laugh A little girl was talking to her teacher about
whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for
a whale to swallow a human because even though a whale is
a very large mammal, its throat is very small. The little
girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. The
teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a
human, it was impossible. The little girl said,
"When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".
The teacher asked, "What if Jonah
went to hell?"
The girl replied, "Then you ask
Little Emily was complaining to her
mother that her stomach hurt. Her mother replied,
"That’s because it’s empty. Maybe you
should try putting something in it." The next day,
the pastor was over at Emily’s family’s house
for lunch. He mentioned having his head hurt, to which
Emily immediately replied, "That’s because
it’s empty. Maybe you should try putting something
in it."
"How do you make babies?"
It’s simple, replied the girl.
"You just change y to i and add es."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Gave a Concert at
Miss Emma Johns, Miss Clara Evans, Ruth
Myers and the Schubert quartet of this city gave a
concert at the M. E. church in Galena, Kansas, last
night. The concert was very successful and very
satisfactory to the audience.
The church people gave the concert to
raise money for the purchase of an organ for the church
and a neat sum was cleared. The party went down on the 4
o’clock car and returned on the 1:10 Missouri
Pacific train this morning.
Butcher Shop Sold
Mr. J. J. Raymaker, the north Main
street butcher, has secured a position as a traveling
salesman for a large packing house and yesterday closed
out his stock and disposed of his fixtures. His family is
still in Carthage.
Today's Feature Bird Point Levee
PoliticMo - Missouri
leaders at nearly every level announced Wednesday
their adamant opposition to the Army Corps of
Engineers considering blowing the Bird Point
levee as a remedy to ease flooding in Illinois.
The levee in question is
located near New Madrad, Missouri. Governor Jay
Nixon, speaking in Kansas City, said blowing the
levee could cause significant damage to farm land
in the southeastern part of the state.
"We’re a long way
from wanting to see a levee blown up, flooding
135,000 acres and a couple of towns being washed
out," Nixon said. He said his administration
was considering what other options they had, but
"more than tussle with the Corps, we need to
make sure Missourians are safe, out of
harms’ way and prevent as little damage as
Nixon isn’t alone in his
call. In a letter to President Barack Obama, Rep.
Jo Ann Emerson, who represents the area in
question, and Senators Roy Blunt and Claire
McCaskill called on the Corps of Engineers to
consider other options.
Letter to the Editor.
Opinions expressed are
those of the writer and not necessarily those of
the Mornin’ Mail.
Hi There, Jake,
I live in central
Oklahoma...and I’m an Oklahoman, not an
Okie. We are very proud of our "Okies"
who bravely started out to California to find a
better life after the winds had taken away most
of Okklahoma’s red dirt and sent it on to
Arkansas. My people stayed put on their Oklahoma
farms and grieved to see their families and
friends go west. We can’t begin to claim to
be as courageous as those who piled their
belongings on top of the ol’ Ford and took
their first steps to the ‘promised
land", Californey. Sooooo, I’m an
Oklahoman, thank you very much.
How-some-never, this Oklahoman
and this Oklahoman’s Yankee husband
(he’s from Kansas, but I’ve forgiven
him for that long past) are pickin’ up roots
and moving to Missouri. We are going to put down
new roots in Carytown and just thrilled.
Your part of the country is
just the best. Y’all are southern friendly
and we can’t wait to get to know y’all
better. I hope all of you there can stop and look
around you at some of the prettiest country
around. Reach out and touch your neighbor and let
him know you are there. Smile, sing, dance and
just enjoy bein’ alive.
I’m thrilled to have found
"Mornin’ Mail" online and enjoy it
every day. Keep it up!
Well, y’all...nice
chatting with you...Have a nice day...Patsy
Just Jake
I was walkin’ the
other day and a car was waitin’ to pull
out of the parkin’ lot. I aimed to the
rear of the car to let the driver know I was
clear and the car went ahead and pulled out.
No since in a car havin’ to wait on my
I was drivin’ and a
teenager stopped in the middle of a cross
walk and just stood there as if to dare me to
hit him. He and his buddy seemed to get a big
kick outa makin’ the vehicle slow to a
Now I’m not
sayin’ that I didn’t have a right
to my piece of the sidewalk when I was
walkin’, or the kid didn’t have a
right to be safe in the cross walk. It just
appears to me that sometimes folks get to
thinkin’ just because they have a right,
they want to flaunt it to the world.
Even though ya got a right,
sometimes it’s better to just do
what’s right.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin’
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ART NOTES from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong,
Director of artCentral
Once more we begin to look
forward to our May organizational meeting here at
artCentral. This is when new members join our
board, and sometimes older members step off
having completed their terms. It is with a sad
heart that we "release" Don Knost next
month, as Don had been on the artCentral board
from nearly the beginning! I am afraid he
can’t remember when he wasn’t
responsible for some aspect of artCentral as its
Board President, be it financial or work related.
We will be sending him "off" with a
bang, but he won’t be far, as he has
promised to be available as he might be needed in
the future. Additionally in May we will welcome
several new folks to our board, and I will
introduce them later. Our next show is on the
horizon, that being "Missouri Colored Pencil
Artists", a group exhibition. I am excited
to see what Cheryl Church of Carthage brings to
this show, along with Michele DeSutter of Monett,
Dustin Miller of Diamond, and Lora Waring of
Carthage and junior Natasha Petersen and Fredy
Garibay from Carthage. We welcome them all to our
galleries and hope for a lot of beautiful
drawings, some realistic, some impressionistic,
but all colorful! The public will be invited to
attend the opening and artists’ reception on
May 20th at 6:00pm here at Hyde House, 1110 E.
13th in Carthage, and this exhibition will remain
in the galleries through June 5th. Next week I
will begin telling you a bit about each artist
and their work. We are mailing this week the
artCamp informational fliers and cards to all
former students, members of artCentral, and all
those who had signed up either at the artWalk or
here in the gallery, that they had kids who might
be interested. Be sure and look these over and
get them back so as not to be disappointed if a
special class fills up. I think we are offering a
wonderful array of classes this year, with 8 top
art teachers teaching! Come by for a flier or
visit the children’s library in Carthage for
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