The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 5, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 202
did ya
Did Ya Know?..Magic Moments
Riding Therapy is holding a "Work Day" to
finish some outdoor projects on April 17th, starting at
10:30 am. Lunch will be provided. We need people to help
with outdoor clean up, some minor building
projects/repairs, tree limb cutting, weed-wacking. Bring
gloves, tools if you have them. Call 417 325-4490 for
more information. Cancelled if raining."
Top 45 Oxymorons:
Continued from last Friday
20. Synthetic natural gas
19. Passive aggression
18. Taped live
17. Clearly misunderstood
16. Peace force
15. Extinct Life
14. Temporary tax increase
13. Computer jock
12. Plastic glasses
11. Terribly pleased
10. Computer security
9. Political science
8. Tight slacks
7. Definite maybe
6. Pretty ugly
5. Twelve-ounce pound cake
4. Diet ice cream
3. Working vacation
2. Exact estimate
1. Microsoft Works
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Men and Women Brought
to Jail.
Among a batch of prisoners brought up
from Joplin last night was Gertle Ayers, who is getting
to be notorious among jailors and policemen. She was up
in police court here two or three times last fall. The
police officers finally ran her out of town rather than
maintain her longer in the calaboose, and threatened
penalties if she came back. Since then she has been sent
up from Joplin two or three times to serve short jail
sentences and she has not had much time between terms.
She and Flora Sulivan now come up
charged with maliciously destroying public property. It
is said that while confined in the Joplin calaboose the
night before, they burned up all the tables, chairs and
other furniture within their reach.
Other prisoners committed to jail last
night are J. McLamar, L.W. Tracy and Harmon Smith, all
charged with disturbance; H.S. Johnson, charged with
assault, and E.L. Fleshman, charged with embezzlement.
Today's Feature Puppy Mill
The Carthage Humane Society
will hold an Informational and Petition Signing
Party Thursday, April 8th from 3:30 to 6:30 pm at
the Carthage Humane Society.
Voter initiative 273.345 is an
effort to insure the humane treatment of DOGS in
large-scale breeding operations, also known as
"puppy mills". If supporters can gather
enough registered voter signatures before April
27th, this measure will be placed on the Missouri
ballot in November, 2010.
Carthage Humane Society
supports this initiative. They invite the public
to the Informational and Petition Signing Party.
There will be some of the victims of the puppy
mills at the shelter. The petition will be
available so that voters can read the exact
wording of the initiative as it will appear on
the ballot.
Initiative supporters will be
onsite to discuss the initiative. Also, opposing
arguments will be discussed.
The Society is located just
south of Carthage on 71, east of the Highway
Patrol Station. Take the Cedar Road exit. Call
for more detailed directions @ 417-358-6402.
Just Jake
Ive always heard you
should pick your battles. Not take on just
anything that comes along cause
battlin takes a lot of time an energy.
The problem is the fewer battles ya take on,
the fewer ya wanna pick. After a while
its just easier ta not pick any.
Course, as a friend a
mine used to like ta say, "Who gives a
rip about apathy?"
There is little doubt that
there are things worth stickin your
neck out for, but mostly its
committin the time and energy necessary
to get something worthwhile accomplished. The
other thing necessary is to utilize all the
tools available to complete the task. Not
goin at it half hearted. Its easy
to sit around and jabber about
somethin, nother thing to
actually get off the porch and get after it.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Weekly Columns
By Samantha Mazzotta
Q: Ive been getting more
and more interested in learning woodworking --
basic stuff, like how to build shelves and small
useful items around the house. Wheres a
good place to start? What tools should I be
looking for? -- Jared H., Seattle
A: For those with no
experience, Id recommend looking for a
woodworking class offered in your area. These are
typically offered at adult learning centers,
community colleges, even churches. Woodworking or
woodcraft stores also offer introductory classes.
Youll probably pay about the same tuition
for any of these offerings -- usually more than
$100 for a course lasting two or more weeks --
plus materials fees. And an array of tools are
typically provided for students to use.
Once youve gotten
familiar with the basics of woodworking, the type
of tools you purchase is up to you. A friend of
mine has slowly added an array of power tools and
a table saw to his basement workshop, with more
equipment planned as his wallet allows.
Building shelves, cabinets and
other household items yourself can save quite a
lot in labor costs, money you can put toward
better-quality materials or other home
improvements. And its a skill that I think
is fading as progress marches on.
My friend the woodworker has
been at it only a year or so, but hes
already driving his wife nuts by adding custom
shelving to every open nook in their home. Some
of it -- like the shelves under the basement
stairs -- are quite basic, pine shelving, but in
the living areas of the house hes using
hardwoods to match the original oak, maple and
cherry. He most recently built a swinging,
latchable gate for the top of the stairway, a
beautiful and more secure protective measure than
a plastic baby gate.
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