The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, May 21, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 235
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . The City of
Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes Monday, May 24th
through Friday, May 28th. Areas will be sprayed in the
evening of the day of regular garbage pick up between the
hours of 8 p.m. and midnight.
Did Ya Know?.. . Carthage
Farmers Market every Wed. and Sat starting at 7 a.m.
Plants, produce and more. Carthage Square.
Did Ya Know?.. . The Carthage
VFW will have a dance on May 22, 8 p.m. till 12 p.m. with
music by Country Boys. Everyone Welcome.
Did Ya Know?....Powers Museum
will hold an Open House Sunday May 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. in
honor of the 100th anniversary of the Carthage Post
Office building.
laugh Coming out of
church, Mrs. Smith asked her husband, "Do you think
that Johnson girl is tinting her hair?"
"I didn’t even see her,"
admitted Mr. Smith.
"And that dress Mrs. Davis was
wearing," continued Mrs. Smith, "Really,
don’t tell me you think that’s the proper
outfit for a mother of two."
"I’m afraid I didn’t
notice that either," said Mr. Smith.
"Oh, for heaven’s sake,"
snapped Mrs. Smith. "A lot of good it does you to go
to church."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Fine Flow of Water.
The drill hole at the fair grounds has
penetrated a strong vein of pure, clear water, and the
liquid now stands within a foot of the top of the ground.
Yesterday an inch siphon was used to siphon the water out
of the hole, but after running a half hour the level of
the water was the same. The water is pure, clear and cold
and the fair grounds owners now have an excellent well if
they never strike mineral.
A team hitched to a farm wagon ran away
down North Grant street today. At the intersection of
Central avenue the wagon collided with a telegraph pole
and the horses were released from the wagon, which
doubtless saved a serious accident. Two men, two women
and a little child occupied the wagon. One of the young
women was just recovering from an attack of nervous
Today's Feature Carthage
Acoustic Music Festival to Feature Bluestem.
The 9th Annual Carthage
Acoustic Music Festival will feature the unique
group Bluestem on June 11th and 12th. The
members have combined Western, Bluegrass, Gospel,
Rock, and humor to create a blend of unique
acoustic music. Their western harmonies and
bluegrass musicianship teamed with cowboy poetry
will surprise and entertain all.
"We love to play and
sing. We enjoy people and sharing our music with
them. We hope to make you smile and laugh as we
share old memories and new ones to come."
Bluestem was the house band for
"The Good Time Radio Review" a live
radio show on National Public Radio for many
years. They have also performed at music
festivals throughout the midwest, and given
concerts for the past twenty years. They have
performed twelve of the last sixteen years at the
Walnut Valley Festival at Winfield, Kansas. They
are long time members of the Kansas Touring Arts
program, The Kansas Bluegrass Association, and
The Western Music Association.
Just Jake
Saw one a those little bits
a trivia on tv the other day. Said that more
people get hurt by television sets that are
injured by fireworks.
I don’t know what that
says, but it sure goes ta show ya. I’d
guess that it could be interpreted to mean
that we should be blowin’ up more tv
sets. Or we should be watchin’ more
fireworks. That’s one a the problems
with just knowin’ a little bit of the
facts. Ya never really know what ta make of
It’s like the old
story of the Russian and American auto race.
The Russian newspaper was said to report that
the Russian came in second and the American
came in next to the last. Never mentioned the
fact that only two cars entered the race.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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Weekly Columns artCentral
NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
It has been the intention this
year to show the work of each of the former
directors of artCentral. Prior to myself and
Carol Adamec, Lee Ann Sours held the position for
a time, and she is responsible for getting the
grounds planted with some of the original
plantings. Lee Ann and her husband Jack live in
Neosho, and are both active artists and member
artists of artCentral. Additionally, they play
bluegrass music together and in a group, and you
may remember them appearing locally and at the
Acoustic Festival in June on the square. Lee
Ann’s medium of choice is fiber art,
including weaving and creative design. The fiber
arts that Lee Ann displays are a culmination of a
concert that begins with the planting of grass.
With God’s gift of rain and the nutrients
provided by our mother earth, grass provides
forage for her sheep and Angora goats. The fiber
from those animals is harvested and processed
into yarn, or batting, which is dyed and blended
in preparation for her products. The skills and
discipline necessary to accomplish this task are
a life long acquisition. "I’ve been
experimenting with different fibers and
techniques since 1987, when I got the goats for
making cheese. There was no market for goat
cheese then, so I used the fleece." Fifty
goats make hundreds of pounds of mohair and they
sell the majority of the white fleece to a
warehouse. She prefers the colored fleece, which
she washes up to five times in hot water and
soap. She then uses wool combs to blend different
fleece and make the fibers straight, then spins
the fleece into yarn. "Jack got a spinning
wheel, and I came across a loom." The rest
is history, and the beginning of her love affair
with fiber art. It takes her about two pounds of
fiber to create a throw, and 15 hours to weave on
her loom. Lee Ann has won numerous awards with
her work, several here during our annual
Membership Shows. Next week I will outline her
husband Jack’s art with ceramic sculpture
and thrown pottery. Their joint show, along with
their daughter Suzie, opens here at Hyde House
June 28th.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.