The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Volume XIX, Number 116
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . First United
Methodist Church 7th & Main will hold a Breakfast
& Cookie Sale Saturday, Dec. 11th, 8am-Noon Breakfast
$5, pancakes & ham or biscuits & sausage gravy.
Did Ya Know?...The Carthage
Business Women of Missouri have Black Walnuts and Pecans
for $9 a pound. Sales supports a Scholarship Program.
laugh Logs of repairs on airplanes:
Discrepancy: "Left inside main
tire almost needs replacement."
Corrective Action: "Almost
replaced left inside main tire."
Problem #1: "#2 Propeller seeping
prop fluid."
Solution #1: "#2 Propeller seepage
Problem #2: "#1,#3, and #4
propellers lack normal seepage."
Discrepancy: "Evidence of
hydraulic leak on right main landing gear."
Corrective Action: "Evidence
Discrepancy: "Number three engine
Corrective Action: "Engine found
on right wing after brief search."
Discrepancy: "DME volume
unbelievably loud."
Corrective Action: "Volume set to
more believable level."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
With His Own Company,
Will be in
Carthage December 20.
Aaron Myers today closed a contract on
his own account for the Ernest Gamble Concert company to
appear at the Grand opera house December 20. It has not
yet been determined under whose auspices the company will
appear. The Choral society, Y.M.C.A. or Westminster
church will probably take charge of the event.
Ernest Gamble himself appeared as a
soloist last year at the Methodist church in Carthage,
and created a wonderfully favorable impression. This year
he is traveling with a company.
J. H. Enright is in receipt of a
picture from Galveston, showing the wrecked remains of
the gas works there, which are managed by a friend of
Today's Feature Major
Saver Cards Campaign Nears End.
The Major Saver Discount Card
campaign in Carthage elementary, middle and
junior high schools has drawn to a close,
generating $15,375 to benefit the participating
schools and Carthage R-9 School Foundation.
Carthage R-9 School Foundation
Director Vicki Cash states, "Though overall
sales this year were down approximately eight
percent from last year, we certainly appreciate
the efforts of the students and faculty and the
support of the community in these tight economic
The cards feature special
offers from 15 popular area restaurants and sell
for $10 each. Cash says, "The cards are a
wonderful way to save money at favorite
restaurants, plus they make great employee
appreciation gifts, thank you gifts and stocking
stuffers. If you were unable to purchase a Major
Saver Discount Card from a student, cards will be
available through the foundation office for a
limited time by calling 417.359.7047."
Cash also expressed
appreciation to the businesses featured on the
Major Saver card for their support and
Just Jake
This one friend a mine was
familiar with the part of the country I grew
up in and mentioned on occasion that his dad
had a friend he visited from there.
Come ta find out, the
friend of the dad coached in the high school
I attended. I not only learned a little
football, basketball, and track from this
fella, I also worked for him doin’ odd
jobs durin’ a summer. On top a that,
this friend’s mother, Mrs. Jones, was my
first grade teacher.
Now I’m guessin’
both myself and the coach are wonderin’
what the conversations are in the
friend’s family. As far as I can
remember we don’t have any dark secrets
ta worry about. Now the guy that replaced
this coach my senior year, that’s a
whole different story.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
JoAnn Derson
• E.B. in Mississippi
writes: "I have a hint on how to fasten a
bracelet. Put it around your wrist, lay your arm
on your lap or a table, and tape one end down
with clear packing tape. Hold the other loose
side and fasten. It’s much easier when you
don’t have someone to hold it."
• "If you wear
glasses and are coloring your hair, wrap the
earpiece in aluminum foil or plastic wrap before
you start. Then you can wear your glasses safely,
without worrying about the dye transferring to
your glasses and coloring them." -- R.U. in
• Too many cookies? Line
berry baskets with festive paper, arrange with an
assortment of cookies, wrap in plastic wrap and
deliver to neighbors who may appreciate a cookie
or two.
• Mix up pancake batter in
a squirt bottle. You can spell out letters and
make ABC pancakes, or even doodle different
shapes, which the kids can have fun arranging
before they eat them up.
• "I keep my threaded
bobbins in a clean prescription pill bottle with
the label removed. I cut a small stick to fit,
and I turn the bottle upside down and grab the
stick to keep the bobbins in line. I can glance
quickly and get the one I want, while they stay
nice and straight in the bottle." -- D.L. in
• To store loose plastic
baggies for reuse, label a paper towel-size
cardboard tube with the size of the baggie
(sandwich, quart, snack, etc.) and stuff the bags
in the tube. It can be stored in a drawer, and
the label makes it easy to see which kind you
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