laugh When the Jones
family moved into their new house, a visiting relative
asked five-year-old Sammy how he liked the new place.
"It’s terrific," he
"I have my own room, Mike has his
own room, and Jamie has her own room.
But poor Mom is still in with
"My uncle in Detroit tried to make
a new kind of car. He took the engine from a Ford, the
transmission from an Oldsmobile, the tires from a
Cadillac, and the exhaust system from a Plymouth."
"Really? What did he get?"
"Fifteen years."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Held Up In Cassil
Chas. Hines, a well known young man of
this city, was held up and robbed of $2 in front of G. W.
Read’s residence in Cassil place yesterday morning
about 4 o’clock. He was on his way up town to join a
party to drive to Wentworth and look at some mining land.
His assailant was a burly man.
Mr. Hines was walking along rapidly
when a man accosted him with, "Hold on a
minute." He promptly stopped, thinking the fellow
wanted a match. As the man approached, Hines saw that he
held in one hand a revolver and in the other a short
club. "Hold up your hands," he commanded, but
this Hines refused to do and he was dealt a stunning blow
over the eye with the club. The blow staggered him but he
made a snatch for the revolver and was dealt another blow
on the forearm that almost paralyzed it. "Stand
still or I’ll brain you," commanded the man and
the young man obeyed without further parleying.
Today's Feature Where the Money
by City Administrator Tom Short to the Mayor and
City Council.
"Mayor & Council
Members: Based upon the City Council’s
Budget Ways & Means Committee budget hearings
with Department Heads, outside agencies, and
public hearings concerning the Fiscal 2011
budget, submitted herewith is the
Committee’s recommended annual Operating and
Capital Improvements Budget for the City of
Carthage for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. The
originally submitted budget has been changed and
modified throughout the hearing process based on
input from the public, Mayor, Council Members and
Department Heads. This final document reflects
those changes discussed and approved by the
Budget Ways & Means Committee. This document
is being presented under the provisions of
Article VII of the Home Rule Charter for the City
of Carthage and Section 2.161 ofthe Carthage Code
of Ordinances for Council consideration.
BUDGET OVERVIEW As reported in
a January 2009 report, Navigating the Fiscal
Crisis: Tested Strategies for Local Leaders,
"This economic crisis is deeper and more
severe than what we have experienced in the past
50 years. While some U.S. regions and localities
are experiencing the downturn differently, for
the first time in the postwar era, all levels of
government are impacted with dramatic revenue
reductions simultaneously." This is the
environment the City has been operating under for
the past year and a half. Last year’s budget
was cut by approximately 5% -10% due to these
economic conditions. This fiscal year these same
economic conditions remain. However, lately there
have been signs of light at the end of the
tunnel. According to a Creighton Economic
Forecasting Group report, "the March
Business Conditions Index for the Mid-America
region climbed for a fourth straight month,
pointing to a growing economy in the months
ahead, according to the March Business Conditions
survey ofsupply managers and business leaders in
the nine-state region." "For a third
straight month, the regional employment index
rose above growth neutral." However, there
is now a fear of inflationary pressures and
increases. This fiscal year, as last year, the
main issue facing the City is a decrease in
overall revenues due to the general effects of
the recession hitting the United States economy.
The City has experienced a slowdown over the past
two fiscal years. Based on revenue projections
for fiscal 2010, the City is anticipating an
increase in budgeted revenues of approximately
$135,767 in the General Fund. This includes
one-time funds of over $240,000 from a SEMA
reimbursement and a cell phone lawsuit
settlement. Without the one-time money, revenues
are estimated to be $139,000 below the original
budgeted amount. Additionally, the Mayor and the
Budget Committee indicated their preferences, if
possible, to not adversely impact staffing
levels. With these conditions in mind,
departments were directed to prepare a budget
concentrating on providing core services and
cutting 5% of 2010 operating expenses (Personnel,
Supplies & Services, and Travel &
Training expenses) in the 2011 budget. In earlier
discussions with the Budget Committee, it was
tentatively decided that as the City had
maintained a level of unallocated fund balance
above its minimum in the General Fund over a
number of years, that it would use a portion of
the extra to supplement operations this fiscal
year until the economy rebounded. A review showed
that the City could sustain using the unallocated
fund balance for two or three years depending on
the overall level of expenditures while the
economy recovered. However, if the experts are
correct in saying that the current situation is
the new normal, then the City should start
preparing to develop a budget where the revenues
and expenditures match; basically live within its
means. Other decisions regarding the levels of
services provided by the City and the proper
revenue mix (including new revenues) were
tentatively explored pending a mid-year review of
fiscal 2011 ‘s budget. There is only a
limited time period in which the City can use its
currently available extra fund balance money. The
Citizens of Carthage have come to rely on and
expect a certain level of service that the City
provides. Making major cuts in service levels in
the midst of this economic crisis would be harsh.
