The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, February 22, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 171
did ya
Did Ya Know?...Spare Cat Rescue
will sponsor "It Takes Two" March low-cost spay
& neuter clinic for cats. When you have your female
spayed for $20, it will only take $2 to neuter your male
cat. Call 417-358-6808
Did Ya Know?. . . Saturday
Night Idol preliminaries will be Sat, Feb. 27 at the
Fairview Christian Church, sponsored by Women’s
Service League of Carthage.Register in person Feb 20,
10-1 or Feb 27, 3-5.
laugh The reason the
Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines bicker amongst
themselves is that they don’t speak the same
language. For instance, Take the simple phrase
"secure the building".
The Army will post guards around the
The Navy will turn out the lights and
lock the doors.
The Marines will kill everybody inside
and set up a headquarters.
The Air Force will take out a 5 year
lease with an option to buy.
I don’t know anything about music.
In my line you don’t have to.-Elvis Presley
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
J. J. Abell of Nevada
Buys an Interest - Retail Department to beCclosed Out.
S. B. Griswold is to retire from the
retail grocery business. A deal was closed last night,
whereby Mr. James J. Abell of Nevada purchased a half
interest in the business. The new firm will close out
their retail business as rapidly as possible and hope to
do so this week. They will then devote their time
exclusively to their jobbing trade.
Mr. Griswold has been in the grocery
business in Carthage for twenty years and has built up a
large wholesale, as well as retail trade. He will still
remain at the head of the business, the firm name being
the Griswold-ABell Grocer Co.
The new firm will be incorporated with
a capital stock of $40,000, and it is probable that they
will build a large brick warehouse in the Frisco bottoms
to store heavy goods, though they will still retain an
uptown store.
Today's Feature Casey’s
Request Rezone.
The City Council has only one
item under new business tomorrow evening at its
regular meeting in City Hall. "An Ordinance
rezoning certain property at NEC of Central and
N. Francis in the City of Carthage from
"B" Second Dwelling and "D"
Local Business to "E" General Business
as requested by Casey’s Marketing
According to the Public Works
Department, no building permit has been issued at
this time. The rezoning was recommended by the
Historic Preservation, Planning and Zoning
Minutes of the Committee
meeting included the following:
"Zeb (Public Works
Director) started the discussion by presenting
maps and plans for Casey’s Convenience
Store. Teresa and JoAnne spoke concerning drive
ways into the store, they were approved by MODOT.
Betty Kinnison voiced her
concerns of another store in that neighborhood
selling liquor.The ladies from Iowa were asked
how much of their sales was liquor. Their reply
was that it was a small percentage of sales, that
food was their largest seller inside the
convenience store."
Just Jake
Well, I can tell that March
is almost here, the guy down the street
finally put out his Christmas tree to be
picked up. I’m not sayin’ he’s
cheap, but this is the same guy who is
tryin’ to sue because he got injured
while watchin’ a professional ball game.
He fell out of a tree. This is the same fella
that complains that Christmas cards are made
of such cheap material. Says they only last a
few seasons now-a-days.
His kid came by the other
day and told me his dad could do tricks. I
asked him what kind of tricks. He said his ma
says he can drink like a fish.
‘Course this is the
same guy that thinks an autobiography has
something to do with the history of cars and
that Daniel Boone was born in a log cabin he
built himself. It this in any way resembles
one a your neighbors, it was strictly
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns
By Samantha Mazzotta
Major Home
Repairs Tough on Seniors
Q: My front porch is in pretty
bad shape, with holes in the floor boards and one
of the corner posts looking like it’s about
to fall. The city has already been by once and
warned me about it -- next time I’ll get a
fine. But I’m on a very limited income and
cannot get around well anymore. How can I
possibly get this fixed? -- Tony in White Plains,
A: Major home repairs can put
seniors in a really tough situation. In this
case, your porch needs more than a new coat of
paint. It’s got a structural problem that
could affect the entire house, and the broken
boards are certainly a safety issue.
Your first task is to locate
resources for senior citizens in your area -- any
resource, to begin with. The city of White Plains
has a Senior Center (located at 65 Mitchell
Place, phone 422-1423 or visit While the
center does not directly address home repair
issues, it does concentrate on support services
for seniors with mobility issues and financial
concerns, and it doesn’t hurt to have a
sympathetic ear on this.
If you received the city’s
warning in writing, check the paper for a contact
number to the code enforcement office. If not,
the government listings are usually listed in a
"blue pages" section of your phone
book. Contact the city and ask about getting help
to fix the front porch. You may get a runaround
at first, but be persistent and patient. You also
should check with the office about how to appeal
the warning or how to ask for more time to make
the repair.
Put out the word that you need
help with this, to neighbors, friends and family.
Let the city know you need help to fix the issue.
Now is the time to make noise and get help.
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