Today's Feature
Proposed Roundabout
A representative of the
Missouri Department of Transportation is
scheduled to attend the regular City Council
Public Works Committee this afternoon at 4 p.m.
in City Hall. The purpose of the meeting is
centered around the discussion of a proposal by
MODOT to construct a "roundabout" at
the intersection of Airport Drive, Grand and
Fairlawn Drive. Grand and Fairlawn Drive are
currently maintained and under the control of the
state as part of Highway 571.
Mayor Kenneth Johnson announced
the meeting at the last regular Council meeting
and ask that Council members attend the meeting
if possible to hear the proposal. The meeting
will be open to the public for comments.
The Public Services Committee
will meet at 7 p.m. in City Hall. The committee
usually meets on the first Monday but was
postponed due to the Christmas Parade.
The agenda includes the
consideration and discussion of glass bottle
restrictions for City property. The Public
Service Committee oversees the Park Department. A
discussion of the Citys agreement with
Victorian Carthage is also scheduled.
"Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative, District 126
I hope that all
of you had a great Thanksgiving weekend. It is
hard to believe the year went by so quickly and
we will be starting the new Legislative Session
in only 5 weeks. It is hard to believe this is
the start of my last term. I cant tell you
how much I have appreciated you letting me be
your representative these last few years. I
sincerely hope I havent let you down.
In just a couple weeks the
Freshman Tour will be taking place around the
state. That is the tour of the state that is made
available to the newly elected representatives
and senators. It involves a wide variety of stops
ranging from prisons to colleges, to state
hospitals, to public schools, to stadiums and
anything else you can squeeze into 3 weeks on a
bus. I took the Tour as a freshman representative
in 1990 and then went again in 1994, 1996, and
1998 as one of the veteran
chaperones. When I took the tour, the only
veteran legislators that went along were
Needless to say, we spent 3
weeks getting only one side of the story. I
suggested in 94 that we send along a
veteran republican for a little balance. The
democrats didnt think much of the idea and
fought it hard. The republicans thought it was a
great idea, but no one wanted to spend 3 weeks in
December on a bus. I was so convinced that it was
needed, that I agreed to go and I think that I
learned as much as the freshmen. It really opened
my eyes as to how much we are adding to the state
property rolls every year. We see it on paper in
the budget, but it makes more of an impact when
you see it in person. It has confirmed my belief
that we are spending way too much money on things
that we, as a state, dont need.
I wont be going on the
tour this year. It is time for some of the new
folks to start taking over. As I mentioned at the
first of this column I cant run for the
House again, so it is important for the ones that
can run again to take the reins. The tour will be
stopping in Lamar this year to visit the High
School. That is the first time in recent memory
the tour has stopped in Lamar. Recent years have
included stops in Nevada, Joplin and Mt. Vernon.
Superintendent Barbara Burns has done a great job
with the school district and the A+ program there
is being held out as a model of a successful
program for the freshmen.
It was tempting to write about
the election mess down in Florida, but that
seemed almost too easy. Maybe in the next week,
it will come to an end, but in the meantime Al
Gore is demonstrating why I am a republican.
As usual, I can be reached at
House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson City,
MO 65101, or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions,
comments, or advice.