laugh Two storks are
sitting in their nest: a father stork and baby stork.
The baby stork is crying and crying and
father stork is trying to calm him. "Don’t
worry, son. Your mother will come back. She’s only
bringing people babies and making them happy."
The next night, it’s father’s
turn to do the job. Mother and son are sitting in the
nest, the baby stork is crying, and mother is saying
"Son, your father will be back as
soon as possible, but now he’s bringing joy to new
mommies and daddies."
A few days later, the stork’s
parents are desperate: their son is absent from the nest
all night! Shortly before dawn, he returns and the
parents ask him where he’s been all night.
The baby stork says, "Oh, just
scaring the heck out of college students!"
Did you hear about the retired
astronaut who opened an unsuccessful restaurant on the
moon. The food was great, but there was no atmosphere.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Taken Sick En Route.
J.H. Jones and family came into town
Saturday night in a covered wagon en route from
Springfield to Iola, Kan., where they will buy a farm and
make their home. The family consisted of husband, wife
and son, and the wife’s mother. Mrs. Jones was quite
sick with grip and the party went to the Commercial
hotel, where they remained until Monday noon, for medical
treatment. Mrs. Jones was improved by that time and the
journey was resumed. Mr. Jones had been an old railroad
man and lost his hand while switching cars a year ago.
The lawn surrounding the municipal
power house at Carter’s park has been carefully
cultivated, graded and leveled and was sown in grass seed
this morning.
When you get ready to do that papering
get Fred C. Pfifer. Phone No. 160.
Today's Feature Senate Advances
$23.1 Billion
State Operating
funding to run critical functions of state
government without a tax increase, the Missouri
Senate today advanced thirteen budget bills
totaling $23.1 billion for the fiscal year
beginning July 1. The bills include nearly $500
million in reductions across the board from the
budget proposed by Gov. Jay Nixon in January to
meet the state’s requirement for a balanced
Senate Appropriations Chairman
Sen. Rob Mayer, R-Dexter, handled the budget
bills. Mayer said the cuts were necessary when
considering that the state had nearly $1 billion
less coming into its state coffers compared to
the same time last year.
"This is one of the
toughest budget years in our state’s
history," said Mayer. "Missouri’s
constitution requires us to have a balanced
budget. With an eye on our state’s future,
we made some difficult decisions to balance the
budget and live within our means without raising
The Senate voted to maintain
the school funding formula at its current levels.
Missouri’s K-12 schools will receive the
same level of funding in FY2011 as they did this
year. Mayer said the Senate approved funding of
$37.5 million for the Career Ladder program that
pays teachers for extra work such as afterschool
tutoring. The funding would be contingent on
whether Missouri receives an additional $300
million in federal "stimulus" dollars.
Senate Leader Charlie Shields,
R-St. Joseph, commended Mayer for his leadership
on the budget.
"Education leaders told us
that they would like us to keep their core school
formula funding intact," said Shields.
"Sen. Mayer listened and protected our
students in our classrooms by making sure our
school districts will receive the same amount of
money from the formula next year as they did this
The Senate also reduced Parents
as Teachers funding by half or $13 million.
Another bill that has received Senate approval
would continue to provide the first six visits to
families for free to identify and get help to
children with developmental delays.
The Senate voted to reduce
higher education funding by the same level as the
Governor’s recommendation of $50 million,
keeping universities’ promises intact to
freeze tuition rates. They also reduced ACCESS
Missouri Scholarships by $13 million, but Mayer
said this cut is not anticipated to touch the
program’s core funding.
"Missouri students will
continue to benefit from ACCESS Missouri
Scholarships," said Mayer. "There is
only a small chance scholarship award amounts
could be less next year."
Mayer said the largest savings,
anticipated to be millions, came from looking at
state departments and identifying how they may
run more efficiently by eliminating more than
1,000 government jobs, including taxpayer-funded
lobbyists, and items like equipment, travel and
"One of the consistent
themes we heard from constituents is that we
could and should do more with less, and I believe
we are making this happen throughout state
government," said Mayer.
Mayer said the Senate also held
the line on "new spending" items
recommended by the governor’s office,
including saying "no" to the following
spending proposals:
$600,000 for WWII videos
interviewing veterans.
$600,000 for a disparity study.
$730,000 for urban gardens and
farmer’s markets, among several others. The
Senate also voted to cut its own operating budget
by 5 percent, or nearly $500,000.
"We can’t expect
citizens to face cuts to programs and not expect
to cut our budget," said Sen. Kevin Engler,
R-Farmington, and Senate Majority Floor Leader.
"We are facing the second budget year in a
row where we are working with less revenue than
the year before, and we are leading by example by
cutting our own expenses."
Differences in the budget bills
will now be hammered out by conference
committees. Negotiated versions must return to
the House before gaining Senate approval to
advance to the governor. The budget must pass by
6 p.m., Friday, May 7, as required by the
Just Jake
I’ve only got into
poison ivy once that I know about. As a kid
out huntin’, I apparently laid down in a
ripe growth. It covered my stomach area.
The real battle is ta get
it to stop itchin’ long enough ta let it
heal. In other words, the less ya do the
better off ya are.
This is of course
completely opposite of the procedure for the
small cuts or abrasions that kids come up
with. In that instance there needs ta be an
effort to clean and cover, watch for
infection and spreadin’. When a cut
started itchin’ a little, it was a good
sign usually. Meant it was healin’ up.
Sometimes it’s not so
clear whether an itch needs scratchin’
or ignorin’. Sometimes it comes down to
will power or knowledge, but usually just
dumb luck.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
In 1985 an organization named
"C.A.S.T & Company" was begun by an
energetic group of folks, which was later in part
to become artCentral. In honor of those first
founders, including a few more that joined them
during those early years, we have compiled a list
of 25 persons who we are considering our "25
founders for 25 Years". I have sent
invitations to Bob Tommey, Bill Snow, Sandy
Higgins, Perry Fleming, Michelle Newton-
Hansford, Don Knost, Susan Steen-Knost, Janet
Ott, Jim Bracht, Bob Fasken, the heirs of Wendy
Christensen, Elliott Hunter, Lowell Davis, Jerry
Ellis, Dr.& Mrs. W.C. Dandridge, Robin Putnam
and Irene Van Gilder. These are the founders we
know addresses of. Others include Sam Butcher and
Tom Simpson, who are both out of the country at
this time, and Susan Humber who is deceased.
Remaining are folks that I do not have current
information on, or addresses for. In hopes of
someone reading this knowing something of one of
these, they are Chris Weber, Jennifer Morris,
Shelia Buchallew and Joan Hudkins. Let me know if
you have information about any of these four. We
celebrate this group on Sunday afternoon, April
25th, at 2:00 with a reception honoring them, and
the public is invited. That is also the first day
of the unveiling of the "5X5 Art
Auction" entries that we are currently
receiving, and thus far the pieces that have come
back are beautiful! I hope that you will make a
point to come by either that Sunday afternoon, or
one of the three weekends that follow, to place
your bids on the numerous works that will be
displayed until the evening of May 15th, when
final bids will be taken and winners announced!
Come and bid on a tiny work of art that you might
get for a bargain!
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.