laugh Two women met outside the supermarket.
"How’s your husband’s golf game?"
"Oh, it’s interesting." "Interesting?
How so?" "Seems the older he gets, the better
he used to be."
An agent was discussing an act with a
stubborn club owner. "I got an act," said the
agent, "who’d be great. He specializes in
putting his right arm into a lion’s mouth."
"That sounds interesting,"
said the owner. "What’s he call himself?"
"Lefty," said the agent
If evolution really works, how come
mothers only have two hands?
One way of making your spouse sit up
and take notice is to talk in your sleep.
A priest once saw a small boy in an
Irish town standing on tiptoe trying to reach a doorbell,
so the priest climbed the stairs and rang the bell for
the lad, who said, "Thanks, Father, now let’s
Orthopedists get all the breaks.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Cow Killed on the
Shortly after 8 o’clock last night
car No. 43, on the electric road, ran into and killed a
cow about a mile and half this side of Webb City. The
animal was instantly killed, but was not thrown from the
track. W. R. Fletcher was among the passengers on the
cars, and he says the shock felt by the sudden contact
with the cow was very severe.
A woman named Tillman died yesterday at
her home in the west part of town in destitute
circumstances. She was a soldier’s widow and was
buried in the soldiers’ cemetery at the expense of
the county.
Mr. D. Linn, found a confederate one
dollar bill on the street today. It is on the bank of
Chattanooga and Mr. Linn says he knows it is worth at
least 5 cents for he was offered a nickel for it.
Today's Feature Ride of the
The City of Carthage
Sesquicentennial Committee and The Battle of
Carthage, Inc. will sponsor a Ride of the
Commanders on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 10 a.m.
Reenactor officers and their staffs will meet at
the Leggett & Platt headquarters parking lot
to mount their horses and study the marching
routes and battlefields for the upcoming Battle
of Carthage reenactment. The ride route is on
restricted and private property, not open to the
"May 14 will be a unique
opportunity for Carthaginians and visitors –
the only time the Battle of Carthage has been
reenacted in town where much of the 1861 battle
actually took place. In preparation for this
historic event, our reenactor commanders will
meet this weekend to view the planned battle
sites, marching routes, and camp grounds."
states Gordon Billheimer, President of Battle of
Carthage, Inc.
Immediately following the
Leggett ride, the reenactor commanders will
further tour the campgrounds at Municipal Park,
the Oak Street marching route to the in town
battle zone, and the proposed in town battlefield
Just Jake
For those of ya who liked
the mathematical puzzles. Three investors
bought into a publishin’ company, each
puttin’ up $400,000 (no penny ante
stuff) for a total investment of $1.2
After lookin’ the deal
over, the original owner figured he
overcharged by $200,000. He brought in a
lawyer to straighten out the deal. He sent
$40,000 back to each of the investors, and
kept $80,000 for his trouble.
Here’s how it all adds
up: Each investor ended up puttin’ in
$360,000 for a total investment of
$1,080,000. Add that to what the lawyer kept
and ya end up with a grand total of
$1,160,000. Subtract that from the original
$1.2 million and the question of course
bein’, what happened to the $40,000?
‘Course this took some
figurin’, so take your time.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing |
ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Thanks to all the brave souls
who came out last weekend for the first Historic
Carthage Art Walk downtown. For those who decided
not to brave the weather, you really missed out!
Friday night was still cool, but the weather
broke early in the evening, and visitors enjoyed
a dry evening as they walked around the square
visiting the various artists, listening to the
music in the different venues, and the artists
all said that they were pleasantly surprised at
the number of visitors Friday night. We were
inside the door of UMB, as it was a bit too cool
to sit outside, and the artists at that location,
Rachel Wilson and Robin Putnam both enjoyed a lot
of patrons who truly appreciated both
womens’ talents in sculpture--- Robins with
a chisel on stone and Rachel her wood.
Congratulations to Rachel on the sale of one of
her tiny horses that night! I appreciated all the
artists who came out—that is not an easy
task, especially when your work involves
breakables, large or heavy moving, sometimes
CRANES! Yes, one artist, Aston Stovern of Joplin,
had large metal sculptures on the courthouse lawn
that took a crane to move in and out. So just
remember, when these artists come to show, they
give not only of their time, but their physical
efforts many times ( and the efforts of their
families in many cases!) are also involved! So,
thanks to all the artists, the volunteers on both
sides—artists and city folks alike, who made
this all possible. It was a great first effort,
and one that we will be using as our guideline as
we progress to the next scheduled art show in
July. Watch for that one on the city calendar,
and be sure to come out and take a look!
You may not be in the market to
buy, but just enjoy the fun!
Copyright 2011, Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.