The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, August 16, 2000 Volume IX, Number 42
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Soccer Leagues Fall
& Spring soccer registration will be held on
Thursday, August 17, and again on Thursday, August 24, at
the concession stand located at the Steadley Soccer
Fields from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The players age can
be between age 4 and age 15. Registration fee is $20. The
season will begin on Saturday, September 9.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Greater
Ozark British Motoring Club will host an all British Car
& Cycle Show on the south and west sides of the
square on Saturday, August 19th from 9-3 p.m. Persons
interested in entering a vehicle should contact David
Thorn at 358-9166 or register the day of the show.
today's laugh
Jacks mother told
him to take the cow to market and sell it because they
needed money badly. Taking a shortcut across the railroad
tracks, Jack was unable to move the cow along, and it was
hit by the train, knocking its tail off. When Jack got to
town, he had to sell the cow wholesale because he
couldnt re-tail it.
"Doc, I just wanted to let you
know that there is an invisible man in your waiting
"Tell him I cant see him now. Next."
A racehorse can take several thousand
people for a ride at the same time.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Cress Swamp Drained.
Street Commissioner J.J. Smith has done
a commendable act in draining the swampy tract west of
the north end of Main street in the Frisco bottoms. Owing
to inadequate culverts under the railroads and the
stopped-up condition of the same, the water from the
woolen mill spring spread out over several acres in the
vicinity mentioned. There water cress grew and a thick
slimy mud gathered which sent up an offensive stench.
With a few days work the culverts have been
rectified and the water from the spring now follows a
natural course in well defined bounds to and through the
culverts and on in regular ditches to the river. The
swamp is drying up and the water cress is dying. The air
in the vicinity is far more pleasant, and the residents
of that part of town owe Commissioner Smith a vote of
thanks. He has quickly remedied an evil which has existed
for years, and it is a wonder it has not been attended to
Today's Feature
Budget Meeting Moves Swiftly.The City Council Budget Ways and Means
Committee moved swiftly through what appeared to
be an involved agenda during their regular
monthly meeting last Monday evening.
The Committee voted to accept
the recommendation of City Administrator Tom
Short to pull funds from several different line
items in the current Capital Improvement fund to
make up for the additional $35,000 needed for the
street and traffic signal improvements to the
intersection at Chestnut and Garrison.
The Committee also voted to
recommend that the City sponsor an expanded July
4th celebration again next year. Details and a
budget will be considered at a later date, but
the Committee wanted to give organizers, also so
to be determined, plenty of time to prepare.
The Committee voted to
recommend a contract with Phillips, Ward &
Associates to conduct a two day visioning
seminar. The firm has presented a proposal of
$4,000 for their services. An exclusive
sellers agreement for Myers Park Property
with Southwest Agency was also recommended.
Just Jake
The annual editorial in
the evenin paper about the low
turnout to the polls for elections always
reminds me of a friend a mine who was
always poppin off some snide
Durin a National
Guard meetin the Captain was
tryin to get the moral up a little
and was preachin a little
bout takin some pride in the
unit and not just puttin in their
From the back of the
room came the comment, "Who cares
about apathy?"
Course the friend
didnt claim the comment at the
time, but it did break the tension a
mite. The irony is that the more ya
preach about apathy, the less anyone pays
attention. I suppose bein an
example is still the best lesson, but
there seem ta be so few teachers.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Weekly Column
by Donna Erickson
If older siblings in the family
have been earning money this summer mowing lawns,
babysitting and watering yards, they have no
doubt accumulated a wad of cash for their labors.
Give your preschool and elementary age children a
chance to earn some spending money too, by
offering them "employment
opportunities" beyond their usual chores.
Make your own "Want
Ads" board full of jobs your child can
choose from. Heres how to make it together:
Hang a bulletin board at your
childs height on a wall in your family
room, mud room or kitchen. Let your child cut out
large alphabet letters from the newspaper to
spell "WANT ADS." Glue the letters to a
strip of paper and tack the strip to the top of
the bulletin board. Underneath, tack three index
cards in a row with the headings - INDOOR,
Think of jobs appropriate to
your childs ability, write them on separate
cards and tack them below the headings. For non
readers, draw a simple illustration of the job,
or cut out magazine pictures and glue on the
cards. Finally, write the amount of money you
will pay for each job, such as a penny for every
dandelion. Here are some ideas to get you
Indoors - clean sliding glass
door, collect trash from garbage cans in all
rooms, shake hall rugs;
Outdoors - dig up dandelions in
the lawn, pick up pine cones, sweep deck, fill
Garage - roll up garden hoses,
crush aluminum cans, sweep.
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