The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 252
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . Beimdiek
Insurance Agency will be holding their 7th annual blood
drive with The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks, on
Friday June 18th at 303 W 3rd Street in Carthage MO two
blocks west of the square. Refreshments will be provided.
For appt. call 417-358-4007.
Did Ya Know?.. . Carthage Saddle
Club will host a Sho-deo, Saturday, June 19 with
registration at 4:00 and the show starting at 5:00. Entry
fees are $1.00-$2.00. 6 events Free to public. call
laugh The school of
agriculture’s dean was interviewing a prospective
student, "Why have you chosen this career?" he
"I dream of making a million
dollars in farming, like my father," the student
"Your father made a million
dollars in farming?" echoed the dean much impressed.
"No," replied the applicant.
"But he always dreamed of it."
A man walks into a shoe store and tries
on a pair of shoes."How do they feel?
"Well ...they feel a bit
tight," replies the man.
"Try pulling the tongue out,"
offers the clerk.
Theyth sthill feelth a bith
tighth," he replied
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Mrs. Lettie Armstrong, a well known
woman of this city who was for years a domestic in the
family of G. A. Cassil, is now insane at Springfield. She
is the wife of Sim Armstrong, but they have not been
living together for sometime until about a week ago when
they fixed up their differences and she accompanied him
to Springfield to live. Shortly after arriving there, she
began to show symptoms of insanity and has now lost her
mind enitrely. She is very docile and not at all hard to
Deputy Recorder Ed Bailey is now minus
his official title, having resigned his position. He is
undecided as yet what he will do, but will probably
engage in business here.
Miss Ada Dulick, the 19 year old
daughter of D. W. Dulick, died yesterday of typhoid
Today's Feature Helen
S. Boylan Foundation
for Contributions.
A group of approximately twenty
people stood on stage during the Carthage
Acoustic Music Festival to give tribute to the
Helen S. Boylan Foundation.
The group was a partial
representation of the over fifty local
organizations that have received direct benefits
from the foundation over the last several years.
A plaque of appreciation was
presented to local foundation board member Jim
Spradling as a token of the communitie’s
recognition of the fund’s value to Carthage.
Several of the attendees, including Mayor Mike
Harris, spoke of the many projects that were made
possible by the organization.
The Helen S Boylan Foundation
is a private family foundation established in
1982 to continue the family tradition of
commitment to enhancing the quality of life of
the community through grants to qualified
charitable organizations.
In carrying out its mission,
the Foundation considers a wide range of
proposals within the following areas: arts,
education, health, human services, environment,
and public interest.
Just Jake
The Carthage community is
blessed with several organizations that
contribute to the overall standard of living
that we enjoy. There is a fairly long list.
Sometimes it is easy to take those
organizations for granted.
The recognition of the
Helen S. Boylan Foundation last Friday
evening was a personal pleasure because of
the support the Foundation has given the
Carthage Acoustic Music Festival for the last
nine years.
Other foundations and
trusts that were created for the benefit of
the Carthage area also deserve the
recognition of the community and hopefully
will be appropriately recognized on future
This weekend the Helen S.
Boylan foundation was singled out. A small
but honest gesture of thanks.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthager Printing |
To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Bladder Infections
Not Always Painful
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Please write
something about bladder infections. Can you have
a bladder infection with no symptoms? -- A.
ANSWER: The signs and symptoms
of bladder infections are the same for men and
women. The irritated, infected bladder demands
frequent, urgent trips to the bathroom so it can
be emptied. People have a burning sensation when
passing urine. Pain is felt in the bladder area.
Sometimes blood appears in the urine.
Men have far fewer bladder
infections than women. Women have a shorter
urethra than men. The urethra is the tube that
empties the bladder of urine. Women’s
urethras open in an area that has a large
bacterial population. Bacteria can ascend the
female urethra without trouble. It’s harder
for them to climb the male urethra. And
men’s prostate glands secrete substances
that have antibacterial properties.
The presence of bacteria in the
urine without any signs of bladder infection is
called asymptomatic bacteriuria. Doctors treat
pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria to
prevent symptoms from arising, as they often do
during pregnancy. Infected urine, even without
symptoms, can lower the birth weight of babies
who were in the uterus during that period.
Otherwise, asymptomatic
bacteriuria in women or men, at any age, usually
does not require treatment. In women, bacteria in
the bladder are often transiently there. They
disappear many times on their own. Treatment can
lead to the development of resistant bacteria and
can produce side effects. Furthermore, it is
costly. The guidance from most experts,
therefore, is not to treat asymptomatic
Exceptions exist. Diabetics
might benefit from treatment.
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