today's laugh
What is it that has four legs, eats
oats, has a tail and sees equally well from both ends.
A blind horse.
Can I have one of those calendars
youre giving away to your customers?
But your mother doesnt trade with
us, sonny.
I know she doesnt - but she
borrows from Mrs. Rains, and Mrs. Rains trades with you.
What are you going to do with the
$1,000,000 you won?
Ive been scrubbing floors all my
life. Ive often wondered what I would do if I had
money, and now Im going to do it.
Hello! City Bridge Department?
Yes. What can I do for you?
How many points do you get for a little
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Men and Women Brought to Jail.
Among a batch of prisoners brought up
from Joplin last night was Gertle Ayers, who is getting
to be notorious among jailors and policemen. She was up
in police court here two or three times last fall. The
police officers finally ran her out of town rather than
maintain her longer in the calaboose, and threatened
penalties if she came back. Since then she has been sent
up from Joplin two or three times to serve short jail
sentences and she has not had much time between terms.
She and Flora Sulivan now come up
charged with maliciously destroying public property. It
is said that while confined in the Joplin calaboose the
night before, they burned up all the tables, chairs and
other furniture within their reach.
Other prisoners committed to jail last
night are J. McLamar, L.W. Tracy and Harmon Smith, all
charged with disturbance; H.S. Johnson, charged with
assault, and E.L. Fleshman, charged with embezzlement.
Today's Feature
County 9-1-1 May Lower Insurance.According to the Jasper County 911
Board, lower fire insurance risk levels are one
of the values of a consolidated communications
center. The 9-1-1 Center staff has been working
with local fire chiefs and insurance service
representatives to develop a consistent method of
sending the closest and most appropriate fire
apparatus to a scene.
Center Director Bill Cade says
that the county fire chiefs have worked hard to
give every homeowner within 5 miles of a fire
station the benefit of the reduced risk rating.
Since the Center dispatches all but two fire
departments within the County (Joplin and Webb
City), the use of a modified computer aided
dispatch protocol, to assure that the nearest as
well as the legally defined fire station is
dispatched, is a natural and logical step toward
helping lots of folks said Cade.
While County Fire Chiefs have
maintained an automatic aid relationship since
the County 9-1-1 Center opened in mid 1997, the
new system will provide for the simultaneous
dispatch of fire apparatus to any structure
within 5 miles of a station regardless of fire
district boundaries and/or membership processes.
Just Jake
It was bad enough when
ya saw those disclaimers printed in
magazines for prescription medication.
Now Im seein thirty second
commercials on tv that are mainly
sayin who shouldnt use this
new wonder drug. Gotta figure its
sort of a legal thing.
I have to admit I have
read through a good portion of those two
page, fine print advertisements, just ta
see what theyre afraid of. At least
the printed ads usually said what the
stuff was supposed ta cure. These tv ads
just tell ya ta "ask your doctor
Ive gotta wonder
how they figured out what ailments ta
warn against. What ever this stuff cures
it just has ta be worse that any of those
things listed that keep ya from
usin it. I suppose these things are
on a "need ta know" basis.
Myself, Im just hopin I
dont ever get that curious.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing
Weekly Column
The Super Handyman
Dear Al: Did you know that
along with the usual donations you might give to
various organizations, you also can give leftover
paint and other supplies? A local church that
usually gets our old clothes also helps elderly
people fix up their homes and is always looking
for paint, lumber and other building materials. I
know lots of your readers could find places in
their communities to donate surplus supplies and
thus clean out their garages and basements at the
same time.-B.R.
A Super Hint - When tiling in a
bath or kitchen, be sure to cover drains, food
disposers and other access holes. Shards of tiles
and bits of grout can get into those areas and
possibly block them.
Dear Al & Kelly: I keep an
old office calculator in my workshop to help me
figure the hard stuff. I found a large plastic
bag that would seal up around the calculator,
except for the cord. The plastic keeps all the
regular shop dust off it. The calculator lasted
10 years in my office, and hopefully I can get
another 10 years out of it in my shop. - S.A.
Dear Kelly: You once mentioned
that your are vertically challenged. Im not
a tall person either. The light fixture out in
the garage is too high to reach with my
stepladder, and replacing the bulb is a thrill I
can live without. Finally, I found a super way to
tackle it. I get up on the stepladder with my
toilet plunger and push the rubber end up on the
bottom of the bulb and start turning it. The
rubber grabs the bulb, and then when the bulb
releases, the plunger catches it in the cup so it
wont fall and break. With some maneuvering
plus double-sided tape, I also can use the
plunger to install the new bulb. Not Bad, huh? -
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