laugh A Panhandler who was working Wall Street one day
approached a dignified businessman and asked him for some
money. The man replied, "I’m very sorry, but I
never give money to people in the street."
The panhandler replied, "What
should I do? Come up to your office?
A man taking a woman home after their
first date asks if he can come inside of a cup of coffee.
"Oh, no," she says, "I never ask a guy in
on the first date."
"Okay," the man replies,
"how about the last date?"
Frank was madly in love with Susan, but
couldn’t get up enough courage to pop the question
face to face. Finally he decided to ask her on the
telephone. "Darling! He blurted out, "Will you
marry me?"
"Of course, I will, you silly
boy," she replied, "Who’s speaking?"
A rooster was strutting around one
Easter morning and came across a nest of eggs dyed every
color of the rainbow. The rooster took one look, ran
outside and beat the heck out of the resident peacock.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
"Steel Gang" Say They Have a Double Mission
Here—The New Steel.
It is probable that the Frisco steel
gang now here will be utilized for putting in two
switches instead of the one alone mentioned previous. In
addition to the McDaniel switch they will probably soon
run over to Stebbins & Johns’ "Spring river
quarry." At least the gang themselves say that they
understand that is to be part of their work here, though
others connected with the road say they have no definite
information about it. Such a switch is much wanted at the
quarry, but it is quite an undertaking to build it as the
mill race, the river and a good-sized branch will have to
be bridged to reach the quarry from the Frisco.
Pending the city council’s action
in arranging the routes for switches, the special gang of
eighteen track layers are busily engaged in re-laying
about a mile and a quarter of track west of town.
The re-layed track includes the curve
west of town and reaches from there nearly back to the
city limits.
The Frisco is laying a heavy new steel
track extending from Pierce City as far west as
Wentworth, and further continuation is delayed because
the supply of steel cannot be obtained any faster.
The new track will likely be extended
through Carthage, and what with building switches,
repairing old track here and laying new steel, the gang
now in Carthage say they will probably be located here
most of the year.
Today's Feature Cattle Thieves
Have Returned.
A small group of calves were
stolen last week in Stone County.
Unfortunately, the news that
cattle thieves have returned to the Ozarks is no
surprise to Eldon Cole, a livestock specialist
with University of Missouri Extension for over 40
"The cattle market is
hitting record highs and almost daily items come
across the internet about thefts in surrounding
states," said Cole.
According to Cole, cattle
thefts in southwest Missouri seem to follow a
pattern of happening when there is plenty of
moonlight, the weather is nice and after a cattle
trailer has been stolen from a farm not too far
Cole says the neighborhood
watch system can help and he also suggests
checking and counting cattle daily at different
times of the day.
If cattle are missing, notify
law enforcement immediately. This can be the
local sheriff or the Missouri Rural Theft Hotline
at 1-888-484-8477.
Just Jake
Like most kids of the time,
I was always on the lookout for an empty pop
bottle along the path. I wasn’t one to
collect a case before cashin’ ‘em
in. I’d usually trade a bottle or two
for some penny candy. When the bounty on
bottle raised to two cents, seven of ‘em
would buy a bottle of model car paint, and
pay the tax.
In the small town I lived
in, some stores didn’t carry all the
brands on the market. The standard Coke,
Pepsi, RC, Nehi, and Sunkist were always
good, but some brands could only be cashed in
at the grocery in the County Seat, some
sixteen miles away. It wasn’t that I
minded the walk, but I wasn’t old enough
ta cross the street by myself.
I never promoted a game of
"spin the bottle." At that age I
figured I’d rather have the two cents.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
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By Samantha Mazzotta
Refrigerator Runs Hot and Cold
Q: I’m having trouble with
my refrigerator. Food sitting on the upper shelf
of the fridge gets ice crystals in it, while the
stuff in the bottom crisper seems barely cool.
Adjusting the temperature doesn’t seem to do
anything. Any tips? -- Jericho P., Philadelphia
A: Sometimes a little cleaning
and maintenance can solve minor temperature
issues. If these tips don’t work, however,
contact an appliance-repair center or the
manufacturer for more instructions.
Refrigerators, whether their
freezer compartments sit atop or underneath the
main compartment, use the principles of
condensation to their advantage. The refrigerator
compartment is typically cooled from the top
down, so often the topmost shelf of a
refrigerator is also the coolest part of the
refrigerator compartment. In an efficiently
running fridge, this isn’t always apparent,
but if something is impeding this efficiency, the
fridge may be having trouble regulating the
temperature of both the freezer and refrigerator.
Dirty coils, bad seals, or a faulty thermostat
are some common problems that can affect your
First though, clean out your
freezer and refrigerator and toss any old foods.
An overcrowded fridge compartment can affect air
circulation, meaning some areas stay colder than
Check the door seals. A dry,
cracked or warped seal, or excessive water
condensation around a seal, indicates a problem.
Replacement seals can be ordered from the
manufacturer or an appliance parts specialist
(many can be found online). If the seal is really
dirty or has caked-on material, clean it with
soapy water. Sometimes that alone does the trick.
The refrigeration coils,
located either behind or underneath the fridge,
tend to collect lots of dust. Unplug the
refrigerator for 5-10 minutes and vacuum the
coils using the vacuum cleaner’s hose
attachment. Doing this once a month will keep the
dust bunnies down.
A bad thermostat also can be a
culprit, although your fridge isn’t showing
clear signs of a thermostat problem. These signs
include the entire fridge and freezer being warm
even though the temperature setting is maxed, and
frost buildup in the back of the freezer even
though ice cream stays soft.
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