Today's Feature Over-60 Canopy
on Hold.
The City Council Public Works
Committee once again reviewed bids for a canopy
for the Over 60 Center last week. Public Works
Director Zeb Carney advised Committee that there
were a total of two bids submitted. Greninger
Construction Company submitted a bid of
$33,231.00 and Matt Denney Construction submitted
a bid of $10.652.25. The preliminary estimated
amount for the project was between $4,600.00 and
City AdministratorTom Short
advised that there is approximately $20,000.00
left in the Civic Enhancement Fund, and if the
Committee wants to accept the low bid a budget
amendment would be needed.
The Committee recommended that
the City and the Over Sixty Center discuss if
they want to proceed with the canopy project. Use
of Civic Enhancement funds would likely reduce
the amount that could be spent on other projects
for the Center. No other action taken concerning
the canaopy at this time.
Thirty-one applications were
submitted for the Building Inspector position.
The Carthage City Council met
in regular session on the above date at 7:30 P.M.
in the City Hall Council Chambers with Mayor
James G. Woestman presiding. The invocation was
given by Fire Chief John Cooper and the flag
salute was led by Police Chief Greg Dagnan.
The following Council Members
answered roll call: Dan Rife, Claude Newport,
Wayne Campbell, T. J. Teed, Mike Harris, John
Studebaker, Diane Sharits, Larry Ross, Bill Welch
and Brent Greninger. City Administrator Tom Short
and City Attorney Nate Dally were present.
On a motion by Mrs. Sharits,
seconded by Mr. Teed, minutes of the January
26,2010 meeting were approved.
Mr. Newport reported the Budget
Ways and Means Committee met February 8, 2010 in
Council Chambers. Mr. Newport made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Studebaker, to allow the use of
Capital Improvement Funds up to $6,000.00 in the
General Revenue Fund designated for a separate
project that was postponed, to be used for the
engineering costs on drainage work in Municipal
Park. Motion carried.
Mrs. Sharits reported the
Finance and Personnel Committee met on this date
in Council Chambers. The Committee discussed the
Vision and Dental Voluntary Employee Plans which
are in open enrollment at this time. Mrs. Sharits
noted the City Clerk reported the court personnel
move to City Hall is going well.
Reporting for the Public
Services Committee, Mr. Ross made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Welch, to accept the Alternate
Bid #2 of $26,834.70 (Total #1 and #2 was
$27,835.16) from Alumbaugh Construction for
drainage work at Municipal Park. Motion carried.
The other bids are listed as total project #1 and
#2 bids as follows: Bennett, Inc, Lamar,
$27,918.00; Polston Construction, Lamar,
$29,572.20; Stan Bowman Construction, Joplin,
$29,190.13; Neal’s Construction, Stockton,
$35,726.00 and Prime Contracting, Republic,
Mr. Welch reported the Public
Safety Committee is scheduled to meet February
15, 2010.
Mr. Rife reported the Public
Works Committee met February 2, 2010. Mr. Rife
made a motion, seconded by Mr. Harris, to change
the Snow and Ice Removal Policy. Motion carried.
Mr. Rife explained the changes to the policy.
Special Committee and Board
Liaison Reports were given by the following: Mr.
Welch, Carthage Humane Society; Mrs. Sharits,
Library Board; Mr. Ross, McCune-Brooks Hospital
Board and Mr. Teed, Convention and Visitors
Mayor Woestman reported on
meetings he had attended since the last meeting
including two photo
opportunities presenting proclamations to the R-9
Foundation and the St. Ann’s School.
Mr. Dally updated the Council
on the potential lawsuit resulting from the
bankruptcy of HazMert, the City’s Household
Hazardous Waste collector. The City may be liable
for cleanup costs at the disposal site used by
HazMert. Mr. Dally commended Chief Dagnan and his
Department for their work dealing with the recent
Salazar baby tragedy.
Mr. Short reported the City
Clerk, working with County Officials and State
Officials, have certified the ballot for the
April 6, 2010 Municipal Election to reflect a
write-in space for the Ward 2 (one year term)
position. No one had filed for candidacy in that
position. In other business, Mr. Short reported
on the fine job Chief Dagnan, his Department and
other City Departments performed dealing with the
Salazar case. Mr. Short reported on meetings he
had attended and provided details on the
following: the MML Legislative Conference
February 17-18; a MML Policy League meeting; the
closing of City Offices February 15; continued
talks with MoDOT on guardrails near the
McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital; a possible
re-enactment on the Carthage Square in connection
with the Civil War Sesquicentennial event; the
disappointing Sales Tax Report down 4.13% from
budgeted dollars; the concerns over next
year’s budget due to the sales tax numbers;
possible Region M Grants; the latest legislation
at the State level affecting the City’s
taxes and the awards given to City Departments
for a job well done on the United Way Campaign.
