Today's Feature
Improvement Report.
The Public Works Committee is
scheduled to hear a year-end update from the City
Engineering Department during its regular meeting
this afternoon at 5:15 in City Hall.
The Council allocated just over
$1.7 million for capital projects for the fiscal
year 2000. Of that amount, $464,000 is earmarked
for airport relocation, and funds totaling
$200,000 for future improvements to Civil War
Road and matching funds for the construction of
an interchange at Fairview Avenue and Highway 71.
Major projects that are
planned, under construction or completed include
the River Street to Fairview storm water project,
a storm water ditch from River to Pearl, the
extension of George Phelps Boulevard by the new
south water tower, and improvements to the Over
60 Center.
The Committee is scheduled to
discuss bids for the George Phelps Boulevard
project during the meeting. A recommendation from
the Engineering Department is expected. The bids
were received and taken under consideration
earlier in the month.
The Public Works Committee
meets each first and third Tuesday of the month.
Blunt Raps E-Mail Hoaxes
news release
"The Internet has created
a new landscape of information resources shared
through E-mail," according to Southwest
Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt. "Regrettably
this new landscapes become dotted with
landmines of fictitious and inaccurate data that
are a disservice to the people who try to use
this technology as efficient and effective work
tools. E-mails are being used to spread false
rumors and needlessly raise concerns of Southwest
Spread among the hundreds of
e-mail messages received weekly by Congressman
Blunt and his colleagues on national defense,
Social Security, Medicare and health care are
inquiries about stories on E-mail stamps,
removing the words "In God We Trust"
from national monuments and implementing
restrictions on religious broadcasting. These are
the rumors on Congressman Blunts New
Years "bust list."
602P, the
e-mail tax
There is no federal legislation
called "602P." A completely false rumor
concerning the U.S. Postal Service creating
e-mail stamps is being circulated by e-mail. Its
alleged sponsor "Congressman Schnell"
does not exist. The U.S. Postal Service has no
authority to surcharge e-mail messages sent over
the Internet. A similar hoax about telephone
companies seeking legislation to impose an
Internet surcharge is circulating too.
There is legitimate concern in
the Internet community regarding taxes or added
charges for the use of e-mail and access to the
Internet. "I oppose added charges for access
to the Internet," Blunt said. He is a
cosponsor of legislation to prevent the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) from applying
interstate charges to providers of Internet
services. "Bill 602P just does
not exist," Blunt concluded.
In Go We
The words "In God We
Trust" are not being removed from the
Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials or other national
memorials in Washington D.C. Each of the
inscriptions on the memorials were authorized in
law by Congress, and the National Parks Service,
which cares for and maintains the monuments,
emphatically denies there are any plans to edit
or remove these cherished inscriptions. Yet, an
e-mail is circulating that says the inscriptions
are being removed. "Dont believe
it," Blunt said.
on Religious Broadcasting
An e-mail claims that Madalyn
Murray OHair is attempting to get religious
programs taken off radio and television. This 24
year old case started as a petition to the FCC.
In that period the case has drawn 30 million
piece of mail. The FCC denied the
"Lansman-Milan" petition in 1977,
ruling that it is required by the First Amendment
of the United States Constitution "to
observe a stance of neutrality toward religion,
acting neither to promote or inhibit
religion." The FCC explained that it must
treat religious and secular organizations alike
in determining their eligibility for broadcasting
channels. Furthermore, the FCC has no authority
to direct any broadcaster to present or refrain
from presenting announcements or programs on
religion. Also OHair and several members of
her family have been missing since 1995.
Blunt said, "The Internet
can be used in many ways, both positive and
negative, and once again, the best way to test
the difference is good old Southwest Missouri
common sense."
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