The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, April 23, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 215
did ya
Did Ya Know?..Relay for Life
CWEP Team will host a biscuit and gravy breakfast on
Saturday April 24th at the First Christian Church
Lighthouse, 801 S. Main St., from 6:00 a.m. until 10:30
a.m. This is benefitting the American Cancer Society.
.Did Ya Know?.. . Singles
Reaching Out - West will have a potluck dinner this
Friday at Ulmer’s Community Room at 6:30 pm, 1208 S.
Garrison. Sarah and the Frosty Mountain Band will
entertain. Singles, $3.
Did Ya Know?...The Rolling
Thunder Chapert 3 will sponsor a POW/MIA Awareness Run
and Ceremony Saturday, April 24. Meet at Carthage VFW
prrking lot at 8 AM. Ride to Mt Vernon Veterans Home,
then to Ceremony at Monett Park.
Did Ya Know?...There will be an
on-going jam session at Red Oak II starting at noon Sat.
during the car show. Regular jam that evening.
laugh Casey came
home from the doctor looking very worried. His wife said,
"What’s the problem?"
He said, "The doctor told me I
have to take a pill every day for the rest of my
She said, "So what? Lots of people
have to take a pill every day their whole lives."
He said, "I know, but he only gave
me four pills!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
U.S. Indian Appraiser
Hon. J. W. Kitzmiller, who has been for
a year U.S. appraiser for the Chicasaw and Choctaw
nations in Indian Territory, was in town yesterday all
day, on his way home to Medora, Ill.
He has mining interests in this county
and has a number of friends here. He has resigned his
position in the territory and is succeeded by Senator
Monaham of Chicago.
Said he to a reporter:
"During the past year I have
ridden 7,000 miles on mule-back and hadn’t slept
under a roof since February until I started home this
week. That life under a tent is a great one, and I was
never in healthier condition.
"I like it, but I can’t take
my family into such a country and I don’t like to
continue to live away from them. So I resigned and am on
my way home."
Today's Feature Oklahoma
Resident Arrested
Crash With Trooper.
On April 21, 2010, a pursuit
which began in Oklahoma and traveled into Kansas,
ended when the pursued driver struck a Missouri
State Highway Patrol trooper in Newton County,
Missouri on Interstate 44.
At approximately 11:00 p.m.,
Trooper T. R. Morris was traveling west on
Interstate 44 in Newton County, responding to a
report of a pursuit by Oklahoma and Kansas law
enforcement that was nearing the Missouri state
line. East of the Missouri 166 exit on Interstate
44, Trooper Morris’ patrol car was struck in
the left side by the pursued driver who was
traveling east in the westbound lanes of
Interstate 44. Following the crash, the driver of
the pursued vehicle, John R. Bristow, 43, Edmond,
Oklahoma, was taken into custody and transported
to the Newton County Jail, Neosho, Missouri.
Bristow was arrested for assault of a law
enforcement officer, driving while intoxicated,
leaving the scene of an accident, and a
misdemeanor Clay County, Missouri warrant for
Trooper Morris suffered minor
injuries and was treated and released.
Just Jake
I heard talk about a guy
that was one brick short of a load the other
day. I’d have ta figure that most get
the feelin’ they don’t know all
they should at some point or another.
I’d lived a lotta years ‘fore I
heard the expression "not the sharpest
knife in the drawer."
I grew up hearin’
‘bout those bein’ one card short of
a deck, ladder not reachin’ the top
rung, and bein’ a half a bubble off.
Typically these were not
judgemental statements, but just observations
considered as fact.
‘Course usually the
statement was followed by the observation
that the person had many admirable traits
I’m sure I’ve
lost a brick or two along the way. If ya find
it, put it on your pile, if ya think
it’s worthy.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns As we cruise into un-chartered waters, I
just want to note that our first art auction will
be opening this coming Sunday afternoon instead
of the usual Friday night. I am SO excited to see
all the beautiful pieces that have been returned
to us thus far for this silent auction, and want
to encourage everyone to come out sometime during
the three weeks that this exhibit is up to view
the 70+ tiny works of art and perhaps place a bid
on some of them!
Not only is this a different
starting time and day for us, the silent auction
is a new venue, being done in honor of our 25th
Anniversary, as the works are 5 inches by 5
inches--- five times five is 25! And the date we
open is the 25th too! Minimum bid on any piece is
25.00, but after that the sky is the limit, so
you could get a bargain or there could be bidding
wars on selected works. We have a majority of oil
paintings, but almost as many acrylic paintings
too. Then there are a group of watercolors,
several drawings in colored pencil, and one
pastel so far. There are ceramic pieces being
displayed on top of the canvas, some sculptural
dimensional works, and several mixed media
including some fiber works. All in all, it
promises to be a very rewarding show for those
who come out to view it, even if you do not
choose to bid on anything. Bidders will be
assigned a number instead of their name with
which to place their written bids, so all bids
will be private. If you are unable to be with us
opening day, then come back either the first or
second weekend in May, Friday through Sunday,
noon to 5:00, to place your bids or update an
existing bid. Phone updates will also be
accepted. We will hold the closing reception on
May 15th, from 6:00-8:00, and final bids will be
received before 7:30, when winners will be
announced. It promises to be a lot of fun, and I
hope may of you will join in that fun by
attending one or both the receptions for this
auction/exhibition event. Our special thanks to
our friends at HOMETOWN for the underwriting of
this event and exhibition.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.