laugh A collector of
rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he had
just thrown away an old Bible.He mentioned that
Guten-somebody-or-other had printed it.
"Not Gutenberg?" gasped the
collector. "Yes, that was it!" "You idiot!
You’ve thrown away one of the first books ever
printed. Maybe worth half a million!"
"Oh, I don’t think this book
would have been worth that much," replied the man.
"It was scribbled all over in the margins by some
guy named Martin Luther."
A newsboy was standing on the corner
with a stack of papers, yelling,
"Read all about it. Fifty people
swindled! Fifty people swindled!"
A man walked over, bought a paper. What
he saw was yesterday’s paper.
The man said, "Hey, this is an old
paper, where’s the story about the big
The newsboy ignored him and went on
calling out, "Read all about it. Fifty-one people
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Yesterday afternoon Martin Chenoweth, a
well known carpenter of this city, met with a very
serious injury. He has been working for some time in
Carterville, superintending the construction of the Edgar
mining plant. Yesterday afternoon an iron buck-stave,
weighing about 300 pounds, which was standing near where
Mr. Chenoweth was working, tipped over and the upper end
falling about ten feet, struck him on the head, crushing
his left temple against a beam and breaking the
Mr. Chenoweth was brought directly to
Carthage for treatment, not losing consciousness at any
time, and submitted to a trephining operation, having the
loose bones removed and the depressed portions raised.
The operation, which was performed by
Drs. Brooks, Ketcham and Freed and lasted about two
hours, was eminently successful, and Mr. Chenoweth is
apparently resting easy today.
Today's Feature Council Filings
The period that candidates
could file for City Council and Mayor ended
Tuesday evening at 5 p.m. The following
candidates have filed and will appear on the
ballot in April.
Ward 1: 2 year term: Claude
Newport (incumbent)
Ward 2: 2 year term: T. J. Teed
Ward 2: 1 year term: No one has
Ward 3: 2 year term: Debbie
Carter John Studebaker (incumbent)
Ward 4: 2 year term: Mike Riley
(Larry Ross, incumbent, is not running)
Ward 5: 2 year term Brent
Greninger (incumbent); Ron Wells (former Council
Member when he lived in Ward 2)
Mayor: 4 year term: Mike Harris
Mike Harris is currently
holding the seat in Ward two that no one has
filed for. Since he is technically still in
office until he becomes mayor, he is unopposed,
he will nominate his own replacement. The
appointment would then have to be approved by the
City Council.
By Monte Dutton
by Curry Automotive
Elliott Sadler
Returns to Ford
Elliott Sadler is trying to
recover from a long slump.
In 2004, he finished ninth in
the Sprint (then Nextel) Cup point standings.
Sadler hasn’t made the Chase since,
spiraling to 13th in 2005, 22nd in ‘06, 25th
in ‘07, 24th in ‘08 and 26th last year.
This year Sadler, 34, returns
to Ford, and though it’s part of an apparent
merger with Richard Petty Motorsports, he also
will return to Yates Racing. Two of his three
career victories were with Yates, and all three
were in Fords.
"We’re building new
cars, trying to get everything as prepared as we
can, so when we leave to go down for the 500, we
have our Vegas and Atlanta and California (next
three races) cars and all the stuff done,"
said Sadler. "It’s been great so far.
I’m very much looking forward to getting
back in a Ford.
"I feel like I had a lot
of success when I drove for Mr. Yates early in
his engine program. I have a lot of respect for
Doug Yates, what they’re doing. It’ll
be neat to get back in a Ford again. ... I’m
very happy about the things that we’ve
learned from the Ford camp and kind of put in the
things that we were already doing. We’re
already a little bit more optimistic, it seems
like, week by week, before we get to
While appearing in Nashville,
Tenn., at the Sprint Sound and Speed festival,
Sadler paid tribute to the winner of the past
four Sprint Cup championships, Jimmie Johnson.
"I have a lot of respect
for him and his race team," said Sadler,
"but I don’t see them just laying down
and giving up the crown to anyone. You’re
going to have to go outrun them and do that week
in and week out.
"I’ve heard Mark
Martin say many times, even being their teammate,
he didn’t realize how good Jimmie and Chad
(Knaus, the crew chief) were until he got on that
side of the shop and got to see what they do week
in and week out.
"I mean, I don’t know
about handicapping the sport. I’m not into
that. But I’m saying right now, I would
think, my opinion, he’s going to be the car
you have to beat when it comes down to Homestead
(final race) again."
Monte Dutton has covered
motorsports for The Gaston (N.C.) Gazette since
1993. He was named writer of the year by the
National Motorsports Press Association.
Just Jake
I grew up hearin’ and
usin’ the phrase "that’s
corny." The term was typically used to
describe a "corny" joke, or in some
instances a person that either told corny
jokes or just acted corny. I’m
sittin’ here tryin’ to define the
term without tellin’ a corny joke. I
suppose it’s like ya hear, "I
can’t describe it, but I know it when I
see it."
In school, there was always
a corny teacher or two, tryin’ to tell
jokes or be humorous. The kids would laugh
and this would only encourage more corn. It
was a vicious circle. Usually the term
wasn’t intended in a harmful way, just
matter of fact like, just accepted. The truth
was, most folks seem to enjoy a little corn
now and then, speakin’ of the verbal
kind of course, and that ain’t chicken
feed, pop.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns CLICK and CLACK
Dear Tom and Ray:
I am a valet at a local country
club in Wisconsin. As you well know, it gets very
cold here in the winter months, and that leads to
my question. As a favor to the members who choose
to valet park with me, I like to warm up their
cars before they leave. I let the cars run
anywhere from two to 15 minutes, depending on how
long they take to get ready to leave, get their
coats, finish conversations, etc. So my question
is: Am I doing any damage to these automobiles?
Would they be better off next winter driving away
in ice-cold cars? - John
Ray: You’re not harming
their cars, John. The only harm you’re doing
is wasting gasoline. And since they’re all
paying exorbitant dues to belong to a country
club, they’re probably not worried about gas
Tom: In the old days, when cars
were carbureted, you COULD do harm by warming up
a car for too long. In warm-up mode, a carburetor
would pour lots of gasoline into the cylinders,
and the excess gasoline could run down into the
crankcase and dilute the oil. And the rich
mixture could ruin the catalytic converter, too.
Ray: But modern cars meter
their gasoline into the cylinders so precisely,
with the help of computers, that they can idle
for days without a problem. This was proven in
Princeton University’s famous "Police
Cars in Front of Dunkin’ Donuts" study
from 2003. And 2004. And 2005.
Tom: So, in terms of the cars
themselves, you’re doing no harm. And
I’m sure your customers appreciate getting
into a warm car and having heat immediately.
Ray: The only downside is the
extra pollution created by these long warm-ups.
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