER: An 87-year-old with a
dangerous heart problem could not play tennis
three times a week and lift weights even a few
times a week. You have no symptoms. You have a
normal EKG and had a normal stress test. Your
heart health must be good.
When doctors listen to hearts
with a stethoscope, they hear a
"lub-dub" sound due to the closing of
the four heart valves. Murmurs are noises heard
between those two sounds. Often they indicate
narrow or leaky heart valves. The murmur comes
from a disturbance in blood flow due to the
abnormal valve. It creates eddy currents in the
blood, which generate sound. However, eddy
currents arise for other reasons, some of which
have nothing to do with heart valves. Older
people often have such sounds, i.e., murmurs.
Those sounds are innocent murmurs.
Even if your murmur is a sign
of valve damage, the damage must be slight. You
have no symptoms. You are more active than people
half your age. The chance that a slightly damaged
valve in someone 87 years old would progress to a
dangerously damaged valve is most unlikely.
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