laugh Two men were
playing golf together for the very first time. The first
player teed off and hit the ball into a clump of trees.
He finally got onto the fairway, only to hit the ball
into a water hazard. The next shot resulted in a new ball
flying over a fence onto a busy street.
The second player said, "Maybe you
should use an old ball for this shot."
The first player replied, "I
don’t have any old golf balls."
A reporter was interviewing Jack
Nicklaus. He said, "Jack, you are spectacular, your
name is synonymous with the game of golf. You really know
your way around the course. What is your secret?"
To which Jack replied, "The holes
are numbered!"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
E. Knell’s New
E. Knell’s new building at the
corner of Third and Lyon streets has just been completed
for the accommodation of his undertaking business. The
building is attractive architectural design, is built of
Carthage stone and brick and presents a handsome
appearance. The interior is both elegant and well
arranged. The main entrance is at the southeast corner of
the building from which you step into the office, a most
beautiful room. Mr. Knell’s desk is at the right and
that of his daughter, Miss Emma Knell, at the left. Back
of the office is the workroom. Just west of the office is
the private office and back of this is the large show
room in which are two long cases for the display of
caskets. He has the finest black hearse team in the
southwest. He keeps on hand a full line of ladies’
dresses of the latest designs, in silks, cashmeres and
surab silks; men’s suits and burial slippers. His
ability as a funeral director and embalmer is well known.
Today's Feature Adult Business Bill
Receives Governor’s Signature.
several years of working to pass a bill that
strengthens regulations on adult businesses, Sen.
Jack Goodman, R-Mt. Vernon, and Sen. Matt Bartle,
R-Lee’s Summit, announce yesterday that the
governor has signed Senate Bill 586 & 617
into law.
Senate Bill 586 & 617
combats the negative secondary effects of
sexually oriented businesses in Missouri by
imposing several meaningful time, place and
manner restrictions. After Aug 28, 2010, the
legislation will prohibit a person from
establishing a sexually oriented business within
1,000 feet of a pre-existing school, house of
worship, state-licensed day care, public library,
public park, residence or other sexually oriented
business. It also bars a person who has been
convicted of or imprisoned for certain crimes
within the last eight years from establishing an
adult business.
In addition, the bill prohibits
nude performances and restricts semi-nude
activity within sexually oriented businesses. It
also prohibits adult establishments from
operating between the hours of midnight and 6
a.m., and bars anyone younger than 18 from being
on the premises at any time.
"This is a hard-fought
victory for family values," Sen. Goodman
said. "We have crafted an effective, yet
well-measured and responsible bill that will
regulate sexually oriented businesses within the
defined parameters of the U.S.
Senator Goodman’s SB 617
was combined with Sen. Bartle’s SB 586
during the Senate’s committee approval
"This issue has been a top
priority of mine for many years," Sen.
Bartle said. "It’s a tremendous relief
to me that my colleagues recognized the
importance of this issue and fought to get a bill
passed before regular session ended. One need
only take a short trip on any of Missouri’s
major highways to see that the proliferation of
smut shops is out of control. There’s no
question that regulations need to be put in place
so we can protect our communities from decreased
property values and an environment ripe for
Senate Leader Charlie Shields,
R-St. Joseph, said Missouri communities will
benefit from the bill.
"Adult businesses in
Missouri have been allowed to open and operate
with minimal oversight for far too long,"
Sen. Shields said. "The actions of the
governor today will ensure that our state
continues to be a family-friendly place to live
and visit."
Just Jake
It hit me the other day
while tryin’ to negotiate the streets
durin’ the High School lunch hour. Used
ta be you could tell if a male and female in
a car was a "couple." The girl
would be sittin’ in the middle next to
the male driver. Now a days ya don’t see
that much.
Now the prevalence of
bucket seats in autos today could be the
explanation for this change in habits. I can
remember thinkin’ how uncomfortable it
musta been for those loyal girlfriends,
sittin’ on the console.
‘Course the other
explanation may be that young females today
are showin’ more independence.
More than likely, it was
not this generation that made the break from
front seat coziness, but their mothers. Yet
another cultural change brought to us by the
60’s, and a legacy to the Volkswagon
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Carthage Printing |
To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Popular Asthma
Drugs Carry Dire Warning
treatment for asthma for the first time at age
80. At first I took prednisone and albuterol.
Then I had a Pulmicort inhaler. Now I am on
Symbicort. The material that comes with this
medicine advises that this LABA (long-acting beta
agonist) may increase the chance of death from
asthma. Exactly what is this telling me? -- E.S.
ANSWER: With asthma, there is a
sudden constriction of the breathing tubes
(bronchi), along with the production of thick
mucus. Both block the flow of air into the lungs,
and both cause asthma symptoms -- shortness of
breath, wheezing and coughing. Asthma changes are
Asthma medications come in
three major categories. One is quick-action
medicines, the kind that get to work fast to open
the breathing tubes. Many of these medicines are
SABAs, short-acting beta agonists. Albuterol is
one example. Beta agonists dilate bronchi.
Too-frequent use of the short-acting beta
agonists indicates poor asthma control. They
should be used only for an acute attack, and
attacks should be infrequent.
The second category is
cortisone drugs, the potent suppressors of
inflammation. They calm airways and prevent their
constriction. They also decrease mucus
production. Taken by mouth, cortisone drugs have
unpleasant side effects when used for long
periods in high doses. Taken by inhaler, the side
effects are few. Pulmicort is a cortisone-inhaler
The third category of drug is
long-acting drugs, drugs that keep the airways
less twitchy for prolonged periods. Long-acting
beta agonists, LABAs, belong in this category.
LABA drugs have been noted to increase the risk
of serious asthma attacks, which ended in
fatalities for a few. That was in the days when
they were used alone. Now they have been
incorporated into preparations combined with
cortisone drugs. Since these dual preparations
have come to the market, no drug-related asthma
fatalities have been reported. The warning still
exists because a LABA is part of the drug. You
don’t need to worry about your medicine,
Symbicort. It’s a dual medicine.
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