laugh Give a man a fish and
he will eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he will go out
and buy expensive fishing equipment, stupid looking
clothes, a sports utility vehicle, travel 1000 miles to
the "hottest" fishing spot, and stand waist
deep in cold water just so he can outsmart a fish.
(Average cost per fish: $395.68)
A fellow comes home after his regular
Saturday golf game and his wife asks why he doesn’t
include Tom O’Brien in the games anymore.
The husband asks, "Would you want
to play with a guy who regularly cheats, swears up a
storm over everything, lies about his score, and has
nothing good to say about anyone else on the
"Of course I wouldn’t,"
replies the wife.
"Well," says the husband,
"Neither would Tom O’Brien."
There is no "I" in
"Team", but there are four in
"Platitude-Quoting Idiot".
I can’t get enough minimalism.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Weed Through His
Jesse Melugin Knocked
Out of Today’s Game by an Accident.
In a practice game at the college
campus, last evening Jesse Melugin, of the Senior High
school foot ball team, fell and struck his left hand on
the stump of a weed that had recently been cut down.
The weed penetrated the palm of the
hand, going clear through and coming out an inch or more
between the thumb and forefinger. Jesse pluckily pulled
it out, and showed the true grit of a professional foot
ball player by not exhibiting any evidence of the pain he
was suffering.
He came up to Drs. Thomas & Post,
where the wound was given an antiseptic dressing. If the
weed does not cause blood poisoning, the wound will
likely heal by first intention, otherwise it may cause
great pain if not more serious complications.
Today's Feature 10th Annual
Carthage Alumni
Football Game
October 9.
The Carthage R-9 School
Foundation will present the 10th Annual Alumni
Football Game fundraiser on Saturday, October 9
at K.E. Baker Stadium. Gates open at 6 pm and the
game begins at 7 p.m.
Tickets are only $2.00 at the
gate for adults. There is no charge for children
ages 12 and under.
"This is the first major
fundraiser of the school year for Carthage R-9
School Foundation," said Vicki Cash,
Foundation Director. "It’s a great time
featuring the Alumni Football players, a Youth
Football scrimmage, and special appearances by
the Youth Cheerleaders. We greatly appreciate the
community’s support of this event for 10
Other activities include a car
bash, a raffle, and hamburgers and hot dogs.
"We also invite all Alumni
Football Homecoming Queens and former and current
football coaches to the game to be recognized on
the field at half time," Cash said.
For more information -
Just Jake
I’m sure its just a
matter of dumb luck, but I haven’t
gotten really ticked off in a traffic
situation yet this summer. Usually I’ll
(figuratively) run into some idiot with the
windows rolled up and the radio blastin’
who doesn’t think there is anyone else
usin’ their road. Then I get ta
thinkin’, maybe its my turn to be the
idiot and I just don’t have the sense to
realize it.
I know that lady that
followed me for eight or ten blocks with her
hood under my taillights was prob’ly
gettin’ a little nervous ‘cause I
was goin’ a couple a miles under the 30
mph speed limit the other day. ‘Course
if I sped up a little, she was right there
with me. I decided not to rush myself. It
didn’t really tick me off that she was
tailgatin’, but she may have another
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services |
NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally
Armstrong, Director of artCentral
Thanks to all the folks who
were present last Friday evening for the opening
of the current exhibition by Joplin
artist/photographer Linda Teeter, and her show
entitled "Graffiti: Urban Art" in our
Main Gallery. It was a nice crowd, but I know we
will see additional folks this weekend at the
"Graffiti Bash!" party on Saturday, who
can view the exhibition at that time. Depending
on when you read this article, we will have
either already completed the "Graffiti
Bash!"party, or it will be happening the
very next day, Saturday October 2nd! Our board of
directors has planned a fun event to occur
outside on the grounds of Hyde House for all our
adult members and their adult guests, or anyone
from the community who would enjoy a fun evening
of painting fun! For a donation of $5.00,
participants will watch or participate in a
paintball activity, where a giant "25"
will be decorated with color! They can observe
pastel artists creating beautiful sidewalk
drawings, and participate themselves in this art
activity, become art yourself by allowing Tricia
Burgi paint your face, or assist the cookie
makers spinning sugar cookies with colored icing
and sprinkles. Yum! If you bring a white or light
colored shirt you can stencil or paint it in the
shirt painting booth, or join the folks who are
painting the rear wall with brushes and spray
paints, our own graffiti wall. Artist Jim Bilgere
will be executing a massive ten foot mural all
the while, a performance art of sorts, and enjoy
beer, soft drinks and nibbles while watching this
and other events. Please come dressed in
"disposable clothing" and join the fun
from 4:00-6:00 Saturday the 2nd. Attend this
"art happening", but if you missed it,
we are hoping you will still stop by Sunday, or
next weekend, --- Friday through Sunday from noon
to 5:00, to view the photography show inside in
the Main Gallery. The work remains hanging
through October 10th.
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