The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 4, 2000 Volume IX, Number 76
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Friends of the Carthage Public Library
will hold their Saturday Booksale for October on the 7th.
Books and materials are added each month, so come check
out the latest bargains.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Golden
Reflections Coffee Connection will be held at 10 a.m. on
Wednesday, October 4th. Come play Bingo and have fun, in
the dining room at McCune-Brooks Hospital.
Did Ya Know?. . .On this date in
1944 St. Louis two baseball teams, the Browns and
Cardinals, began playing the only "All St.
Louis" World Series.
today's laugh
"I have my
breakfast served in my bedroom every morning."
"Well, youre sure
getting lazy.
"Oh, I dont knowI sleep in the breakfast
"Ill give you to understand
my father is a big man. Hes a Lion a Moose
and an Elk."
"Gee how much does it cost to see him?"
"I have an Uncle working in Wall
"Is he rich?"
"He was once use to have a corner on the
market but now he has a market on the
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Erroneous Report of
the Pest in a Herd of Henry Roses Cattle.
A street report that has gained
considerable currency today was to the effect that a herd
of cattle owned by Henry Rose was affected by the Texas
tick. Investigation showed the rumor to be entirely
erroneous. It probably arose from the fact that Mr. Rose
sent for the cattle inspector to come down and examine
some stock last week before he shipped them, which is
required by law. The stock got a clear bill of health and
those he has on hand now are equally as healthy.
A quartet of Carthage boys drove to
Neosho yesterday, starting before the rain and returning
at night in the mud, by aid of a farmers lantern.
They were Frank Friend, Ralph Galloway, Ed Merton and
Fred Richardson.
Today's Feature
Codes Discussed.
The City Council Public Works
Committee is scheduled to review the proposed
ordinance to adopt the International Building
Code and Maintenance Code/2000 at this
afternoons regular meeting in City Hall at
4 p.m. The first reading of the ordinance was
postponed during the last Council meeting after
several property owners in attendance questioned
some provisions of the new code.
A flyer calling for support in
defeating the ordinance has been distributed in
the community by a group calling itself the
Carthage Property Owners Association.
The flyer states that "The
leadership of the town lacks compassion for the
poor and feels that the property owners of our
town should provide housing only to the elite of
the city." According to the flyer Earnie
Vaile and Carey Murphy are cofounders of the
group and "between the two of us we have
extensive political and legal experience."
Both Vaile and Murphy spoke against the ordinance
during the last Council meeting.
A citizens participation
period is always scheduled for Public Works
Committee meetings.
Just Jake
Ive learned not
to take it personal.
Bein associated
with newspaper types, its not
unusual that my unexpected presence
brings an involved discussion to a halt.
Course the main thing Ive
learned is that there are some things
that are just none a my business. Believe
it or not, there are some things that I
just dont really want ta know.
If youve ever sat
through a detailed epic of your
nephews bout with car sickness on
the way to the Thanksgivin dinner
your tryin to eat, you understand
what I mean. Its all real
interestin, but ya really
dont want to hear about it right
now. Maybe later, after a little nap.
Maybe then Ill be up to
defendin myself with a story or two
of my own.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
by Donna Erickson
Set aside special time with
your kids and join in for some messy fun putting
paint to paper without a paintbrush. Everyone
will delight in the process as you experiment
with innovative materials for making prints. When
your project is complete and the paint is dry,
let your kids sign their favorite and display it
on the family bulletin board or on the
refrigerator door. Use the extra beauties for
gift wrap, greeting cards and for covers for
trinket boxes or to protect favorite storybooks
and school textbooks.
Spread lots of newspaper on a
table, cover the kids with old painting shirts
and gather the supplies for the project you
choose. Print on construction paper, recycled
plain paper bags cut open, butcher paper, index
cards for making postcards or recipe cards,
sturdy writing paper and envelopes.
Rolling-pin prints:
Find an old rolling pin at a
garage sale or from your kids toy box if
they dont play with it anymore. Wind
household string tightly around the rolling pin.
The rounds of string may be close or far apart.
Glue the string ends in place. Let dry.
Pour thick poster paint into an
aluminum tray that is large enough for dipping
and coating the string on the rolling pin. Make a
print by rolling the rolling pin on the paper.
For a variation, glue string in geometric or
squiggly shapes on the rolling pin or on a block
of wood.
More printing objects to try:
sponges cut in
interesting shapes
cookie cutters
keys, bolts and corks
leaves and ferns
your fingers, hands and
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