The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 173
did ya
Did Ya Know?..2010 Project
Graduation presents Big Man On Campus, Thursday, March 4,
7 p.m. Adults $5 Student $2
Did Ya Know? . .The Carthage
Shrine Train Crew will be hosting a Hot Dog and Chili
Feed on Mar 6th at 6:00 PM. It will be held at the Train
Barn on West Mound Street Road in Carthage. Adults $6.00
and kids 12 and under $3.00 . All proceeds go to the
Train Crew and are not tax deductible as a charitable
laugh "It was
so cold where we were," boasted the Arctic Explorer,
"that the candle froze and we couldn’t blow it
"That’s nothing," said
his rival. "Where we were the words came out of our
mouths in pieces of ice, and we had to fry them to see
what we were talking about."
"I remember when I was a
lad," said the old salt to Bobby. "I had to
fight for my life with sixteen cannibals, and only one
got away--"
"But," objected Bobby,
"last year you told me it was eight cannibals."
"Yes," he said easily,
"but you was too young then to know the whole
horrible truth."
"It was so hot last week that the
heat affected the animals. I saw a hound dog chasin’
a jack rabbit and they were both walkin’."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Old and New Police
It is ex-city marshal D. M. Stafford
now, and that gentleman appeared on the streets this
morning in plain clothes, and minus his marshal’s
star, for the first time in a long time. The star
appeared on the ample bosom of D. W. Bruffett, the new
marshal, and he and Sherman Drake were on duty today.
They will thus remain for the present.
Mr. Stafford will devote his attention
to his business interests. The new policemen, Charles
Rider and Enoch Purcell, will go on duty tonight for the
first time. Mr. Purcell’s experience as a deputy
sheriff will stand him in good stead and the old members
of the force will see that the new ones are broken in
W. H. Miller has commenced work on a
20x50 one story brick building just south of his store on
South Grant street. The building will be used for a feed
store in connection with Mr. Miller’s grocery
Today's Feature The Campaign
The only contested race for a
Jasper County office as of yesterday afternoon
was for Presiding Commissioner. Incumbent John
Bartosh filed and will face David Troyer and Jeff
Hammons in the primary for Republican nominee in
The Election and Registration
Office reports that all other incumbents facing
reelection this year have filed, except for
Associate Judge of Division 6 Steve Carlton. It
is expected that he will file, but was occupied
with a trial yesterday. All candidates that filed
were Republicans.
Other incumbents that filed
Division 4 Judge Joe Schoeberl
Division 5 Judge Richard
Circuit Clerk Linda Williams
Prosecuting Attorn. Dean
County Clerk Bonnie Earl
Recorder of Deeds Donna Grove
Auditor Richard Webster Jr.
Collector Stephen Holt
Candidates have until March 30
to file their candidacy. The Election and
Registration Office is located in the Carthage
Courthouse and is open from 8:30 to 4:30.
Just Jake
Ever’ now and then I
get the urge ta go campin.’ It usually
passes fairly quickly, but ever’ couple
a three years it seems ta be a good idea. It
is always amazin’ to see a campsite
develop outa some wooded area into a
comfortable setting. After the initial
choosin’ of the site, the two most
critical placement decisions are the campfire
and the latrine (or more likely nowadays, the
portapotty). From there the "camp"
pretty much is a matter of preference.
(Naturally most try to be up wind of both.)
‘Course a large
portion of time is spent around the campfire,
mainly preparin’ and cookin’ meals.
The activity also allows a good excuse for a
nice nap afterward before ya start
gatherin’ firewood for the next meal.
Campin’ can be really relaxin’, as
long as ya don’t forget ta pack the air
mattress and the toilet paper.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’..
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Weekly Columns HERE’S A TIP
JoAnn Derson
• To make your own
cleaning wipes, cut a roll of good-quality paper
towels in half or thirds with a bread knife.
Smash down to loosen the cardboard roll inside,
and slip it out. Set the partial roll into a
baby-wipes container or other sealable plastic
container and add your favorite cleaning product
to moisten, with just a little extra solution
visible in the bottom of the container. Set one
on the kitchen counter, in the bathroom, even in
the car. They can be refilled over and over.
• Apply a light coat of
mineral oil to the outside surface of your
stainless-steel appliances to keep then from
getting smudges. Repeat monthly.
• "When replacing a
button in a spot where the fabric has been torn,
use a small scrap of fabric on the wrong side as
reinforcement. Sew the patch in, and then replace
the button." -- F.K. in Montana
• Clean brass or copper
with this mixture for a shine at a great price:
To 1 cup of white vinegar, add 1 teaspoon of salt
and enough flour to make a paste. Apply and
remove as you would a commercial brass cleaner.
Buff to a shine.
• "To check a new
garment for colorfastness, blot gently with a
damp cotton ball. If the color transfers,
you’ll know that you need to wash that item
separately." -- J.C., via email
• If you have a piece of
wood furniture that has a scratch, try this tip
you’ll go nuts for: Rub the scratch with the
meat of a nut. Brazil nuts, walnuts or pecans are
best. But don’t use any nuts that have been
salted or honey-roasted. That will attract bugs.
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