The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, June 4, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 244
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . The Carthage
Public Library began its summer reading programs this
week for teens and the Wednesday morning storytimes &
baby & toddler lap sits. call Deb at 237-7040 for
Did Ya Know?.. . Carthage
Farmers Market every Wed. and Sat starting at 7 a.m.
Plants, produce and more. Square.
Did Ya Know?.. . The 5th Annual
Car & Bike Show will be held at the Carthage First
Nazarene Church at 2000 Grand Ave. on Sunday, June 6 from
noon to 3. Free registration 10:30 to noon.
laugh Two elderly
women were fussing about their husbands over tea one day.
"I do wish my Leroy would stop
biting his nails. That makes me terribly nervous!"
the first one said.
"Oh, my Elmer used to do the same
thing," the other woman commented. "But I broke
him of that habit real quick."
"What did you do?"
"I hid his teeth!"
"The Law of Volunteering"
If you dance with a grizzly bear, you
had better let him lead.
"The Law of Self Sacrifice"
When you starve with a tiger, the tiger
starves last.
"Law of Probable Dispersal"
Whatever hits the fan will not be
evenly distributed.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
I. D. Davis, a Farmer
North of Town Severely Injured.
I. D. Davis a farmer who lives on the
Chas. Myers place three miles north of Carthage, was
kicked by a horse yesterday and his leg broken above the
knee. Mr. Davis was engaged in feeding the stock in his
barn and was passing behind the horse when he was kicked.
He slapped the horse lightly on the hip and spoke to him
at the same time but the animal probably mistaking him
for another horse kicked with the above result. Dr. F. W.
Flower was called and reduced the fracture. Mr. Davis is
well along in years and the hurt will probably cause him
a great deal of trouble.
Chas. Huth and Wesley Bruffett will
leave tomorrow morning over the Frisco for California
where they expect to locate.
Today's Feature Relay For Life
Relay For Life of Carthage
event will take place June 5 in Central Park with
pre-opening events at noon. The community is
invited to join in this fun filled event.
There will be activities for
everyone. The entertainment lineup is; Duke Mason
Band at 12:15 p.m., Midwest Taekwondo
demonstration at 2:00 p.m., Central High School
Kilties at 2:30 p.m., Natural Disaster Band at
3:00 p.m., Bess Lanyon at 4:15 p.m., No Apparent
Reason Band at 5:15 p.m., Ninth Hour Vocal Group
at 8:00 p.m. (Times may vary). Lots of games,
face painting, bounce house, petting zoo, eats
and more.
The official opening ceremonies
will begin at 7:00 p.m. with the Survivors walk
at 7:15 p.m. we have over 65 registered survivors
that will take that first lap around the park.
All survivors that would like to attend are
invited to come and be a part of this ceremony in
their Honor… Luminary services will begin at
9:15 p.m. and a luminary in the park can be
purchased starting at noon for $5.00 in Memory or
in Honor of someone that has made the battle or
going through the battle. All proceeds will go to
the America Cancer Society.
Just Jake
City Council
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns
NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally
Armstrong, Director of artCentra
Mailings have gone out this
past week for our annual children’s artCamp,
to both our past students as well as our
membership. If you are interested in camp for a
child, the dates are July 19-31 this year,
meeting daily from 10:00-3:00. Additionally this
year, a children’s art show will be shown on
Sunday the 25th, featuring work by the enrolled
students. We will be offering 29 classes again
this year, so get those replies back to me as
soon as possible so we can see the classes fill
and I can purchase supplies for those that do.
Last year we had a few classes that were
cancelled due to non- enrollment, yet folks
called at the last minute wanting a cancelled
class! I must know at least two weeks out which
classes have adequate enrollment, generally at
least 6 students, in order not to disappoint
those who sign up on time. I am very pleased with
the assortment of classes offered and please know
that you may pick up information sheets and
enrollment cards at the children’s library
and also at the adult information desk in
Carthage, or here on our own porch, in the swing
will be a basket of these. Call if you would like
one mailed to you, 417 358 4404. Mailings are
also out to our member-artists, asking for their
work for the annual Membership Show, opening June
25th, our next exhibition. This is accompanied by
the annual outdoor picnic where we supply the
main dishes and guests supply the desserts! All
are invited to attend for a small donation. We
enjoyed a good crowd last Friday evening at the
opening of the current exhibition, TEXTURE,
sculpture, pottery, weaving and tapestry by the
Jack Sours family. This show will continue this
weekend and the following, during regular gallery
hours, Friday- Sunday, 12:00-5:00. Come out if
you have not already seen this nice work, and
enjoy the Sours’ bluegrass music at the
annual Acoustic Festival scheduled for the
Carthage square June 12th all day and evening.
This is a great event!
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