The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, June 16, 2000 Volume VIII, Number 257

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?
. . .Darren Collier, investment representative from Edward Jones Investments, will speak on financial planning at 7 p.m. on Mon., June 19, at the Family Neighborhood Center in Carthage. The meeting is open to the public and sponsored by Carthage United Singles, 358-6263.

Did Ya Know?. . .A Rummage Sale and Bake Sale will begin at 7 a.m. on Sat., June 17th at the Good Shepherd Luthern Church, NW corner of US 71 Business and MO 96 Hwy. Lots of great buys, all for a good cause.

today's laugh

"Broken off your engagement to Mary?"
"She wouldn’t have me."
"You told her about your rich uncle?"
"Yes. She’s my aunt now."

A boy entered a grocery store and said to the storekeeper: "Gimme a dime’s worth of asafetida."
The storekeeper tied up the package and the boy said: "Dad wants you to charge it."
"All right; what’s your name?"
"Take it for nothin’," he said, "I ain’t goin’ to spell ‘asafetida’ and ‘Shermerhorn’ for no dime."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Court Notes.

Carl York and Osa Welton, of Carthage, were indicted for burglary and larceny, the offense being taking brass mountings from a mining plant near Webb City a month or two ago. They have retained D. M. Roper as their attorney.

John Huffman, a man from Carthage, was charged with breaking into Sharp’s slaughter house and stealing a hide and attempting to sell it to D. Well. Attorney J. D. Henry was appointed Attorney S. L. Barton to defend him.

T. E. Jenkins, of Carterville, indicted for burglary and larceny, charged with entering a car on the Gulf tracks at Webb City, has retained Randall Dryden, of Carterville, as his attorney

Avery Provert, of Webb City, had to answer to two separate indictments, both for obtaining signatures by false pretenses. One offense is said to have been committed in Carterville and one in Webb City.

  Today's Feature

City/R-9 Sports Facility Agreement.

An agreement that would allow the use of City facilities by the R-9 School District is scheduled for second reading at the June 27 Council meeting. According to Parks Director Alan Bull, this agreement differs from previous years in that the use of several facilities are encompassed in the single agreement.

Scheduled use of Carl Lewton Stadium, Carthage Municipal Golf Course, Softball fields, and the Fair Acres Sports Complex are covered by the agreement.

Among other responsibilities assumed by the Carthage School System is the maintenance of the infield, cost of all utilities, and rest room supplies at Carl Lewton Stadium.

Use of the soccer fields at Fair Acres Sports Complex includes the R-9 responsibility of field preparation and compensation of $1,000 to the City to cover the cost of utilities, damage to the field and general maintenance costs.

The use of softball fields requires only that the School System be responsible for preparing the field for games and a payment of $250 for utilities, damage to the field and general maintenance.

125 Years For Eminence Chapter #93 Order of the Eastern Star .

news release Eminence Chapter #93

Eminence Chapter #93 was instituted June 12, 1875 at Carthage Masonic Hall in the Caffee Building.

The celebration evening, on June 13, 2000, began with a salad supper then Mayor Kenneth Johnson presented a proclamation at 7 p.m. in which June 13, 2000 was proclaimed Eastern Star Day in the City of Carthage. Distinguished members that attended included: Mrs. Janice Bledsoe, Worthy Grand Matron, Willard, MO; Mr. R. Bruce Hubbard, Worthy Grand Patron, Troy, MO; Mr. Robert G. Bird, Past Grand Patron 1973, Springfield, MO; Mr. Larry Albright, Past Grand Patron 1998, Webb City; Mrs. Doris Williams, Grand Conductress, Southwest City, MO; Mrs. Eileen Cornelius, Associate Grand Conductress, St. Joseph, MO; Mrs. Gloria Chaney, Grand Marshal, Canalou, MO; Dr. Debra Royce, Grand Organist, Sarcoxie, MO; Mrs. Mary J. Bowers, Grand Adah, Goodson, MO; Mrs. Patty Crotty, Grand Martha, Grandview, MO; Mrs. Ruth Ann Dixson, Shelbina, MO; Mrs. Robyn Sunderland, President Educational Fund Board, Carthage, MO; Mrs. Mary Simmons, District Deputy Grand Matron 44th District, Alba, MO; Mrs. Lonnie Baugh, District Deputy Grand Matron 56th District, Mt. Vernon, MO; Mrs. Sherri Orender, Grand Representative of Nebraska, Joplin, MO; Mrs. Clara Gasaway, Grand Representative of Iowa, Joplin, MO; Mrs. Patricia Sill, Grand Representative of Colorado, Webb City, MO; and Mrs. Barbara Hubbard, Grand Representative of Iowa, Troy, MO.

Grand Chapter Committee members, Worthy Matrons, Worthy Patrons and other members of the order, approximately 100, were in attendance from Missouri and Kansas.

A 125 year certificate from the Grand Chapter of Missouri Order of the Eastern Star was presented to the Eminence Chapter by the Worthy Grand Matron, Janice Bledsoe, and the Worthy Grand Patron Bruce Hubbard. A program of singing songs of the 1885 era were sung including "Memories", "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", "Scurry With The Fringe On Top".

