The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, November 29, 2000 Volume IX, Number 115
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Jasper County Health Dept. will give
flu shots from 1-3 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 1st. The
Pneumococcal is $15, bring Medicaid or Medicare cards.
There is no charge for high-risk residents or 65+. For
more info call 358-3111 or 1-877-879-9131.
Did Ya Know?. . .The American
Red Cross will hold a Bloodmobile at the Grand Avenue
Church of God, Macon & Grand, on Nov. 30th from
1:30-7 p.m. and on Fri., Dec. 1st from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Did Ya Know?. . .On this date in
1795 Robert Williams Wells, designer of the state seal,
was born.
today's laugh
After all, isnt a
home what we make it?
No its the neighbors
who make it noisy, our friends who mess it up and the
landlord who makes it expensive.
My brothers wife just had a baby.
Boy or girl?
He didnt say and now I dont know
whether Im an aunt or an uncle.
I was riding on the train, and the
conductor threw my suitcase out the window because I
didnt pay my fare and my little brother brought
back the suitcase.
How could your little brother bring it back?
He was inside of it.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Mrs. Joseph D. Perkins and Mrs. Paul N.
Davey gave an elaborate reception this afternoon from 2
to 6 oclock at the handsome new home of Judge J. D.
Perkins on Main and Ninth streets. Two hundred and
fifteen guests were invited. The hostesses were assisted
by Miss Eva Parke, Mesdames T. N. Davey, W. K. Caffee, B.
B. Allen, J. Roessler, and Harvey Black, of Pittsburg.
Masters Tom Davey and Brice Black met the guests at the
door. Misses Lila Oldham and Marian Wright presided at
the ices and coffee, while Misses Eva Stealey, Coila
Myers, Marie Black and Julia Mitchell assisted in the
dining room.
The Light Guard orchestra furnished
music throughout the afternoon. The colors were pink,
green, and deep red.
Among the out-of-town guests were
Mesdames Con and Mel Miller of Pittsburg, Mesdames
Huntley, Amsden, Morgan, Spencer, and Ed Porter, of
Today's Feature
Carthage Christmas
Parade 2000.
About 80 entries have been
received for the 2000 Carthage Christmas Parade
scheduled for Monday, December 4, 2000 at 7:00
p.m. "Christmas Remembered" is this
years theme.
Eleanor Coffield will serve as
Grand Marshall of the 2000 Parade. She was chosen
for her many years of teaching here in Carthage
before her retirement in 1986. She is credited
with starting the Speech Correction Class.
Eleanor has lived in Carthage most of her life.
She has been involved in the McCune-Brooks
Hospital Auxiliary, University Women, Missouri
Association of Social Welfare and others. She is
also an active singer in the Presbyterian Church
Choir. It is a pleasure to honor this outstanding
Additional entries to the
parade include bands from the Carthage High
School and Junior High School, Joplin High
School, Joplin North 7th & 8th grades, Joplin
South Middle School and the Springfield Kilties
Drum Corps. Also included are the Girl Scouts,
Brownies, twirling and dance groups, churches,
classic cars, commercial businesses, local radio
and television personalities, several equestrian
entries and much, much more. There will even be a
mystery guest in a bright red suit.
The Carthage Technical School
Chapter of Skills USA-VICA and Main Street
Carthage, Inc. are sponsors of the Carthage
Parade. For additional information call
417-359-7026 or 417-359-9005.
Just Jake
The annual influx
of tourists and locals tourin
the various displays of lights and
the historic district has begun.
I dont know
if that is part of the noticeable
increase in traffic, or if Im
just becomin more impatient as
the days grow shorter.
With vehicles
turnin their lights on earlier
Im guessin Im just
noticin the number of folks
travelin here and there as I
try to make my way to the house in
the evenins.
Im talkin bout that
long five or ten minute commute I
make everday. Probly be
quicker to walk, but ya never know
when ya might need ta get outa town
in a hurry. I suppose I will have ta
take my Christmas attitude adjustment
and learn to have a little more
patience for the season. Theres
still the shoppin to do.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
by Donna Erickson
At our house, the smell of
popcorn popping usually signals the start of a
much-anticipated weekend. When its an
extended holiday weekend, we always like to have
extra munchies on hand for friends and family who
come and go.
Here are two popcorn snack
recipes that are real crowd pleasers. And
theyre fun to make!
Indian Corn
Pop 2 quarts of popcorn and
place in a large bowl. Melt 1/2 stick of butter
or margarine over medium heat. Add a 10-ounce
package of marshmallows and stir constantly until
melted. Pour the mixture over the popcorn. As you
stir, toss in raisins and a variety of chopped
dried fruit such as peaches, apples, apricots and
When mixture is comfortable to
touch, let your kids coat the palms of their
clean hands with margarine and mold the popcorn
mixture into shapes to resemble ears of colorful
Indian corn. For a serving size, make the ears 4
inches long. Push a wooden skewer into one end of
each ear of popped corn for a handle. Set on wax
paper. Makes about 15.
Pop 3 quarts of popcorn and
place in a large bowl. Meanwhile, combine 1/2 cup
melted butter or margarine and 1/2 cup honey in a
small saucepan. Heat until well blended. Add 1
cup chopped nuts. Pour the mixture over the
popcorn and mix well.
Spread popcorn mixture in a
thin layer on cookie sheets and bake in
350-degree oven for about 12 minutes until crisp.
Stir often to avoid burning. Cool. Store in
airtight container.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.