Today's Feature
Filings Approach.
The filing period for
candidates wishing to run in the August 8 primary
for County elected officials begins on February
29 and ends March 28.
Positions that will be up for
election in November include the Sheriff,
Assessor, Treasurer, Public Administrator,
Eastern District County Commissioner, and Western
District Commissioner.
According to County Clerk Jim
Lobbey, there will be no need to camp on the
Courthouse steps this year. In years past the
first candidate in the Courthouse was placed
first on the ballot. Lobby says he will institute
a lottery to determine placement on the ballot
this year. Each candidate that files on the first
day will draw a number that will determine ballot
placement among others filing that day. Those
filing after the first day will be placed on the
ballot in order of filing.
So far there have two
candidates indicate they will seek nomination for
Eastern County Commissioner on the Republican
ticket, Jim Honey and Trish Burgi. Democrat Ben
Johnson currently holds the position.
David Niebur announced his
intention to run for sheriff last week.
Godfrey Softball Coach for 2000.
news release
The Carthage R-9 School
District is pleased to announce that Mr. Gordon
Godfrey has been named head softball coach for
the 2000 season. Godfrey replaces Ms. Cindy
Murguia who held the position as a non-faculty
head coach for the 1999 season, when the district
was unable to fill the position from within the
Godfrey has held various
teaching and coaching positions in the Carthage
School system since 1990. He is presently a
junior high counselor, the head eighth grade
girls basketball coach and the seventh and
eighth grade track coordinator. His coaching
background includes high school football,
basketball, and head track coaching duties at
Branson High School, as well as working with
baseball and summer softball programs.
Athletic Director Ray Harding
commented, "Gordon Godfrey brings a
considerable amount of experience in coaching
girls athletics to our softball program. He has
coached or worked with virtually all of the girls
who currently play, which will allow him to
immediately put his program in motion."
Moments Bowling Tournament.
news release
The Precious Moments Chapel
Center will sponsor the Precious Moments Youth
Pro-Am Bowling Tournament on Sunday, February 6.
Scheduled to begin at 1 p.m., the tournament will
be held at 4th Street Bowl in Joplin, MO. First
and second-place winners will win a $300 and $200
Scholarship Award respectively, as well as a
plaque. Bowlers will compete in a boys or girls
The Pro-Am is open to youths,
ages 6 to 18. Youth bowlers will bowl three games
with handicap combining their scores with the
three pros for the final standings. Handicap for
youth bowlers will be 100% from 210.
Youths will have the
opportunity to bowl with three different
"pros", as well as compete with their
peers. Any youth bowler out scoring their three
pros (handicap included) will receive a monthly
bowling pass.
Registration is $10 per bowler,
with each registered bowler receiving a free
hamburger, fries and soda. For more information
contact Terry Crippen at (417) 359-2946.
The Precious Moments Chapel
Center is located in Carthage, MO. For more
information about the Precious Moments Chapel
Center, call 1-800-543-7975 or check the Precious
Moments Chapel Centers web site at
Letter to the Editor
Opinions expressed reflect those of the
writer and not necessarily those of the Mornin'
Here is a
letter I sent to Congressman Roy Blunt:
The Internet was supposed to be
the one entity that would serve as a true
democracy, allowing a "leveling of the
playing field" between large companies and
small, wealthy persons and those who are just
getting by. All of this will be effectively
destroyed if the legislation currently under
consideration is passed in any form. The
expression that comes to mind is "killing
the goose that laid the golden egg," for
once again the little guy will have the life
strangled out of him. I enclose the following
quotes for your reference:
"Under proposed
legislation the US Postal Service will be
attempting to bilk email users out of alternate
postage fees. Bill 602P will permit the Federal
Govt. to charge a 5 cent surcharge on every email
delivered, by billing Internet Service Providers
at source. The consumer would then be billed in
turn by the ISP."
"CNN has reported that
within the next two weeks Congress is going to
vote on allowing telephone companies to CHARGE A
TOLL FEE for Internet access.
Translation: Every time we send
a long distance e-mail we will receive a long
distance charge." Sir, for the overwhelming
majority of your constituents it is all we can do
simply to acquire a computer system of some sort
and pay the monthly charges to the ISPs for
access. The WWW means for the individual access
to information never before possible and a
significant broadening of our mental
horizonss as though every museum, library
and art gallery is at our fingertips. The small
businessman has a chance to open up a legitimate
business and appear to the reader as equal to the
major players. He has a fighting chance to make
his business survive and thrive. All this will be
blown out the window if any legislation similar
to these is allowed to pass.
Talk about a mass of angry
citizenry, the boys in D.C. would have plenty on
their hands then. In the name of God and all that
is holy, DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! Make the
postal service and telephone companies compete
legitimately for a change.
Thank you. Similar letters are
going out to senators and congressmen across the
nation, as well as to all the national and
international media.
John Jeffries