The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, October 9, 2000 Volume IX, Number 79
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Lincoln Ladies Federated Republican
Women will meet at noon on Tuesday, October 10th at
Republican Headquarter located in the Professional
Building, 221 W. 4th, Carthage. Bring a sack lunch. All
interest ladies are invited.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Water & Electric Plants Water Department is
beginning their annual program to flush and test fire
hydrants. There is a possibility customers will
experience a slight water discoloration. The water will
be safe and it will clear up within 15 to 20 minutes
after hydrant testing is completed.
Did Ya Know?. . .On this date in
1858 the first overland mail from California reached St.
today's laugh
My name is Ware.
Oh, Mr. Ware. I have some furniture
stored in one of your houses.
I cant eat this chicken.
Why not?
Its an incubator chicken.
What makes you think its an incubator chicken?
No chicken with a mother could be this tough.
One mouse to another: Sure, go ahead
and swipe the cheeseitll be a snap.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
J. H. Davidson in Town.
Col. J. H. Davidson, of Chicago, who is
to make a Republican speech at Joplin tonight, is in
Carthage today calling on local republicans.
The colonel is the "unknown"
individual who took Dollivers place at the eleventh
hour in a joint debate with Champ Clark in Ohio last
month and completely wiped up the earth with the Pike
county statesman.
He is spending considerable time in
Missouri and an effort is being made to get him for a
speech in Carthage later in the campaign. Quite a number
from here will go to Joplin tonight to hear him.
Speaking of the situation in Missouri
Col. Davidson said to a reporter today that he regarded
the outlook as very bright. With the proper effort he
thinks Missouri can be carried not only for the
Republican state ticket but for McKinley and Roosevelt.
Today's Feature
Problem Ridiculous.
The City Council Public
Services Committee, during their meeting last
Thursday evening, directed Parks Director Alan
Bull to gather information to be presented to the
Public Safety Committee concerning the problem of
excessive litter in the City parks.
Committee Chair J.D. Whitledge
told the Committee that he inspected the Kellogg
Lake area and Carter Park on a Sunday, and the
soccer fields on the Myers Park development on a
Monday. He said at the two parks most of the
trash barrels were turned over with trash spread.
The soccer field area was worse he said.
"It was a disaster,"
said Whitledge. "Were talking trash
everywhere, bottles .... I was never so
disappointed in all my life."
"This is not just a
problem at Kellogg Lake Park," emphasized
Whitledge. "Its out of hand, its
just ridiculous."
The Committee has discussed the
possibility of prohibiting any glass containers
in the parks or making it illegal to consume beer
or alcohol in the parks.
The current City code prohibits
the consumption of alcohol only on public
streets, sidewalks or alleys.
Just Jake
If youve taken a
drive through the Kellogg Lake area on a
Sunday, youve probly notice
that a large amount of beer is consumed
at that location over the weekend. The
evidence is typically stacks of empty 12
or 24 packs.
The folks
gatherin hasnt fostered any
real problem as far as rowdy behavior,
but the aftermath, especially broken beer
bottles, continues to raise concern.
If the consumption of
beer or alcohol is prohibited in the park
system, it means no beer at the golf
course or at the many company and family
picnics that book in at Muni Park each
The elimination of
glass containers may curtail some danger
in the aftermath, but someones
still got to take out the trash.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Workman's Loan
Weekly Column
The Super
Al Carrell and Kelly Carrell
Dear Al & Kelly: Ever
painted yourself into a corner? Well, I have - or
at least I was trapped in my basement for a short
time. I painted the basement steps and realized
when I was at the bottom that I was going to have
to wait until the paint dried before I could get
back up. Then I was told that I should have
painted every other step, waited for them to dry
and then paint the rest. It sure makes sense to
me. I just wish I had heard that one before I was
Dear Kelly: My pictures and
wall hangings always seemed to be crooked, and I
knew I was straightening them daily. My sister
told me to glue a small scrap of sponge in each
corner. Not only do the sponge pieces keep the
pictures from moving around, but they also help
the things to hang flatter, so theres no
longer that slight angle down.
Q: Please tell us if there is
anything that we can do to help preserve our new
ceramic-tile countertops.
A: The glazed surface is
resistant to most spills, stains and scratches.
However, wipe up spills as soon as possible.
The grout between the tiles can
absorb moisture and spills, so be sure to seal
it. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, and use a
cutting board.
SUPER HINT- If you like the
look of stained glass but dont want to
replace a window, you can attach a stained glass
panel to an existing window with glue or
glazers points.
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