The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, September 17, 2009 Volume XVIII, Number 63
did ya
Did Ya Know?...The New Life
United Methodist Church, 1/2 mile north of Leggett
corporate office, will hold an all you can eat pancake
feet Sunday Sept. 13 from 6 a.m. until 10 a.m. $5.
Did ya know?....The Carthage
Singles Reaching Out gathering will be Friday evening at
6:30 p.m. at Far Walkaway Farm, 1.5 miles north of Bamboo
Gardens on Garrison to Kipper Lane. For more information
call Wanda Jo Baugh at 388-1156
laugh AT&T FIRED
President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked
intellectual leadership.
He received a $26 million dollar
severance package. Perhaps it’s not Walter
who’s lacking intelligence.
Police in Oakland, California spent two
hours attempting to subdue a gunman who had barricaded
himself inside his home. After firing ten tear gas
canisters, officers discovered that the man was standing
beside them in the police line, shouting "Please
come out and give yourself up."
An Illinois man, pretending to have a
gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to drive to two
different automated teller machines, wherein the
kidnapper proceeded to withdraw money from his own bank
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The county court met at the court house
yesterday morning and from there went to Joplin to
investigate the smallpox bill. No entry has yet been made
upon the records but the court found the bills had all
been made by the county physician, Dr. Snyder, who was
the county’s agent. While it is not known just what
action will now be taken, yet from a legal standpoint it
looks as if the county would have the bill to pay.
It is belief that the court is under
the impression that Dr. Snyder has spent money with a
lavish hand.
The court did not return last night but
will convene this morning.
Recorder Steadley yesterday made a
tender of $547.95 to County Treasurer Weeks. The county
court has not passed upon this action but as it is not
the amount which the court finds he is short by $75, it
will probably not be accepted.
Today's Feature YMCA Prepares
For The "Fall, Ball Fall".
Plans are in place for a new
fundraising event for the Carthage Fair Acres
Family YMCA .
The event will take place at
the Municipal Golf Course on Oct. 21st. Y Board
members & volunteers will sell tickets for $5
apiece or 3 for $10. 1 ticket equals one golf
ball or 3 for $10 equals 3 golf balls that will
have the purchaser’s number on it (them).
Then on Oct. 21st a huge crane
will hoist a bucket into the air with all the
golf balls sold and dropped. The person whose
ball goes into the pin or closest to the pin will
win $1,000.
In addition to the ball drop
there will also be food and at least two other
events taking place at the course on Oct. 21st.
"Support the Y’s
Scholarship fund by buying tickets now!"
says Excutive Director Bob Brower.
The organization is also
planning a "Holiday Festival" on
November 14th that will include a auction of
contributed items.
Just Jake
Over the years our
household has accumulated a collection of
ladders. I suppose most homeowners are
blessed with the same joy of ownership.
I’d guess as investments ladders
don’t make a lot of sense, ya only use
‘em a few times a year and the rest of
the time they just sit around takin’ up
space. The real benefit is not monetary, but
just plain handy.
As hard as they are to
loose, the question of "where’s the
ladder" seems to pop up on a regular
basis, followed by the "which one"
response. The little step, the big little
step, the little big step, the big step,
Grandpa’s old one, the new one, or the
I’ve tried those,
there’s just that one spot that I
can’t quite get too. I still need one
just a little longer.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns
Dear Tom and Ray:
In looking at "green"
options for the future, I have a question about
the environmental impact of disposing of hybrid
car batteries. We live on the Big Island of
Hawaii and currently- to our knowledge- they do
not have a sit here that will accept these large
car batteries, so my question is, Will hybrids
really help the environment or just create a mess
of a different kind? I am very curious to hear
your take on this. Thank you and love you guys.
TOM: It’s a good question,
Ginny. Based on what we know, hybrids appear to
be a net positive for the environment.
RAY: The best hybrids get 50 to
100 percent better mileage than non hybrid cars,
and the batteries seem likely to be recycled.
TOM: So far (and it is
relatively early), hybrid battery packs appear to
be lasting the life of the average car. But, when
one has to be replaced, Toyota, for example, will
sell you a new one for about $2,300 and give you
a couple hundred dollars for your old one.
RAY: I don’t know many
people that would say, "Nah, I think I will
keep my old one and toss it in a landfill
TOM: And when a car is junked,
there parts will have some value.
RAY: Even old lead-acid
batteries have value when they are dead. Auto
dismantlers make a point of pulling them out
before crushing cars.
TOM: Will there be an
occasional one that slips thru the cracks and
gets crushed with the car? Sure but we don’t
see it as an environmental disaster-like leisure
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