laugh Arnold and his
wife were cleaning out the attic one day when he came
across a ticket from the local shoe repair shop. The date
stamped on the ticket showed that it was over eleven
years old. "Do you think the shoes will still be in
the shop?" Arnold asked.
"Not very likely," his wife
"It’s worth a try,"
Arnold said, pocketing the ticket. He went downstairs,
hopped into the car, and drove to the store.
With a straight face, he handed the
ticket to the man behind the counter. With a face just as
straight, the man said, "Just a minute. I’ll
have to look for these."
Two minutes later, the man called out,
"Here they are!"
"No kidding?" Arnold called
back. "That’s terrific! Who would have thought
they’d still be here after all this time."
The man came back to the counter,
empty-handed. "They’ll be ready Thursday,"
he said calmly.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
The Carthage Music
Students Speeded on Their Way by Mr. and Mrs. Ihlseng.
A. O. Ihlseng returned this morning
from a two weeks’ trip to New York and expects to
leave shortly to look after business in Colorado. Mrs.
Ihlseng and daughter, Olga, will come out from New York
after his return from the west, and they will again
occupy their home in Cassil place, which was let for the
summer to W. B. Fisher, the latter having secured the
Gashwiler property.
While in New York Mr. Ihlseng, assisted
by his wife, did the honors of the city to the Carthage
party who sailed for Germany on the 15th inst. The party
went shopping with Mrs. Ihlseng as pilot on Friday and
were entertained by her at lunch. On Saturday morning all
met again at the steamer and the travelers were seen
safely off by Mr. and Mrs. Ihlseng safely off by Mr. and
Mrs. Ihlseng and Walter Wheatley
Today's Feature Citizens Invited
for R-9 Plan for the Future.
News release -The
Carthage R-9 School district is offering an open
invitation to its entire community to help
address challenges the District faces. This
effort has been named Carthage 2020 with the goal
of involving the citizens of the community in
developing recommendations that, upon
implementation, will make Carthage schools number
one in southwest Missouri in terms of student
achievement, facilities, and patron satisfaction.
"Our goal is to bring the
public together to see the issues the District is
facing first hand and to create community
solutions that will make the Carthage R-9 Schools
the number one district in southwest
Missouri," explains Superintendent Dr.
Blaine Henningsen. "The process is
completely open. We are encouraging everyone to
Anyone interested in
participating is encouraged to register by
calling 359-7000. the first session will be on
October 12, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the commons
area of the Carthage High School, 2600 S. River
Just Jake
I was readin’ through
the various proposals that are gonna be on
the ballot in November. Lotta words.
‘Course I’d be guessin’ that
most won’t have the time or the
inclination to sift through ‘em all.
Most folks will
prob’ly let the media or the billboards
influence how they vote on any particular
The fact that the entire
content of all the proposals are published in
most of the newspapers in the state does
point to the fact that livin’ in a
democracy can get down right expensive.
Just the cost of
havin’ an election at the County level
is an example of the dollars it takes to give
folks a chance to voice their opinion.
Don’t waste your tax money. Be sure to
cast your vote in November.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally
Armstrong, Director of artCentral
We have just completed the
"Graffiti Bash!" party, and thanks to
all who were present for this fun "art
happening"! Our board of directors planned a
fun event to occur outside on the grounds of Hyde
House for all our adult members and their adult
guests, or anyone from the community who wanted
to enjoy a fun evening of painting fun! This was
to compliment the inside art showing by Linda
Teeter of graffiti themed photography, which
opened the previous weekend. For a donation of
$5.00, participants watched or participated in a
paintball activity, where a giant "25"
was decorated with color! They observed pastel
artists Becky Golubski, and Crystal
Manning-Robinson creating beautiful sidewalk
drawings, and participated themselves in this art
activity! Tricia Burgi painted her professional
designs on faces, and the cookie makers were
spinning sugar cookies with colored icing and
sprinkles. Yum! Those that remembered to bring a
shirt to decorate stenciled and painted it in the
shirt painting booth, and most of the folks ended
the evening by painting on the rear wall with
brushes and spray paints, our own graffiti-mural
wall. As a surprise attraction, a real graffiti
artist, Vincent Alejandro was present as a guest,
and once he saw the members working on the long
wall, he left and returned with his own
"professional sprays" and executed a
long graffiti design of his own, including his
"tag" or signature. We hope to see
Vincent again in a show next year! Artist Jim
Bilgere, originally from New Orleans and
currently living in Carthage, executed a massive
ten foot mural all during the event, a
performance art of sorts. Jim returned Sunday and
Monday to fine tune this mural and it is a
permanent design now in our "exterior
gallery." All guests attending enjoyed
receiving a souvenir bandana and also partook of
beer, soft drinks and nibbles. It was a huge hit
for those that were present, and many commented
that they hoped we would make it an annual event!
Come by and see the handiwork of these folks, and
especially the mural by Bilgere, graffiti by
Alejandro, and the decorative "25"
which we will also display on the grounds. The
current inside exhibition will be open this
Sunday the 10th from 1:00- 5:00 for the final day
of this showing.
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