laugh "That’s so when I forget how to spell
my name, I can still find my clothes." - Stu
Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing, explaining why he
keeps a color photo of himself above his locker
"You guys line up alphabetically
by height" - Bill Peterson, a Florida State football
"I know the Virginia players are
smart because you need a 1500 SAT to get in. I have to
drop bread crumbs to get our players to and from
class" - George Raveling, Washington State
basketball coach
"Why would anyone expect him to
come out smarter? He went to prison for three years, not
Princeton." -Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson
hooking up again with promoter Don King
"The ballparks have gotten too
crowded. That’s why nobody goes to see the game
anymore." -Yogi Berra
"I’m going to graduate on
time, no matter how long it takes."
-Senior basketball player at the
University of Pittsburgh
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Makes False
Said a prominent Methodist this
morning, "I see that there is some kind of a fish
story in the paper today about one of the gamblers
arrested at the fair grounds last week having once been
well off and a good member of the Methodist church, and
that his wife was also a member of that church. The story
goes on to say that when ill luck came the man had to
take to gambling so that his wife could have enough money
to keep up appearances and thus not be shunned in her
church. Now, I don’t know anything about the gambler
or his history, but anyone who intimates that any poor
woman who is a member of a Methodist church is shunned,
willfully misrepresents the case. The Methodist church,
above all others, reaches after the poor and needy and
gladly takes them into the fold. I wish you’d just
state that there’s false philosophy in that
Today's Feature Maple Leaf
Lighting Contest
The Maple Leaf Festival
Committee and the Carthage Convention and
Visitor’s Bureau are pleased to announce the
winners of the Maple Leaf Festival Lighting
Contest. The Winners in the residential category
are Brandi Ensor, 1st Place, John Petticrew, 2nd
Place and Gordon & Mary Benny, 3rd Place. The
overall winner in the business category is
Carthage Caring Communities, a coalition of the
Alliance of SWMO & Carthage Area United Way.
Addresses and maps of the lighting route are
available at the CVB office on 402 S. Garrison.
As with the original campaign
in 1967, Carthage residents decorated yards and
businesses to illuminate and celebrate the
changing of the season during Maple Leaf Festival
Week. Winners have signs to display during Maple
Leaf Festival and will be presented with garden
stone awards at a later date.
"When the Maple Leaf
Festival Committee made the lighting contest
suggestion last year, I felt it was a great fit
for the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to
sponsor," says Wendi Douglas, Carthage CVB
Director. "Carthage has been voted a
beautiful city time and time again and
highlighting the area at night seemed a unique
opportunity for visiting leaf lovers.
Additionally, the CVB has offered trees to
residents and businesses the last three years
through our Re-Leaf Program and the contest takes
the Re-Leaf Program a bit further."
The displays are within
Carthage city limits and available for viewing
October 9-16, 2010 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. For
more information, contact the Carthage Convention
& Visitor’s Bureau at 417-359-8181 or
Just Jake
As you can see from this
Jake from November 2000, there’s not
much new goin’ on.
"Just ta keep the
record straight, there will be two separate
but somewhat related issues scheduled for
discussion at next Monday’s Public
Safety meetin’.
One is whether stores
should be allowed to start sellin’
alcoholic beverages at 11 a.m. on Sunday
rather than the current 1 p.m. Several
business owners have requested the change.
The other Sunday
situation is whether restaurants can sell
alcoholic beverages on Sunday at all. The
State of Missouri says they can, but they
also allow some regulation by the City.
Currently the City has no laws on the books
that really addresses the question. Some
restaurant owners are wantin’ some
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
Samantha Mazzotta
Mouse in the
Q: I went into my kitchen late
last night, and when I switched on the light and
looked up, there was a very surprised mouse
looking back at me from the top of the cabinet
next to the stove. I’m not real thrilled
with this development. How can I get rid of this
mouse? -- Farah in Framingham, Mass.
A: There are a number of ways
to get rid of mice, including traps and poisons,
but you also need to prevent any more from
getting in.
House mice are most active in
the fall and find their way inside homes through
small cracks in the foundation, crawl spaces,
open garages and anyplace they can access. They
can slip through holes as small as a quarter-inch
in diameter.
To rid yourself of this
particular mouse, a spring-loaded mousetrap is
loud and messy but pretty effective. It must be
set up out of reach of pets and children. Poison
is another method -- you place a poison pellet
near the mouse’s suspected entry point. The
benefit here is the mouse typically eats the
pellet or carries it back to its nest, and dies
somewhere else. The danger, again, is to pets and
children, so make sure neither can access pellets
or traps.
Preventing another infestation
should be carried out on two fronts. First,
locate possible entry points into your
home’s living spaces and block them, either
by sealing up or placing copper mesh or steel
wool into the hole. Next, reduce the mouse’s
chance to get at any food by storing grains,
flour, pasta and other dry storage foods in
plastic or metal containers. Clean the kitchen
immediately after finishing dinner -- don’t
leave plates or pots with food on them that will
attract rodents. Take kitchen garbage out to a
large garbage can or compost pile each night.
Store the large garbage can away from the house
or on the side of the garage farthest from the
living area, and keep the lid securely fastened.
To reduce possible entry points
from outside the home, trim shrubbery around the
foundation so it’s at least 1 foot away from
the house. Patch small cracks in the foundation
and seal small entry holes on the home’s
exterior. Repair damaged gutters and soffits and
other roof damage. If your attic’s
ventilation system looks to be easily accessible
to rodents, check with a roofing or attic
specialist for preventative measures you can take
(don’t block up the vents, however).
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