laugh MONDAY: For sale: R.D. Jones has one sewing
machine for sale. Pbone 948-0707 after 7 P.M.. and ask
for Mrs. Kelly who lives with him cheap.
TUESDAY Notice: We regret having erred
In R.D. Jones’ ad yesterday. It should have read
"One sewing machine for sale cheap. Phone 948-0707
and ask for Mrs. Kelly, who lives with him after 7
WEDNESDAY Notice: R.D. Jones has
informed us that he has received several annoying
telephone calls because of the error we made in the
classified ad yesterday. The ad stands correct as
follows: "For sale -- R.D. Jones has one sewing
machine for sale. Cheap. Phone 948-0707 after 7 P.M. and
ask for Mrs. Kelly who loves with him."
THURSDAY Notice: I, R.D. Jones, have no
sewing machine for sale. I smashed it. Don’t call
948-0707 as I have had the phone disconnected. I have not
been carrying on with Mrs. Kelly. Until yesterday she was
my housekeeper but she quit!
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Taken Sick En Route.
J.H. Jones and family came into town
Saturday night in a covered wagon en route from
Springfield to Iola, Kan., where they will buy a farm and
make their home. The family consisted of husband, wife
and son, and the wife’s mother. Mrs. Jones was quite
sick with grip and the party went to the Commercial
hotel, where they remained until Monday noon, for medical
treatment. Mrs. Jones was improved by that time and the
journey was resumed. Mr. Jones had been an old railroad
man and lost his hand while switching cars a year ago.
The lawn surrounding the municipal
power house at Carter’s park has been carefully
cultivated, graded and leveled and was sown in grass seed
this morning.
When you get ready to do that papering
get Fred C. Pfifer. Phone No. 160.
Today's Feature Free Tickets Were
Available for Powers Museum Chautauqua.
The Helen S. Boylan Foundation
has given a grant to the Powers Museum which
allowed the September Civil War Chautauqua to be
presented for free (no ticket fee) to those
Ticket reservations were still
needed for each performance due to limited
seating and it was recommended to reserve prior
to performance.
Limited Seats Available for
September 17 -- General Robert E. Lee’s New
Hat (Lee presented by Norman Joy) at Stone’s
Throw Theatre (796 S. Stone Lane -- just west of
Powers Museum/Municipal Park on old Route 66) at
7:30 p.m. Advance reservations for tickets were
needed as seating is limited compared to previous
Chautauqua venues.
Performance Seating was FULL
for September 18 -- General Ulysses S. Grant
presented by Dave Dickerson at Stone’s Throw
Limited Seats were available
for September 19 -- Mary Boykin Chesnut presented
by Dianne Moran at Stone’s Throw Theatre. .
Just Jake
don’t think of it as shoppin,’ ya
shop for underwear. This is more of an
I’m in the market, as
they say. Not in any big hurry. The tool
I’m lookin’ for isn’t even a
necessity. I’ve got time. Nothin’
worse than finally buyin’ somethin’
and findin’ out it won’t do what ya
want it to do.
I spent a good portion of a
day last weekend just findin’ out
exactly what it is that I’m
wantin’. Fact is, I spent most of the
time just lookin’ for someone who knew
anything about what it was I was lookin’
Found one guy that seemed
ta know quite a bit, but he said he
wasn’t much of an expert on the topic.
Couple others had the new merchandise, but
not much knowledge. I did run across another
item I already had for ‘bout a hunderd
bucks less than what I paid. Hate it when
that happens.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services |
To Your Good
By Paul G. Donohue,
Bad to the Bone
provide information on osteoarthritis of the
knee? Please include steps to take if you have
it. Does it hurt a lot after surgery? Do vitamins
or calcium help? -- W.J.
ANSWER: Osteoarthritis is the
most common kind of arthritis. One-third of the
population age 65 and older has it. It’s a
cracking and crumbling of the cartilage inside
the joint, which makes for bone rubbing against
bone. The result is pain and stiffness. Age
isn’t the sole factor causing it. Being
overweight, heredity, misalignment of the joint
bones and previous injury all contribute to its
appearance. Climbing stairs, getting out of a
chair and walking become challenges.
A cure has yet to be found, but
there are steps to take to manage it. Weight
loss, if that applies to you, makes a huge
difference. Loss of only 5 percent of current
weight increases joint mobility and lessens pain.
Exercise helps. Walk to the point of pain, rest
and then continue on your way. Strengthening the
thigh and hamstring muscles protects the knees. A
warm shower or bath on rising decreases
Tylenol is a safe and effective
pain reliever. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) -- Aleve, Advil, Motrin and many
others -- work well, but their downside is
stomach irritation and the possible promotion of
an ulcer. Simultaneously taking medicines that
blunt stomach-acid production affords protection
against these side effects. Prilosec and Zantac
are two examples of protective drugs. Voltaren
gel, an NSAID medicine that’s applied
directly to the skin over the knees, reduces the
threat of stomach irritation yet eases joint
pain. Your doctor can inject the knee with
cortisone, which often affords three or more
months of relief.
Calcium and vitamins don’t
work. People often ask about chondroitin and
glucosamine. In spite of testimonials praising
them, little evidence exists for their efficacy.
If you want to try them, they won’t hurt.
The ultimate treatment for
severe knee osteoarthritis is replacement of the
joint. I know few people so happy with their
treatment than are the ones who have had this
surgery. Pain after surgery is not great and is
not long-lasting.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.