Did Ya Know?. . .The next Carthage Public Library reading program, "Rocket into the Millenium," will begin Monday, January 31 and will run six weeks ending with Spring Break. Sign up this week at the YPL desk. Did Ya Know?. . . Tax Counseling
for the Elderly, TCE, will be available at the Over 60
Center each Tuesday from 9-12 beginning February 1, 2000.
Brought to you by the Area Agency on Aging. |
laugh A man is in a
restaurant. He tasted his food and calls over the waiter,
saying, "This sauerkraut isnt sour
enough." A successful businessman was asked to give a speech at a graduation. "Always remember," he said, "education is a fine thing. Nothing like it. Take arithmetic, for instance. Through education we learn that two twos are four, that four fours are eight, eight eights areand then theres geography. . ." My mother-in-law sent me two sweaters
for Christmas, so when she arrived on her visit, I was
wearing one. 1900 Albany Dentists Expanding. Yesterday the Albany dentists moved into their new rooms which have recently been fitted up in elegant style. They have secured the rooms in the Meyers building which was formerly occupied by Bottenfields real estate agency and mining exchange in addition to their other rooms. All have been refitted, carpeted and put in first class style. Electric lights have been put in and they are prepared to do dental work at night as well as during the day. The energy and progressiveness of the Albany dentists is only exceeded by their success in their chosen profession. They attribute their success chiefly to good material, good work and judicious, but constant advertising. John Moran, a substantial farmer of the Asbury neighborhood, has removed to Carthage to educate his children. He has rented property on South Garrison and expects to become a permanent resident.
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