The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, May 28, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 239
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . The City of
Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes Monday, May 24th
through Friday, May 28th. Areas will be sprayed in the
evening of the day of regular garbage pick up between the
hours of 8 p.m. and midnight.
Did Ya Know?.. . Carthage
Farmers Market every Wed. and Sat starting at 7 a.m.
Plants, produce and more. Square.
Did Ya Know?.. . The 5th Annual
Car & Bike Show will be held at the Carthage First
Nazarene Church at 2000 Grand Ave. on Sunday, June 6 from
noon to 3. Free registration 10:30 to noon.
laugh A man in a
supermarket was pushing a cart which contained, among
other things, a screaming baby. As the man proceeded
along the aisles, he kept repeating softly, "Keep
calm, George. Don’t get excited, George. Don’t
yell, George."
A lady watched and then said, "You
are certainly to be commended for your patience in trying
to quiet little George."
"Lady," he declared,
"I’M George!"
I feel like my body has gotten totally
out of shape, so I got my doctor’s permission to
join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to
take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted,
gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour.
By the time I got my leotards on, the class was over.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
To Organize a Berry
Growers’ Union.
A movement is on foot to organize a
berry growers’ union in Carthage, and the plan is
meeting with much favor. A meeting of the Commercial Club
will probably be called in the near future to consider
the matter. The organization is to be a berry shipping
and selling association, along the same lines as the
Sarcoxie association.
Homeseekers, Take
Several choice suburban residence lots
for sale at one-half original price, on South Garrison
avenue, close to electric line. Lots worth $150 at $75;
lots worth $250 at $130. One-third cash; balance on time.
For sale by McFarland & Bailey, Real Estate Exchange,
office in Regan block, west side square.
Today's Feature Relay For Life
Relay For Life of Carthage
event will take place June 5 in Central Park with
pre-opening events at noon. The community is
invited to join in this fun filled event.
There will be activities for
everyone. The entertainment lineup is; Duke Mason
Band at 12:15 p.m., Midwest Taekwondo
demonstration at 2:00 p.m., Central High School
Kilties at 2:30 p.m., Natural Disaster Band at
3:00 p.m., Bess Lanyon at 4:15 p.m., No Apparent
Reason Band at 5:15 p.m., Ninth Hour Vocal Group
at 8:00 p.m. (Times may vary). Lots of games,
face painting, bounce house, petting zoo, eats
and more.
The official opening ceremonies
will begin at 7:00 p.m. with the Survivors walk
at 7:15 p.m. we have over 65 registered survivors
that will take that first lap around the park.
All survivors that would like to attend are
invited to come and be a part of this ceremony in
their Honor… Luminary services will begin at
9:15 p.m. and a luminary in the park can be
purchased starting at noon for $5.00 in Memory or
in Honor of someone that has made the battle or
going through the battle. All proceeds will go to
the America Cancer Society.
Just Jake
City Council
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
Weekly Columns Jack Sours grew up in the foothills of
the Ozark Mountains where he gained an
appreciation for fine art and old style
craftsmanship. Sours began making pottery in 1972
in Crescent City, CA where he had the opportunity
to study with several potters in that area and
learned several methods of production. In the
early 1980s he returned to the Midwest and began
experimenting with the surface of his pottery,
that technique evolving into Celtic themes, a
tribute to his family heritage. In 1996 Jack
built a wood fired kiln to enhance the ancient
symbolism that is prevalent in his more
sculptural work and to provide a unique quality
in his domestic ware. This wood firing provides
glazes that can be obtained in no other way, and
never duplicated. He became very interested in
stone carving after meeting and working with Bill
Snow locally and continues to work with Snow to
evolve sculptural forms in both clay and stone.
He has exhibited in numerous local and regional
shows and was a recent winner at the artCentral
Membership Show with a ceramic sculpture. His
studio is located in Neosho, MO where he lives
and plays bluegrass music with his wife and
fellow artist, Lee Ann. Jack and Lee Ann open a
new exhibition here at Hyde House Gallery Friday
night, May 28th, beginning at 6:00 with an
artists’ reception in their honor. Joining
them is their daughter Suzanne Israel with her
unusual fiber hangings and textile art in the
Member Gallery. The Sours family art will be
displayed through June 13th during regular
gallery hours, Friday- Sunday, 12:00 to 5:00.
Come out and see the beautiful ceramics, stone
sculpture, weaving, organic form quilts and
textiles created by this family.
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