Participants in a skit of the 125 year history of Eminence Chapter #93 were Janet Johnson, Worthy Matron; Marvin Frost, Worthy Patron; Ann Spangler, Associate Matron; Charles Whitworth, Associate Patron; Cleo Westbay, Secretary; Janice Whitworth, Treasurer; Martha Pauley, Conductress; Bettie Herndon, Marshal; Dotti Frost, Organist; Lisa Perry, Adah; Susan Naylor, Esther; Myrtle Stahl, Martha; Opal Faye Campbell, Electa; and Fred Campbell, Sentinel.

Pottery Room Set Up And Ready To Go!

by Robin Putnam, artCentral

Seems the oh so nice chore fairies showed up around here very early !!! The new potter’s wheels were inside the building, heavy tables had been moved upstairs and new handrails and safety railing has been installed in the stairway !!! Those strong and VERY helpful boys from Orbit have obviously been here !!! We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for all their heavy lifting, moving and shuffling !!

Our two shiney new Lockerbie electric wheels are now all set to go !! We have actually had one of oue new members here already and she threw quite a few pots !!! We are soo excited !!! artCentral’s new pottery and glazing rooms are now open for the benefit of all of our members !! Stop by and check it out !!!

Our next exhibit is our Annual Membership Show !!

We are very pleased to have 30 (+or-) members part-icipating this year so be sure and come by and check out all the great art!!

There are a wide variety of mediums being exhibited and it makes such an eye popping display !! Featured this year will be oil, acrylic, water-color and pastel paintings, metal, stone and clay sculp-ture, ceramic ware, mixed media, etchings and black & white photography.

The opening reception will be June 23rd from 6-8pm and everyone is welcome. We’ll have some cold beverages and some great food as well as one of the coolest exhibits around !! Why don’t you join us !!

We have been fortunate enough to have received a few donations for our art library !! Our dear friend, the late Carla Parrill, wanted donations made to your favorite libraries instead of sending flowers to her memorial so.....we have received a few very generous donations in Carla’s name. We thank them for thinking of us.

Member Jane Kleindl has donated a large collection of "Print" magazines and we thank her for those as well !!

The outstanding generosity shown us over the years is truly appreciated !!!

Don’t forget to register for artCamp 2000 !! Twelve days filled with FUN !!! Twelve dollars per day, per student. Some of the classes are a full 2 days to be able to complete the project so keep that in mind when signing up !! We have left some registration forms with class information on the front door for your convenience !! week. 358-4404. 1110 E 13th & www. under organizations. Our hours are Tues. - Sat. 9am - 3pm.

Carthage Musical Devotees Bus Trip.

news release

Carthage Musical Devotees is sponsoring a bus trip to Eureka Springs and Branson on July 19-20.

On the evening of July 19 the group will attend the opera, "La Traviata" at Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony located near Eureka Springs. Young semiprofessional and college aged musicians attend IPFAC to study and produce operas during June and July. This is its 50th season. Casual dress is suggested.

Following an overnight stay at Best Western of the Ozarks, the tour group will go to a Branson Mall, lunch at Whipper Snappers, and attend the matinee performance of "Holiday on Ice".

The $185 cost includes transportation, motel, (double occupancy), entertainment, two dinners and one lunch. Additional bus seating is available. A $50 reservation is required by June 18. Any questions, call Mary L. Estes, 358-4693 or Caryl MacMorran, 358-2259.

Just Jake Talkin'


It’s somethin’ that most just expect. Baseball fields, soccer fields, swimmin’ pool, grassy park’s with adequate facilities and equipment. Not only do we expect it to be available, but ta be kept in shape so when we have a family get together we don’t have ta apologize for the grass not bein’ mowed.

Carthage has one a the best baseball fields in the area I’m told. Same with the soccer fields. I’m also hearin’ that the swimin’ pool is seein’ heavier usage this year. Golf rounds are growin’. Folks use the Parks System in Carthage.

Havin’ those facilities available for use by the School System at minimal cost appears to be just one more benefit the community sees from havin’ all those acres dedicated to the Parks System. Glad I don’t have ta mow it.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Oak Street health & herbs

Weekly Column

Natural Nutrition

by Mari An Willis

For some allergies have kicked in full blast. This is a good time to pull out the local honey as it is said to help with allergies. A teaspoon or two a day helps most people.

I remember how much I loved smelling the pickles my Mom used to make. She and the neighbor lady would get together and clean cucumbers and then start the slow cooking process of the vinegar and other ingredients for her delicious pickles. Cider vinegar has been used medicinally for centuries. It is said that the Roman soldiers consumed it daily to maintain health, strength and stamina. Christopher Columbus carried barrels of apple cider vinegar aboard his ship to help protect the crew against debilitating scurvy.

Many health benefits are claimed by those who consume raw, unpasteurized and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. The vinegar must contain the "mother" to be the most active. In the raw state it contains active enzymes as well as potassium plus.

In the book Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System by Paul C. Bragg N.D., Ph.D. and Patricial Bragg N.D., Ph.D. they suggest that taking raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis will help one live a longer, healthier and stronger life. Stating that it helps maintain a youthful, vibrant body. Helps fight germs and bacteria, helps regulate calcium metabolism and even the right consistency of the blood. Many have found relief from arthritis and weight loss.

Fortunately for those who are not too keen on the idea of taking it in juice or water or just plain, it comes in handy tablets available at health food stores. "The Father of Medicine in 400 B.C. treated his patients with natural raw apple cider vinegar for its powerful cleansing and healing qualities. It’s a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic and fights germs and bacteria."

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