laugh A new soldier
was on sentry duty at the main gate. His orders were
clear. No vehicle was to enter unless it had the proper
sticker on the windshield.
Now, a huge Army car came up with a
General seated in the back. The sentry yelled,
"Halt, who goes there?"
The chauffeur, says, "General
"I’m sorry, I can’t let
you through. You’ve got to have a sticker on the
The General said, "Drive on!"
The sentry said, "Hold it! You
really can’t come through. I have orders to shoot if
you try driving on without your sticker."
The General repeated, "I’m
telling you, Corporal, drive on!"
The sentry walked up to the rear window
with the gun at the ready and said, "General,
I’m new at this. Do I shoot you or the driver?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Prof. L.E. Robinson
Cards have been received by friends in
this city announcing the marriage of Prof. Luther E.
Robinson and Miss Anna E. Dysart at Springfield. Prof.
Robinson is president of the Normal and Fitting School of
this city and Miss Dysart was one of the teachers last
year. The announcement of the wedding is somewhat of a
surprise, but their friends join in extending
congratulations and best wishes.
Still in Doubt.
The Oronogo saloon petition again
occupied the time of the county court all day today. This
time it is J. R. McLaughlin, who wants the license, and
it is given out that he has 76 names where 82 are
required. The case will probably not be settled today.
There were the usual delegations for and against the
petition and they, with the attorneys, made things lively
in the courtroom all day. Del Beeson represents
McLaughlin and Harry Green the remonstrators.
Today's Feature Where the Money
Quoted from this
year’s City budget document
"This will be the sixth
year the golfcourse operations will be accounted
for in a separate fund. Previously, the
golfcourse operations were accounted for in the
General Revenue Fund. It is believed that with
the new fund, total Golf Course
Revenues/Expenditures and long term commitments
can be better managed. The long term commitments
are in the form of Certificates of Participation
(COP) payments which end in Fiscal 2017 and were
used to complete the renovation of the course in
As part of that financing, the
City received a grant from the Steadley
Foundation of $200,000 a year for nine years to
help defray a portion of the overall project
cost. The nine years ended in Fiscal 2010. Total
principal and interest payments amount to
approximately $2.8 million which terminate in
Fiscal 2017. Based on cash flows prepared at the
beginning of the project, the course could
generate adequate funds to make the remaining
payments on the COPs in addition to operating
costs, based on periodic rate increases and
increasing rounds played to 40,000 by the end of
the planning period. Fiscal 2011 revenues are
based on 22,500 rounds being played. Staff has
discussed the problems with the golfing industry
nationwide at various meetings throughout the
current and previous years. The City’s
numbers, as well as most other courses in the
area, are showing a decrease in rounds played.
Further, as of the end of April 2010, the
course’s revenues were approximately 14%
(approximately $54,900) below projections with
rounds 4.99% (850 rounds) below projections.
However, the revenues for this fiscal year are
about $3,727 higher than last year. The
City’s course has seen a relative increase
in revenues collected compared to rounds played.
This was due to a previous rate increase adopted
by the Council. The golf pro also has plans to
increase marketing the course this year to help
generate the additional revenues. Additional
revenues are expected from the operations of the
golf driving range. Due to agreeable terms, the
City is leasing the land for the driving range
from the former owner. It is anticipated that the
course will provide supplemental revenues for the
golf course with the range operations by
approximately $3,800. Total golf course revenues
are being projected at a rate of 26.9% ($203,865)
below 2010’s budget level. Revenues are
budgeted at $553,490. The main reason for the
large drop is the payment of the Steadley grant.
The grant funding has been completed. There is
also a budgeted subsidy from the General Fund of
$76,690. There is currently a planned deficit in
this operation that will have to be covered by a
subsidy from the General Fund currently budgeted
at $76,690. Fee increases were discussed, but
because of the area courses inaction regarding
fees, it was determined raising fees would not be
to the course’s. advantage. Depending on the
course’s operations, only the amount
necessary to balance the budget will be
transferred from the General Fund. Total
expenditures are budgeted at $736,865, which
include a COP payment of $183,763 and capital
expenditures of $42,658 for a lease purchase of
needed golf equipment. Operations and maintenance
portions of the budget have also been reduced in
line with other departments as much as possible
in light of the long term obligations of the
course while still providing for the overall
condition of the course."
Just Jake
This year the City’s
197 page budget document has been uploaded to
the City web site. The City saved
printin’ about twenty hard copies of the
small novel and presumably save a little cash
as well as time in the process. Most Council
members are usin’ the web site for their
The "Where the
Money Goes" series we are
puttin’ in the Mornin’ Mail
comes directly from that document. Those who
have the inclination and the hardware can
download the entire document at It’s in pdf format
so it’s easy to follow on screen or can
be printed for reference.
For those who’d rather
absorb a smaller dose at a time, we’ll
publish some select portions for the next few
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
By Samantha Mazzotta
Is It Time
to Make Home Improvements?
Q: I’ve been holding off
on redoing the bathrooms in my house because of
worries about the economy and whether my wife and
I would be laid off. Now we’re in a
disagreement: She wants to redo the bathrooms,
but I still don’t want to risk spending
money. What do you think? Is it worth it? --
Worried in Washington state
A: Well, the home-improvement
industry is anxious to have you believe that
it’s time to take the plunge and spend money
on home renovations. DiggersList says that
industry estimates point to homeowners in the
U.S. spending twice as much money this year --
$270 billion -- on remodeling projects as they
did in 2009.
That’s all well and good,
but the story is different for each homeowner. If
you’re not sure about your company’s
situation and whether you’ll continue to be
gainfully employed in the near future, yeah, you
may want to hold off.
At the same time, some
renovations just need to get done. If there is a
functional problem with the bathrooms -- the
plumbing needs work, the bathtub or toilet is
leaking -- then spend some money. If it’s
more cosmetic, talk it over with the wife, and
sit down together to figure out how much money
you are both comfortable spending on the
You could compromise by redoing
just one bathroom this year, and the other
bathroom next year. Or you could both promise not
to splurge on unnecessary items like gold-plated
fixtures. But creating a renovation budget and
working together to come in at or under the limit
will help break the impasse.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.