laugh It’s time
to reevaluate our involvement!
Every day there are news reports about
more deaths. Every night on TV there are photos of death
and destruction. Why are we still there?
We occupied this land, which we had to
take by force, but it causes us nothing but trouble. Why
are we still there?
Many of our children go there and never
come back. Why are we still there?
Their government is unstable, and they
have loopy leadership. Why are we still there?
There are more than 1000 religious
sects, which we do not understand. Why are we still
They are billions of dollars in debt
and it will cost billion smore to rebuild, which we
can’t afford. Why are we still there?
It is becoming clear ... WE MUST PULL
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Bad Tumble For Two.
A couple of gentlemen leaving the
Chautauqua grounds last evening received bad tumbles from
their bicycles just north of the entrance, in going down
the steep grade. Torn clothing, bent handlebars and
sundry bruises tell the story.
A Children’s Party.
Little Fern, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Driesbach, was treated to a pleasant surprise by
several of her classmates yesterday afternoon. Ice cream,
cake and lively games occupied them from 2 o’clock
until 4 o’clock.
The crowd comprised Ellen Johnson,
Robert Johnson, Eric Edstrom, Essie Lundrum, Wesley
Johnson, Mattie Booker, and Lute Booker.
Today's Feature Rain Doesn’t Stop Red Oak II
The Car Show at Red Oak II drew
a fair amount of vehicles despite the dismal rain
that fell during the early hours of last
Disapointed entrants gathered
inside as the rain fell during the initial hours
of the event until judging was completed about
noon. Trophies were presented and the few vendors
that braved the weather left shortly after.
A day log jam session for
musicians went on inside the Salem church. Music
could be heard from noon until after 8 p.m.
Just Jake
After years of
listenin’ to the variety of
telemarketers give their patter durin’
supper time, ya start to give ‘em
ratings after ya tell ‘em to get lost.
The easy ones to hang up on
are the pushy type. The always start with
some kinda joke or cute remark about the
weather. ‘Course most of ‘em are in
a different time zone and don’t have a
clue ‘bout the climate in this part of
the country. The real friendly ones get shot
down quickest.
There are some ya gotta
feel a little sorry for. They stumble over
the words as they try to get enthused about
what ever product they are pushin’
today. I give ‘em a few kind words and
tell ‘em not to get too discouraged.
They have a tough job and are goin’ to
get a lot of no’s. Then I tell ‘em
to take me off the list and not to call
again. Figure they might as well get a full
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns Introducing Kids
to Home Improvement
Q: Recently, when a roofing
crew made significant repairs to our roof due to
storm damage, my two sons and daughter were
fascinated by all the activity. They followed the
crew around and pestered them with questions. I
think learning about home repair is a valuable
skill, and I’d like the kids to be involved
in more projects, but I am unable to perform many
home-repair tasks myself. I also wonder if
they’re old enough to learn various tasks:
They are 10, 8 and 5. Do you have any
suggestions? -- Gloria G., Fort Worth, Texas
A: Getting kids involved in
home improvement and repair projects can be very
rewarding. Of course, their age, abilities and
maturity should be taken into account when
deciding how much they can be allowed to do. A
5-year-old shouldn’t be hammering nails, but
a 10-year-old would probably do a brilliant job
(and handle the hammer responsibly).
There are programs out there
for kids. Some are offered by public-service
departments, others by nonprofit organizations
(including Scouting, which teaches kids a myriad
of life skills), while others are paid classes
geared to different age levels. Check around and
see if something is available for all three kids,
or at least the two older ones.
Look around your home as well.
Not all home-improvement projects have to be big
or involved. They can be as simple as patching a
nail hole or hanging a picture. Sit down with the
kids and plan out how you’ll all tackle the
project. Who will gather the tools and supplies
needed, who will do the actual work, who will
help carry items back and forth?
If you have a trusted neighbor
who frequently does home repairs and is willing
to teach the kids a thing or two, you have
another option to allow them to learn.
Keep in mind that the kids
might only be initially interested. But teaching
them new skills and letting them take on more
responsibility can have rewards far beyond just
the simple act of fixing or improving something.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.