The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Volume XIX, Number 22
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . There will be a
cancer benefit on July 31 at the Carthage VFW from 12 to
6 PM for Bill Pearce, Jr. Auction at 3 PM. Donations are
Did Ya Know?.. . Carthage
Farmers Market every Wed. and Sat starting at 7 a.m.
Plants, produce and more. Carthage Square.
Did Y Know?...The Carthage Shine
Tractor & Pick-up pull will be this Friday and
Saturday night. The pull starts at 7 each evening. 1/4
mile west of 571 on V Hwy.
laugh A dog thinks: Hey,
these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me
with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care
of me... They must be Gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live
with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry
house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a
"I’d like the number for
Jennifer Smith in Richmond, Virginia," the young man
said to the 411 operator.
"There are multiple listings for
Jennifer Smith in Richmond, Virginia. Do you have a
street name?"
The young man hesitated a moment,
"Well, uh, most people call me Bubba."
Dogs will sit, lie down, and heel on
command. Cats will smirk and walk away
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Peculiar Case.
J. H. Bowling, wife and daughter, drove
to Carthage this morning from their home near Lockwood to
have the eyes of the daughter treated by Dr. Wale. While
they were sitting in the doctor’s office Mr. Bowling
mentioned that he was suffering from a peculiar numbness
that had come on him while on the road here and that he
could hardly see.
Mrs. Bowling then spoke up and said she
was beginning to feel the same way.
Dr. Wale saw that they were suffering
from the effects of a poison similar in its effects to
belladona and at once set to work to administer antidotes
with such success that they will be all right by
Mr. Bowling raised Kaffir corn this
year and in the field grew the poisonous Jamestown or
"jimpson" weed. This morning he and his wife
decided to try some cakes made from the ground corn. It
is supposed that some of the jimpson weed seed got mixed
with the corn.
Today's Feature Feral Cats Ordinance to the Council.
The City Council Public Safety
Committee vote 3-1 to present a feral cat
ordinance to the full Council for consideration.
Committee member Dan Rife opposed the action,
with Committee Chair Bill Welch, voting for,
along with members T.J. Teed and Brent Greninger.
The ordinance would allow the
creation of a sponsor organization that would be
responsible for overseeing various feral cat
caretakers. The caretakers would be required to
register with the sponsor and allowed to feed and
water feral cat colonies within City limits.
Caretakers would be required to
monitor the colonies and provide records with
evidence that the cats have been vaccinated a
spayed/neutered. A goal of having at least 80% of
the colony spayed or neutered by a licensed
veterinarian is set out in the proposed
The City would retain the right
to seize or remove cats from the colony that have
not been vaccinated against rabies that are
demonstrating signs of the disease or if they are
creating a nuisance.
Just Jake
If you haven’t been on
the Square in the last few days, ya oughta
take a spin. The new street lights are
installed and add a little class to the
I don’t think all the
electrical work is completed yet, but they
must be gettin’ close. All the wiring is
under the street and from what I’m told,
all the new poles are wired so they can be
plugged into for special events.
Although there has been
some disruption to the shoppin’ area,
the CW&EP and City Street crews did a
pretty good job of gettin’ in and
cleared out. The rain slowed progress on a
couple a days, but overall it appears that
the construction went pretty well.
I am anxious to see
‘em all lit up. Adds one more aspect of
interest to the historic Carthage square.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
JoAnn Derson
• Weatherproofing in the
winter makes good sense -- nobody likes the feel
of a chilly draft. But weatherproofing is just as
important during the summer if you use air
conditioning. You might not feel that cold air
leaking outside, but your power bill sure does.
• Whip your butter to
stretch it out. Soften sticks to room temperature
and whip it to twice its volume using an electric
mixer. Store in a large, sealable plastic
• "The secret to
extra-light pancakes and waffle batter is
carbonated water. Use club soda in place of
regular water and you’ll see a big
difference." -- M.F. in Tennessee
• "To use the last
bits of shampoo and conditioner in my bottles, I
add a little water and shake them. I also cut
open the bottle of lotion when it has a pump top.
There’s always so much left when the bottle
won’t pump any more out." -- A.R. in
• "If you have
paintbrushes that have hard paint on them, try
soaking them in full-strength vinegar. Check to
see if paint has softened, and comb out with a
wire brush." -- C.F. in New York
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