laugh The insurance
adjuster who had been investigating the fire turned to
"I came down here to find out the
cause of this fire and I have done so," he remarked.
"That’s what I want to know.
What caused it?" remarked the house owner.
"It’s a plain case of
"The fire was undoubtedly caused
by rubbing a three thousand dollar insurance policy on a
two thousand dollar house."
"How did Richleigh make all his
money?" - "By judicious speculation and
"And how did Poorman lose all his
money?" - "By Gambling on the stock
"You see, I married a widow, and
this widow had a daughter. Then my farther, being a
widower, married our daughter, so you see my father is my
own son-in-law."
"My step-daughter is my
step-mother, then, her mother is my grand-mother. I am
married to her, so that makes me my own grandfather,
doesn’t it?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
C. E. Wilcox of St.
Louis now in Carthage - Mr. Bailey Will Remain Here.
A deal was closed today whereby Ed
Bailey transferred the Excelsior Steam Laundry on East
Fourth street to Mr. Chas. E. Wilcox, recently of St.
Louis. Mr. Wilcox is now in possession and will continue
the business under the name of the Excelsior Laundry.
Meredith & Armstrong, the real estate agents, made
the deal.
Mr. Wilcox recently came to Carthage
from St. Louis and purchased the Judd property in Cassil
place, where he now lives. He is an experienced business
man and will give the laundry his personal attention. He
expects to add new machinery to the equipment in the near
Mr. Bailey has not decided upon his
plans for the future but will remain in Carthage for the
present at least.
Today's Feature No Word on Court
Fund Insurance Claim.
There has been no word from the
bonding company concerning the funds found
missing from the Municipal Court bond fund. City
Clerk Lynn Campbell reported to the
Finance/Personnel Committee that a claim had been
filed with Allied Insurance on the theft of
$64,681.27 from the Municipal Court. There was no
indication if the claim would be paid. Mrs.
Campbell noted the loss was probably more but the
claim was filed using the documented amount from
the Highway Patrol investigation.
Amy L. (Young) Harrison, 46, of
Carthage, Missouri, was arrested by troopers with
the Missouri State Highway Patrol on January 25,
2010. Harrison was arrested for one count of
felony stealing and transported to the Jasper
County Jail in Carthage, pending formal charges.
Investigation into the theft was initiated on
August 26, 2009, by the Patrol at the request of
the Carthage Police Department. The amount of
money involved initially was reported to exceed
By Monte Dutton
by Curry Automotive
Kasey Kahne to
Detour on Way to Hendrick
FORT WORTH, Texas -- Kasey
Kahne is headed to Hendrick Motorsports, but
it’s kind of complicated.
Kahne, 30, has already driven
for three teams in the Sprint Cup Series --
without ever moving. He began with Evernham
Motorsports, which became Gillett Evernham, which
became Richard Petty Motorsports. All along,
Kahne drove No. 9, but he started in a Dodge and
this year changed to a Ford.
Considered one of the
sport’s more talented drivers, it’s no
surprise that Kahne is moving to Hendrick
Motorsports once his contract at RPM expires at
the end of the season, but he’s not moving
there directly, or at least, that’s the
current spin.
Next year Kahne will drive for
a team not yet announced -- Stewart Haas Racing,
a Hendrick satellite of sorts, is most often
mentioned -- while Mark Martin completes his
contractual commitment at Hendrick. Kahne will
not actually join Hendrick proper until 2012. Or
so it is currently assumed.
Kahne is willing to wait a
year, apparently, in order to join the team that
produced the top three finishers -- Jimmie
Johnson, Martin and Jeff Gordon -- in last
year’s Chase.
"To be in the position
I’m in now and know where I’m going to
be in 2012, to have the opportunity with Rick
Hendrick and everybody at Hendrick Motorsports,
to me, it’s an unbelievable opportunity. I
can’t wait to get that started."
Beyond the announcement of
Kahne joining Hendrick in 2012, little is known.
Martin has declared he isn’t retiring. Tony
Stewart has said he has made no arrangements to
have Kahne join him and Ryan Newman, and other
scenarios (JR Motorsports, also Hendrick aligned,
moving up from Nationwide to Cup being one) are
similarly denied or, at least, played down. No
one knows whether or not Kahne will take his crew
chief, Kenny Francis, along with him -- wherever
that is.
"I’ll work through it
with Mr. Hendrick and figure out exactly what we
need to do that makes the most sense," said
Just Jake
I’ve gotten into a
couple a conversations ‘bout the trials
of bein’ a kid in the last week or two.
Not the stuff ya hear about taday, the
important trials like fallin’ off a bike
or gettin’ hit with a baseball.
I suppose as a kid we
didn’t think much of a broken arm or a
sprained ankle as bein’ anything that
devastatin’. That’s why takin’
some risks while at play was so common. I was
shown scars ta prove it.
I suppose I was fortunate
that durin’ these conversations there
were plenty of stories bein’ told and I
didn’t get the chance to relay any of my
own. I always thought of my childhood as
bein’ filled with some adventure or
another, but it seems it was pretty typical
of the times. But even today skinned knees
are pretty good teachers.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Dear Tom and Ray:
My company has a ‘93 Ford
Club Wagon equipped for wheelchairs, as our
company provides services for people with
developmental disabilities. Some jerk punctured a
hole in our fuel tank and took the fuel. We tried
to repair it with a screw and some epoxy. It
lasted for a couple of days, until the epoxy was
eaten away. Is there another way to fix this, or
do we need a new fuel tank? Thank you! - Linda
Tom: You can fix this , Linda.
In fact, you can fix it pretty easily and
Ray: This van is old enough to
have a metal tank. So, go to your nearest auto
parts store and buy yourself a fiberglass
gas-tank repair kit.
Tom: The kit you want consists
of a piece of fiberglass mesh, along with a
little paintbrush and a special epoxy that
won’t get eaten away by gasoline.
Ray: The first thing you have
to do is drain the tank. That may already been
done for you, thanks to the jerk. But if not, you
need to siphon the remainder into a suitable
container (i.e., not a co-worker’s travel
mug( and give yourself a dry surface to wotk
Tom: Then you need to sand the
area around the hole. Get as close as you can to
the bare metal, because if you leave any rust,
the rust eventually will fall off and take the
patch with it.
Ray: Tehn get a pair of rubber
gloves, and follow the instructions on how to mix
the epoxy. Be aware that it gets very hot to the
touch once it’s mixed.
Tom: You smear a layer of the
epoxy around the hole with the paintbrush, than
you embed a piece of the fiberglass mesh and
"paint" the mesh with a layer of epoxy.
When it dries, voila! No more leak.
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