Today's Feature City Tax Hearing
A Public Hearing will be held
at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, August 10,2010 and
Tuesday, August 27, 2010 in the City Hall,
Council Chambers, 326 Grant, Carthage, Missouri
at which time citizens may be heard on the
property tax rates proposed to be set by the City
The total Assessed Valuations
for the City dropped by approximately 1.3 million
dollars as compared to last year. The current
levy is .7338 per one hundred dollars of assessed
valuation. That translates to a total city
property tax revenue of $854,580.
The proposed tax levy to be
presented at the above hearing is .7499 per one
hundred assessed valuation. This would mean that
a property that retained its valuation from last
year would see a slight increase in taxes, but
the city would maintain the same overall dollar
A two million dollar reduction
came from the commercial real estate assesments,
while residential assements increased by almost
eight hundred thousand.
Assessments are calculated by
the county and city officials are still unsure
where two million dollars of commercial real
estate went.
JULY 27,2010
The Carthage City Council met
in regular session on the above date at 7:30 P.M.
in the City Hall Council Chambers with Mayor J.
Michael Harris presiding. The invocation was
given by Interim Fire Chief Roger Williams and
the flag salute was led by Police Chief Greg
The following Council Members
answered roll call: Dan Rife, Brent Greninger,
Claude Newport, Wayne Campbell, T. J. Teed, Diane
Sharits, John Studebaker, Bill Welch and Lee
Carlson. Council Member Charlie Bastin, Jr. was
absent. City Attorney Nate Dally and City
Administrator Tom Short were present.
Mrs. Sharits made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Carlson, to approve the minutes
of the July 13,2010 Council Meeting. Motion
Mr. Newport reported the Budget
Ways and Means Committee was between meetings.
Mrs. Sharits reported the
Finance and Personnel Committee met on this date
in Council Chambers and noted there had been two
more cellular phone lawsuit settlements from
T-Mobile and Cricket. The T-Mobile settlement
would require a future Council Bill to collect
funds of approximately $7,000.00 but the Cricket
funds of approximately $2.00 would be forthcoming
with no action required.
Reporting for the Public
Services Committee, Mr. Greninger noted the
Committee was between meetings.
Mr. Welch reported the Public
Safety Committee met July 19, 2010. Mr. Welch
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Teed, to allow the
inner side of the Square on the South, West and
East to be blocked from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM on
September 8,2010 for the Heart of the Ozarks
Model T Club car show with the exception of the
Sheriff’s spaces. Motion carried. Mrs.
Sharits had a question on the date. Mr. Welch
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to allow
the street closing of 7th Street from Garrison to
Lyon on September 18, 2010 from 1 :00 PM to 8:00
PM for the Festival of Friends. Motion carried.
Mr. Welch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Teed, to
allow the the street closing of Grant between 4th
and 5th Streets during the hours of 9:00 AM to
8:00 AM for the Make A Wish Foundation fundraiser
on September 18, 2010. Mr. Welch made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Carlson, to remove the 2 hour
restricted parking on the lot at 4th Street and
Howard and leave the Drake Parking and Handicap
as is. Motion carried 8-0. Council Member
Campbell was a nay vote and Council Member Bastin
was absent. Mr. Welch made a motion, seconded by
Mr. Rife, to allow the operation and accept the
fee schedule of Affordable Taxi owned by Jerry
Dallies as follows: $6.00 from point A to B
within the City Limits and $7.00 outside the
City. Motion carried.
Mr. Rife reported the Public
Works Committee met July 20, 2010. Mr. Rife made
a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbel/, to accept the
bid of Blevins Asphalt, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, in
the amount of $46.30 per ton laid and $1.30 per
gallon. Motion carried. The other bids were: APAC
Missouri, Springfield, Missouri, $47.00 per ton
laid and $2.10 per gal/on and Swift Construction,
Neosho, Missouri, $57.96 per ton laid and $2.50
per gallon. Mr. Rife made a motion, seconded by
Mr. Studebaker, to accept the State bid from
Putnam Chevrolet in California, Missouri, for a
new Chevrolet, 4x4 regular cab truck in the
amount of $18,494.00 at the Street Department.
Motion carried. Mr. Rife noted the truck would be
white instead of Street Department orange due to
cost factors since the budgeted amount was
Special Committee and Board
Liaison Reports were given by the following: Mr.
Newport, Carthage Water & Electric Board; Mr.
Welch, Carthage Humane Society; Mr. Studebaker,
Kellogg Lake Board; Mr. Studebaker, Battle of
Carthage Sesquicentennial Ad-Hoc Committee; Mr.
Carlson, Planning, Zoning &Historic
Preservation Commission and Mrs. Sharits, Chamber
of Commerce.
