laugh A Swiss man,
looking for directions, pulls up at a bus stop where two
Americans are waiting.
"Entschuldigung, koennen Sie
Deutsch sprechen?" he asks. The two Americans just
stare at him.
"Excusez-moi, parlez vous
Francais?" he tries. The two continue to stare.
"Parlare Italiano?" No
"Hablan ustedes Espanol?"
Still nothing.
The Swiss guy drives off, extremely
disgusted. The first American turns to the second and
says, "Y’know, maybe we should learn a foreign
"Why?" says the other.
"That guy knew four languages, and it didn’t do
him any good."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Thirty Tons of Jack.
by the South Carthage Co. Today for $22 PerTon.
The South Carthage Mining Co. today
sold to S. and P. Lanyon, representing the Lanyon
smelters at Pittsburg, Kas., thirty tons of jack in their
bins at the camp for $22 per ton - the top of the market
and the same as paid before. The price received for the
ore makes the total of two turnin from the mine over
The company is now running five jigs
and next Monday will start a night shift in the ground.
The mine is producing about $100 worth
of ore per day, and when the night shift goes on they
expect to make a regular turn-in of two carloads of jack
per week.
The company is putting in additional
bins to hold three carloads of stuff, so they can wait
for a favorable market.
Today's Feature Displays This
Independence Day Albeit Tightening of the
Budgetary Belt.
The U.S. fireworks industry has
become accustomed tofacing challenging times
throughout the past decade and this year is no
different, especially with the poor state of our
nation’s economy. "Despite the current
economic burdens, professional display fireworks
companies will weather the economic rollercoaster
and deliver their patriotic red, white and blue
tributes to America across the country this
Fourth of July," says Julie L. Heckman,
Executive Director, American Pyrotechnics
Association (APA).
Based upon industry reports,
communities are fighting for their annual Fourth
of July fireworks displays, sticking with
previously approved budgets or cutting back ever
so slightly to ensure that Independence Day goes
forward as usual with a big bang. Heckman said,
"small towns and big cities alike, realize
the importance of continuing this annual
tradition of providing their citizens with free
entertainment to celebrate our freedom and
independence." And with travel and tourism
on the decline due to the economy, "home
town celebrations have never been more important
to bring communities together, give them hope,
and restore optimism."
According to Heckman, the
display fireworks industry has faced challenge
after challenge ever since 9/11 – from
increased security and burdensome background
check requirements for personnel setting up and
executing the 14,000 plus fireworks displays that
annually grace our skylines each 4th of July, to
rail embargoes and shipping crises. "The
industry has been tested time after time and each
challenge unites the industry, makes it stronger,
and ensures that communities do not go dark on
Independence Day," said Heckman.
What keeps the fireworks
display industry going amid the constant sea of
change and challenge?
According to James R. Souza, of
Pyro Spectaculars by Souza, a fifth generation
family owned and operated display company based
in Rialto, California, "it’s all about
America, our patriotism and our desire to honor
our troops who fight so hard to keep us safe and
protect our freedom.
My family, immigrants from
Portugal, brought our family trade to the U.S.,
where we have found liberty, prosperity and
freedom and we are appreciative of all that
America the beautiful has bestowed upon us. For
us, it’s not just about being a fireworks
entertainment enterprise but it’s about
giving back to our country so all Americans can
collectively celebrate our great nation’s
About the American Pyrotechnics
Association: The APA is the leading trade
association of the fireworks industry. The APA
supports and promotes safety standards for all
aspects of fireworks. The APA has a diverse
membership including regulated and licensed
manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers,
retailers, importers, suppliers and professional
display fireworks companies.
Just Jake
I’ve never really
figured out what a cow does in a
"loafin’ shed." I suspect I
just don’t appreciate how hard a cow
works just walkin’ ‘round
eatin’ all the time.
I’m sure even the city
folks have seen these structures. Usually
three sides covered with tin and an open
front. A place to get out of the weather or
act as a wind break in colder weather.
If they called it a rain
shed or a warmin’ shed it would make
more sense to me.
It is possible that
durin’ more primitive times other work
animals were responsible for the term. I can
see a horse or a ox loafin’ after a good
days work in the field.
‘Course the jest of
this is that I am thinkin’ of
puttin’ up my own shed. I just
can’t figure if it’s worth the
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns HERE’S A TIP
JoAnn Derson
• "Here’s a
great idea for sewers out there. Sew several
towels together in a giant square for a family
beach blanket. This works great, since it’s
absorbent, and the large size gives you room for
what our family calls a ‘sand border.’
That’s the area of the towel that get sandy
from your feet." -- A.C. in California
• It’s officially
grill season just about everywhere. To get yours
ready time after time, follow these simple steps:
After you use your grill, scrape excess gunk from
grill and rub down grates with olive oil. Then
spray with water. Let dry for the next time.
• Here’s another
great grill tip from M.E. in South Carolina:
"Instead of buying an expensive grill cover,
cover your grill with a colorful plastic
tablecloth. Use tablecloth clips to secure it
around the grill. Get a matching one for your
picnic or outdoor table."
• "I recently cleaned
out my gutters. I needed something to use as a
scoop, and I looked down and saw my son playing
in his sandbox. He handed me a sand scoop, and it
was just the ticket. It’s not a shovel, just
a scoop. The end was rounded, so I could get all
the dregs in the gutters. I have installed
screens now, so I hope I won’t need to
borrow tools from my kids again." -- B.L. in
• Frozen grapes make
terrific ice cubes for older children and adults.
Try it for your next backyard barbecue or block
party. Remove grapes from the stem, rinse and
freeze until hard. Shake to separate and add to
any drink that could use a light, grapey flavor
-- cocktails, punch, juices and even cola!
• To prevent a soggy
bottom on a cream pie, sprinkle the bottom of the
crust with sugar before filling.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.