There were however, still cuts made by the
departments to bring the budget to the level
presented. Cuts impacting levels of service were
made as minimally as possible based on Department
and Agency proposals to the Budget Committee.
Still, even though the Fiscal Year 2011 Budget
calls for a smaller, more productive and more
efficient organization, it will be up to City
departments to maintain as high a level of
service as possible. The City still enjoys a
General Revenue Fund fund balance which provides
a "comfort level" for Fiscal stability.
In 1997, the City Council adopted an ordinance
establishing a minimum fund balance in the
General Fund. This minimum balance was adopted at
a level equal to 33% ofthe City’s annual
operating expenditures. The City, due to
conservative revenue projections and prudent
fmancial management over these years, had
accumulated an ample fund balance. Estimates for
this Fiscal Year indicate that the fund balance
will total more than $3,195,476 to begin the
Fiscal year. This is somewhat higher than the
estimated beginning fund balance for Fiscal 2010.
This year’s budget expects to use a portion
of the accumulated fund balance. This year again,
the Budget Ways & Means Committee recommended
the reserved fund balance be set at 25% (three
months) of operating expenditures. This
year’s budget continues to reflect a number
of Council goals and priorities from previous
years. These are set out in the policy portion of
this document. The provision of giving priority
to those items necessary to maintain current
service levels for the City (even in light of the
economic problems), has been met for the most
part, in this budget. This illustrates the
Council’s commitment of providing comparable
service levels previously enjoyed by the citizens
of Carthage in light of projected revenue levels.
The Council has continued to regard economic
development as an important priority for the
City’s long-term development. This has led
to the City continuing to contract for economic
development services through the Chamber of
Commerce at the same level as Fiscal 2010. Also,
the need to maintain and improve city streets has
been established and addressed as another
important objective this year. Although growth
was taken into account, a conservative approach
was used to estimate the anticipated 2011
revenues. Projecting revenues in a conservative
manner represents another policy decision of the
Council to carefully manage the City’s
financial assets. Sales Tax revenues were
projected to change based on historical trends
plus anticipated economic conditions.
Property Tax revenues were
projected to change by historical growth
Just Jake
The question has ta be
asked. How much is the City Golf Course worth
to the community?
As we saw in
yesterday’s Mornin’ Mail
article concernin’ the golf course
finances, it will need a little over $75,000
from the City General fund to break even for
operatin’ expenses. A little over
$180,000 will be needed from the special golf
course fund to make a payment on the
renovations that were completed in 2002. The
special fund has enough to make the payment
another year or two, but there are seven
years left on the obligation.
While other departments in
the city were asked to shave their budgets to
the bone, the golf course reduced its
projected budget by less than one percent.
How much support can the City commit?
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Most Don’t
Second Heart
years ago, I had a heart attack. The doctor said
there was hardly any damage. Is it likely that I
will have another heart attack? I am overweight
and have a hard time losing weight and keeping it
off. -- C.P.
ANSWER: The chance of a
recurrent heart attack for men is 21 percent; for
women, 33 percent. Looked at in the opposite way,
the chances for not having a second heart attack
are very good. Figures like these are deceptive
when applied to an individual. A person’s
efforts to decrease the risks of having another
attack are the keys to not having one.
Those risks include dealing
with obesity. Even though weight loss is
difficult for you, you must make an effort to
reduce your weight. A dietitian can help you with
the diet part. You have to increase your physical
activity. Inactivity is an invitation to artery
clogging and heart attacks. Ask your doctor what
kind of exercise is safe for you. Walking is
permitted for most, and walking is a way to
strengthen your heart, clear your arteries and
lose weight.
You also have to watch your
cholesterol in all its forms. HDL cholesterol
keeps heart arteries free of plaque buildup, and
LDL cholesterol encourages it. You have to keep
an eye on your blood pressure, another ingredient
for heart attacks.
The fact that your doctor said
little damage was done to your heart puts you
into a class of heart-attack patients who are at
low risk for having another.
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