Under the Mayor’s report,
Troop #9 was in attendance as part of a
Citizenship Badge requirement and Mayor Harris
asked the scouts and their leaders to stand up
and be recognized. Mayor Harris remarked there
had been another busy weekend with many events
taking place in the City. Mayor Harris added he
has had meetings with RES Representatives and
there is a good possibility the plant will
re-open. Jo Ann Radetic, Missouri DNR, met with
the Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation
Commission on the Certified Local Government
City Attorney Dally thanked the
Mayor and Council for the opportunity to attend
the Missouri Municipal Attorney’s
Conference. Mr. Dally provided details on areas
the City may need to change procedures such as
DWI reporting by court personnel and public works
demolitions. An update was given by Mr. Dally on
the KAMO easement lawsuit and the recent telecom
City Administrator Tom Short
provided details on the following: a meeting with
MoDOT officials, Sprenkle & Associates,
Eastern County Commissioner Jim Honey and the
Mayor on federal funds for bridges in Carthage,
primarily the North Garrison bridges; the
rescheduling of a collective bargaining seminar
in Joplin cancelled 10 minutes prior to it’s
start; the final transfer amount of $76,500.00
from the General Revenue to the Golf Fund for
operating expenses; the decline in Taxi Grant
funds for next fiscal year due to budget cuts;
details on the joint guardrail project with MoDOT
near McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital to be
discussed at the next Public Works Meeting and a
future Memorandum of Understanding with the
Humane Society on property near the facility
owned by the City and McCune-Brooks Regional
Police Chief Greg Dagnan gave
an update on the upcoming Marian Days Celebration
August 4-8, 2010. Chief Dagnan added the City
would be in good hands as Captain Kaiser takes
over for him during his 6 week medical leave.
Public Works Director Zeb
Carney reported the Stormwater Pump in the alley
behind the 300 block of Euclid had been replaced
and recently re-installed. The testing of the
pump with the cooperation of the fire department
was successful. Mr. Carney wished Chief Dagnan
well with his upcoming surgery and recovery.
Parks Director Alan Bull
announced the pool was back open after the recent
vandalism and he praised the work by the Police
The Committee on Claims filed a
report in the amount of $3,900,515.42 against the
following funds: General Revenue $115,864.23;
Public Health $104,718.29; Golf Course Fund
$9,502.19; Powers Museum $3,021.11;
Parks/Stormwater $8,000.00; Payroll $274,409.60;
Carthage Water & Electric $2,000,000.00 and
McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital $1,385,000.00.
Mrs. Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Carlson, to accept the report and allow the
claims. Motion carried.
No one spoke during the
Citizen’s PartiCipation Period.
Under old business, C. B. 10-22
an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a
Contract between the City of Carthage and Center
for Community Studies Studio, Drury University
for developing and testing conceptual ideas for
the City of Carthage’s Courthouse Square
District redevelopment was placed on second
reading followed by a roll call vote of 9 yeas
and no nays. Council Member Bastin was absent.
Bill passed.
C. B. 10-23 an Ordinance to add
a new section to Chapter 23, Article X, of the
Carthage Code establishing an ordinance for Golf
Carts was placed on second reading followed by a
roll call vote of 9 yeas and no nays. Council
Member Bastin was absent. Bill passed. Prior to
the vote Mr. Welch, Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Sharits
discussed the bill.
C. B. 10-24 an Ordinance
rezoning certain property at 2207 Grand Ave. in
the City of Carthage from "An First
Dwelling, to "D" Local Business as
requested by Anthony Tran was placed second on
reading followed by a roll call vote of 9 yeas
and no nays. Council Member Bastin was absent.
Bill passed.
C. B. 10-25 an Ordinance
rezoning certain property at 1339 W. Central Ave.
in the City of Carthage from "A" First
Dwelling, to "E" General Business as
requested by Jimmie Fortner was placed on second
reading followed by a roll call vote of 9 yeas
and no nays. Council Member Bastin was absent.
Bill passed.
C. B. 10-26 an Ordinance
authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement
with the Carthage Humane Society for animal
control services for the City of Carthage was
placed second reading followed by a roll call
vote of 9 yeas and no nays. Council Member Bastin
was absent. Bill passed. Mr. Newport provided
more details on the contract prior to the vote.
C. B. 10-27 an Ordinance
amending the Annual Operating and Capital Budget
of the City of Carthage for the fiscal year
2009-2010 was placed on second reading followed
by a roll call vote of 9 yeas and no nays.
Council Member Bastin was absent. Bill passed.
C. B. 10-28 an Ordinance to
arnend Chapter 25 Zoning. of the Code of Carthage
was placed on second reading followed by a roll
call vote of 9 yeas and no nays. Council Member
Bastin was absent. Bill passed. Mr. Newport had a
question on how the I ordinance would be enforced
and it was answered by Mr. Dally.
Under new business, C.B. 10-29
an Ordinance to amend Chapter 4, Articles I and
II of the t Code of Carthage regarding Animals,
to provide for the managed care of Feral Cats was
placed on first reading with no action taken.
C.B. 10-30 an Ordinance
authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement
with Blevins Asphalt Construction Co., Inc. for
the annual Asphalt Paving Contract for fiscal
year 2011 (not to exceed $108,000 in cost, per
the 2011 fiscal year budget) was placed on first
reading with no action taken.
Mr. Welch made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Newport, to approve the
Mayor’s Appointment of Sabrina Drackert to
the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Board replacing John
Bode. Motion carried.
In closing remarks, Mr. Rife,
Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Sharits and Mr. Studebaker
recognized Boy Scout Troop 9 and Mayor Harris
noted he was once a member of Troop 9. Council
Members wished Chief Dagan well during his
surgery and recovery.
Mr. Carlson made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Welch, to adjourn the Council
meeting. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at
8:14 PM.