laugh The following are
actual signs seen across the good ol’ U.S.A.:
In a New York restaurant: Customers who
consider our waitresses uncivil ought to see the manager.
On a long-established New Mexico dry
cleaners: 38 years on the same spot.
In the offices of a loan company: Ask
about our plans for owning your home.
In a New York medical building: Mental
Health Prevention Center
On a New York convalescent home: For
the sick and tired of the Episcopal Church.
On a Maine shop: Our motto is to give
our customers the lowest possible prices and workmanship.
On a display of "I love you
only" Valentine cards: Now available in multi-packs.
In the window of an Oregon store: Why
go elsewhere and be cheated when you can come here?
In a Maine restaurant: Open 7 days a
week and weekends.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The American Home.
The audience at the First M. E. church
last night listened to one of the best lectures ever
heard in that church. Dr. Kelley lectured here before,
during the Chautauqua assembly, and needed no
The music by Miss Ruth Myers served as
a pretty prelude to the lecture, which was on "The
American Home." Dr. Kelley, at the outset, modestly
assured his hearers that some of the best thoughts in the
lecture were obtained from others.
His foundation "quotation"
was from President McKinley,: "If I were asked to
say in a single sentence what constituted the strength of
the American Republic, I would say it is the American
home. Whatever makes the American home the best and
purest and the most exalted elevates the country and its
Miss Johns closed in a medley of airs,
the beauty of them showing as "Home, Sweet
Home" fell upon the ears of all.
Today's Feature Council Agenda
The following ordinances are
scheduled to be voted on during tonight’s
regular City Council meeting at 7:30 in City
1. C. B. 10-22 an Ordinance
authorizing the Mayor to execute a Contract
between the City of Carthage and Center for
Communi!y Studies Studio, Drury Universi!y for
developing and testing conceptual ideas for the
City of Carthage’s Courthouse Square
District redevelopment (Public Services
2. C. B. 10-23 an Ordinance to
add a new section to Chapter 23, Article X, of
the Carthage Code establishing an ordinance for
Golf Carts (Public Safety Committee).
3. C. B. 10-24 an Ordinance
rezoning certain property at 2207 Grand Ave. in
the City of Carthage from "A" First
Dwelling, to "D" Local Business as
requested by Anthony Tran (Planning, Zoning and
Historic Preservation Commission).
4. C. B. 10-25 an Ordinance
rezoning certain property at 1339 W. Central Ave.
in the City of Carthage from "A" First
Dwelling, to "E" General Business as
requested by Jimmie Fortner (Planning, Zoning and
Historic Preservation Commission).
5. C. B. 10-26 an Ordinance
authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement
with the Carthage Humane Society for animal
control services for the City of Carthage
(Budget, Ways & Means Committee).
6. C. B. 10-27 an Ordinance
amending the Annual Operating and Capital Budget
of the City of Carthage for the fiscal year
2009-2010 (Budget, Ways & Means Committee).
7. C. B. 10-28 an Ordinance to
amend Chapter 25 Zoning, of the Code of Carthage
(Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation
Just Jake
I talked to one a those
"I did my Christmas shoppin’ last
April" folks the other day.
I wouldn’t mind the
fact that these super shoppers are more
efficient than the rest of us if they
didn’t seem ta want us all to feel
inferior for not doin’ the same.
I’ve never figured for
sure the motive for such actions. I’m
sure some just want the gift buyin’ out
of the way so they can enjoy the Christmas
season. Some I’ve encountered do it
‘cause of the price reductions
durin’ the various seasons of the year.
Buyin’ gloves and coats in the summer
for instance.
But there are those of us
who don’t feel like we’ve been
properly exposed to the holiday without the
fightin’ traffic, hurryin’ from
here to there, makin’ last minute
decisions and purchases. Even if we
don’t particularly like it, that’s
just the way it is.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
In Hot Weather,
How Much Water Is Enough?
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am confused
about how much water to drink when exercising in
hot weather. I learned that you should drink all
the time during exercise, even when you
aren’t thirsty. Now they tell me that
drinking too much affects your brain and can
cause death. What’s the story here? -- M.F.
ANSWER: This has to be one of
those "it depends" answers. How much
water or any other fluid is needed in hot water
depends on how hard is the exercise, how long you
do it, how heavily you sweat, how hot it is and
how acclimatized you are to heat. It takes two
weeks to acclimatize to heat. After two weeks,
less sodium and potassium are lost in sweat.
Formerly, the advice for fluids
was to drink frequently even if you didn’t
feel thirsty. That’s overkill. You can let
thirst be your guide most of the time. Older
people have a somewhat blunted thirst sense, so
they might have to remind themselves to drink in
exceptionally hot weather.
To stay hydrated during heavy
physical activity or exercise, drink 12 to 16
ounces of fluid three to four hours before
exercise. The fluid can be plain water. It’s
also a good idea to take a salty snack before
exercise -- pretzels, peanuts or crackers.
During activity, drink about
every 20 minutes, as much as your thirst tells
If your activity lasts longer
than two or three hours and if you sweat heavily,
then you have to pay attention to your salt
intake. Marathon runners taught us this. A few
marathoners died from drinking only water during
hot-weather races. Doing so lowers body sodium.
That’s hyponatremia, and it can be serious.
Headache, vomiting, swollen ankles and feet,
fatigue far out of the fatigue usually felt and
disorientation are some of the signs of
Sports drinks with sodium in
them can prevent hyponatremia. You can make your
own replacement fluid by adding 1 tablespoon
sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon orange
juice to an almost-filled 8-ounce glass of water.
You have to make enough to last for the whole
exercise session.
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