Chief Dagnan provided details
on the Salazar case. Chief Dagnan complimented
his Department, other City Departments, and all
the agencies who helped in the investigation.
Chief Dagnan introduced his newest officer, Joe
Miller. City Clerk Lynn Campbell administered the
Oath of Office to Officer Miller.
Chief Cooper announced the
recent promotions within the Fire Department due
to Battalion Chief Duckett’s retirement.
Chief Cooper introduced the department’s new
Battalion Chief, David Myers and new Captain,
Jason Martin.
Public Works Director Zeb
Carney congratulated Battalion Chief David Myers
and Captain Jason Martin and commended Chief
Cooper on the promotions. Mr. Carney reported on
the overtime hours of the Street Department due
to the recent snow/ice storms. In other business,
Mr. Carney noted he had received 18 applications
for the building inspector’s position. The
opening of bids (second bidding) for the awning
project at the Over Sixty Center is scheduled for
February 16, 2009. Mr. Carney provided more
details on the Arkansas HazMert site.
The Claims Report was given
showing claims against the following funds:
General Revenue $64,780.22; Public Health
$308.94; Public Safety Grant $585.00; Golf Course
Fund $3,531.74; Park & Recreation Fund
$49.71; Lodging $6,250.00; Library $27,333.32;
Library Building $472.00; Powers Museum
$3,537.94; McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital
$1,245,000.00 and Payroll $280,133.18. Mrs.
Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ross, to
accept the report and allow the claims. Motion
During the Citizen’s
Participation Period, Karen Herzog, 1833
Gardendale, spoke in support of Resolution No.
1592 and No. 1593.
There was no old business.
Under new business, C. B.
10-04, an Ordinance to amend Section 21-274,
Creation of Tree board was placed on first
reading with no action taken. Mayor Woestman, Mr.
Newport, Mr. Bull and Mr. Campbell discussed C.B.
Mr. Welch made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Teed, to accept Resolution No.
1591, a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Carthage approving a recommendation of
the Public Works Committee granting an
administrative lot split for property located at
2140 S. Garrison Ave., Carthage, Missouri. Motion
carried. Mr. Rife provided additional information
on the lot split and Mrs. Sharits had a question
about the lot.
Mr. Ross made a motion,
seconded by Mrs. Sharits, to accept Resolution
No. 1592, a Resolution authorizing an application
for the Preserve America Community Designation.
Motion carried. Mr. Ross gave additional details
prior to the vote.
Mr. Ross made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Welch, to accept Resolution No.
1593, a Resolution authorizing an application for
the Missouri Certified Local Government Program.
Prior to a roll call vote, Mr. Harris, Mr. Welch,
Mrs. Sharits and Mr. Ross discussed the program
requirements. Motion failed after a roll call
vote of 4 yeas and 6 nays. The yea votes were
Council Members Sharits, Studebaker, Ross and
Greninger. The nay votes were Council Members
Welch, Rife, Newport, Campbell, Teed and Harris. (Editor
note: The Mornin’ Mail erroneously reported
that this resolution passed the Council in last
Friday’s paper. We apologize.)
Mr. Ross made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Welch, to accept Resolution No.
1594, a Resolution of the City of Carthage,
Missouri authorizing the Mayor to enter into an
agreement with the Adult Softball League for
complete management of an Adult Softball Program
located at Hallam Field. Motion carried. Mr. Ross
explained the softball program.
Mr. Ross made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Welch, to accept Resolution No.
1595, a Resolution of the City of Carthage,
Missouri, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an
agreement with Fair Acres Family Y for
establishing and managing a Youth Soccer Program
at the Fair Acres Sports Complex. Motion carried.
Prior to the vote, Mr. Ross provided more
information on the agreement and Mr. Campbell had
a question on the liability to the City.
Mr. Ross made a motion,
seconded by Mrs. Sharits, to accept Resolution
No. 1596 a Resolution of the City of Carthage,
Missouri, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an
agreement with Carthage Youth Baseball
Association for management of a Youth Baseball at
Fair Acres Sports Complex. Motion carried. Mr.
Ross and Mrs. Sharits discussed the youth
baseball program prior to the vote.
In closing remarks, Mr. Welch
reported on a project to build 300 wooden toy
cars for children in Haiti where there had been a
recent earthquake.
Mr. Welch made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Harris, to adjourn the regular
Council Meeting. Motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 8:25 P.M.