The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, March 29, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 197
did ya
Did Ya Know?..There will be a
Winter Blues and Cruise on the Carthage Square on
Saturday, March 20 from 3 – 7 p.m. Hosted by Vintage
Rods car club.
.Did Ya Know?..The tax site at
the Family Literacy Center in Carthage will be closed
Friday, April 2 and Saturday, April 3.
laugh Owed
Two A Spell Chequer:
I halve
a spelling chequer
It came
with my pea sea
plane lee marques four my revue
steaks aye ken knot sea
Eye ran
this poem threw it
sure reel glad two no
vary polished in it’s weigh
chequer tolled me sew
chequer is a bless sing
freeze yew lodes of thyme
helps me awl stiles two reed
aides mi when aye rime
To rite
with care is quite a feet
witch won should be proud
And wee
mussed dew the best wee can
flaws are knot aloud
And now
bee cause my spelling
checked with such grate flare
are know faults with in my cite
Of nun eye am a wear
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Mrs. Heston Dead.
Mrs. Lola Heston died yesterday morning
at 10 o’clock at her home in this city after a
lingering illness. She was a daughter of Kane Drake and
20 years of age. Her death was caused by consumption, the
same disease that caused the death of her little child a
few months ago. The funeral will occur today.
Mrs. Hutchinson Elopes.
Mrs. Dell Hutchinson, a Sunday school
teacher and a leader in society circles at Belleville,
eloped with a young man named John Burtrue on Tuesday.
She left her husband in the morning to go to their old
home, but instead, took the train where she met Burtrue
and eloped with him. She left two children.
Neodesha wants inter-urban train
service with the mining district towns.
Today's Feature Outpatient
Psychiatric Therapy Program Offered.
Senior Life Solutions at
McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital will offer an
intensive, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary
outpatient treatment program for persons 60 and
older. The program will focus on depression and
mental health disorders- problems that affect a
large segment of the community. In doing so the
hospital will be closing the current in-patient
Senior Life Solutions will
provide an alternative for patients not requiring
24 hour inpatient hospitalizations. This program
offers an option for patients who need more
intensive outpatient therapy and will support
inpatient area facilities by acting as a bridge
or step-down unit to those programs. Senior Life
Solutions will also satisfy the need for after
care options and possibly shorten psychiatric
hospital stays as well.
Bob Copeland, CEO said,
"We are very excited to offer Senior Life
Solutions as the first outpatient intensive
psychiatric facility in our area. We are
committed to providing the best service to our
patients; this program fits our patient-centered
care philosophy and will strengthen our
commitment to the psychiatric needs of our
community and the surrounding area."
Just Jake
Saw onea those shows
‘bout animals the other evenin’. I
don’t ‘member what they were, but
these two little critters were facin’
opposite directions diggin’ their
respective holes in the ground. Both of
‘em goin’ a mile a minute. The fact
that they were throwin’ all the dirt
outa their hole into the hole bein’
scraped out by the other didn’t seem ta
bother ‘em any. They just kept their
nose down and kept movin’ the dirt back
and forth between ‘em.
I suppose as obviously
futile a situation those two critters were
in, it’s sometimes a good idea to stick
your head up and take a look around. Could be
that by shiftin’ just a little, the work
might get done a little better, or at least
not hinder those makin’ progress.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns
By Samantha Mazzotta
Q: I saw a reader’s tip
last year where they took their area rugs out and
laid them on the snow to clean them. My question
is, can I do the same for installed carpet? --
Fred G., Rockingham, Vt.
A: While the snow-cleaning
method may or may not work for your installed
(wall-to-wall) carpet -- I haven’t tried the
original tip myself, by the way -- just getting
the carpet up and outside would be incredibly
difficult and time-consuming. So I do not
recommend trying this.
Instead, vacuum your carpet
very thoroughly and then rent a steam cleaner
from the home-improvement store (some larger
supermarkets also rent them) and steam clean the
If the carpet is so down-deep
dirty that it merely laughs at the efforts of a
steam cleaner, consider installing new carpet.
Very dirty carpet or carpet that’s been
exposed to flooding or large liquid spills that
weren’t dried properly has a shorter life
span and can harbor molds and bacteria that a
steam cleaner may not get to. This creates an
unhealthy living environment.
Now, you might say at this
point, "Replacing the carpet will be
incredibly difficult and time-consuming, too.
What’s the difference?" Well, ask
yourself, is the amount of time and effort spent
pulling up the carpet, hauling it outside in the
snow and then reinstalling it a better investment
-- personally and financially -- than if what you
haul back inside is a new carpet (which will
increase the value of your home)?
Taking up a really old or dirty
carpet allows you to inspect the subfloor for
damage, make repairs and clean out accumulated
dirt that filtered down through the carpet.
You’ll put fresh padding under the new
carpet, so it may feel like a completely
different floor when you’re done.
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