Today's Feature
County Inmates To Help Pay.A memo has been issued by Jasper County
Sheriff Bill Pierce that notifies inmates that a
co-payment for medical services and medication
will be implemented effective June 1, 2000.
"This plan has been
reviewed by the Prosecuting Attorney and Legal
Advisor of Jasper County and he has ruled this
procedure to be within the meaning of the Revised
Missouri State Statute," say the document.
It continues: "No inmate
will be denied medication or medical services for
inability to pay. A list will be maintained on
each inmates debt owed. As the inmate
receives money or returns to jail with money, the
funds will be collected and turned over to the
General Revenue Fund, for amount owed.
"Following is a lis of
fees that will be collected.
$3 for each doctors call
visited; $3 for each prescription filled by
Jasper County; $5 for each out of the facility
visit to a clinic or doctors office; $5 for each
trip to a dentist in which Jasper County is
responsible for establishing the appointment; $10
for each trip to the hospital for
Main Street
Manager to Speak
at ED Conference.
news release
Main Street Carthage Program
Manager Diane Sharits will speak at the
Governors Economic Development 2000
Conference May 19 at the Lodge of Four Seasons.
Sharits and Stephanie Redman, Technical Services
Program Manager with the National Main Street
Center, Washington D.C. will discuss commercial
revitalization in rural and urban areas,
"From Shopping Centers to Main Street."
"This is a great honor and
a wonderful opportunity to share the progress of
the Main Street Carthage Program with others
throughout the state," says Sharits.
Other workshop topics focus on
Business and Industry Recruitment;
Redevelopment/Land Use; Finance; Workforce; and
Hot Trends and Topics.
Keynote Speaker is Dr. Mae
Jemison, the first woman of color to fly in space
aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Her company
the Jemison Group, Inc. focuses on integrating
science and technology into our everyday lives.
Closing speaker is Michael Fortino, founder and
president of the Fortino Group and a renowned
strategist dealing with change in the corporate
More than 700 conference
attendees are expected to attend the two-day
scheduled program. The event is sponsored by the
Missouri Department of Economic Development.
Plant Clinic
to be Held May 20.
news release
This Saturday, May 20,
University Outreach and Extension will have an
educational booth on the east side of the
Carthage square from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in
conjunction with the Farmers Market. Some
of the area Master Gardeners will be assisting
with a plant clinic. Local residents are
encouraged to bring samples of lawn and garden
problems, such as insects or diseased plants. The
Master Gardeners will be identifying the problems
and provide information on what to do about them.
To assist them, specialists at the University of
Missouri in Columbia will be available to discuss
the problems over the phone and/or review digital
photos through the Universitys online
computer system.
The Master Gardeners will be
giving away free seed packets to children. They
will also be demonstrating for the children the
proper way to plant seeds.
This event is in recognition of
University Outreach and Extension week in
Missouri. For the past several years, the
accomplishments of University Outreach and
Extension have been showcased during a week in
For anyone not able to visit
the booth this Saturday, Master Gardeners are
available on Monday and Thursday mornings through
the summer to answer horticulture-related
questions. Anyone needing help can stop by the
local extension office in the basement of the
Jasper County Courthouse or call 417-358-2158.
More Exciting
Things Happening Everyday.
by Robin Putnam, artCentral
Seems like there is always
something new happening around here !! Our latest
adventure will be taking us to the Carthage
square!! Main Street Mercantiles
shop-keeper, Mike Tichenor, has graciously
offered us one of his large display windows !! It
is the one on the inside just to the left of the
front door !!
We have had one of our members
volunteer to help with the new window dis-plays.
The plan is to have our members art work
exhibited there on a rotating basis. We are in
the middle of putting the first display
together...............hopefully it will be in
place next week !!
We thank Mike for think-ing
about us and being soooo generous !!
Our new sculpture sessions
scheduled to begin on June 8th are already full
!!! At least the first month is. We have had six
artists sign up and pay for their spaces for one
month. This ensures the modeling fees are
covered. It is going to be very inter-esting to
see how everyone likes this kind of arrange-ment
!! We have even located our long lost sculp-ture
stands !!! We are just sooo getting this together
If you are interested in
joining us we are taking names and you will be
notified when there is a space available.
NOW....the next thing on our
busy agenda is to get the second floor classroom
turned into a classroom !! We are sooo pleased to
say that we have had some of our members come
forward and volunteer to moved all the furniture
out and up to the third floor for storage!!!
Isnt that great!! They actually volunteered
to move furniture UPSTAIRS!!
We have had more flowers
donated!! Southside Green-house, Sarah Ross
owner, has gernerously given us flats of
impatiens for our large flowerbed in the middle
of the yard !!! We thank her from the bottom of
our green thumbs !!
Dont forget artCamp
2000!! Registration is going on now through July
8th !! 12 days of fun, $12 per day!
We have left registration forms
on the front porch for your convenience !! week. 358-4404.
1110 E 13th & www.
under organizations. Our hours are Tues. - Sat.
9am - 3pm.